Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Saturday 8 September 2018

CBB UK Summer 2018 - Episode 23 - Itty Bitty Eviction, Hardeep v Sally

Here we are, citizens, last eviction before Vote to Win kicks on

Will the House Cook or the phoney psychic be shown the door as we hurtle towards the finale of possibly the final celebrity series on Five

Lights on, whoop whoop and take it away, Mrs Willis

She welcomes us in and previews tonight's events when as usual Hardeep is being picked at, and the housemates get a blast from the past, no I'm not talking about the ex housemates, more like those days when it cost a fortune to use the internet in the days long before broadband. She also tells us about a little sneak peek for Civilian

Into the house action we go, and Hardeep is snoring away. Gabby is feeling tired due to said snoring, not going to bother counting the picks against Hardeep in this one.

Kirstie and Sally are discussing the eviction, really hope she goes or her ego will go through the roof if Hardeep goes.

Nick and Hardeep are clearing the air after a disagreement in the last episode, basically to do with that game Big Brother laid out for them. Operation make them miserable before the final is in full effect I would say.

Back to Kirstie and Sally, and now they are talking about people sliding into their DM's and leaving X rated messages

The probable winner returns as in Ryan, and he gets a hero's welcome. Come on Kirstie, you can beat him on Monday.

Time for another letters from home easy task. That familiar modem sound from the past, oh boy did I run up some massive phone bills back in those days. In order:

Nick has to motivate housemates
Gabby has to do her own comedy roast about the housemates
Housemates have to have a 3 minute group hug
Hardeep and Sally debating why they should stay in the house
Dan must perform a strip tease

Kirstie tells us another one of her anecdotes, and how sghe had a gastro attack halfway down a highway. 

When Gabby did her comedy roast, it is worth noting how they were all laughing their socks off, just imagine if Hardeep had done that roast as there would have been hell to pay. Hardeep was not happy with this particular roast. The rest of them say he can't take a joke, when they were equally unhappy when he did his roast. Bunch of hypocrites.

Sally with yet another dig at Hardeep in the Diary Room. What the eff has he ever done to you, you phoney. Gabby has another go at him during his and Sally's debate.

Why they are pushing Osbourne so hard this late is a mystery, that guy shouldn't even be in there let alone have a sniff of winning.

Big Brother informs them via the Bitty screen, they have passed today's task and Hardeep's, Kirstie's and Sally's letters from home will be delivered. Fast forward to the letters being read out. Violins ready, everyone.

Ryan is admiring Kirstie's hair. Meanwhile in the Diary Room, Hardeep says he thought his letter would be from his manager, rather than his parents. He gets emotional when he starts talking about his parents.

Dan and Ryan are talking about their children. Can't believe Dan is still there and in with a chance of winning. If he really cared about those kids he would be out here with them and trying to fix his marriage as well. Guess flirting with Gabby is more important. Kirstie says the lap dance from Dan was embarrassing, but Dan could make it as a Chippendale.

And right on cue Dan and Gabby are 'fooling around' in the very next scene.....

Kirstie with another anecdote, this time about her time on Cheers and Look Who's Talking

Emma gets an attack of the giggles as she announces the vote is closed, and now the civilian preview where we see various shots of the civilians and we get the full lowdown on Monday. Over to Rylan for a BOTS preview....

Eviction time

And Hardeep's luck finally runs out at the last hurdle.....

Crowd suddenly changes their tune as booing turns to chanting when the door opens

In his interview with Emma, he has a few digs at the show in this era and does ramble on a bit but he does speak the truth. This year excluded so far, Five has turned this show into the absolute pits.

After his interview Emma tells us about how it is now Vote to Win, the final of this series on Monday and also that the ex housemates will be going back into the house over the weekend, but it's not what we may expect

Final thoughts

So long Hardeep, shame you had to leave before the final. Would have taken you over Sally any day of the week. Underwhelming final 6, which the final 2 will probably be Kirstie and Ryan, with Ryan winning with the big sympathy vote in regards to that 'incident'. Hope Kirstie wins personally, but can't see it.

Thanks for reading if you have made it this far, and keep the RT's, likes, shares and comments coming in

Big Brother Radio's latest show right here 

BB on Blast and due credit to them, did two podcasts in one evening. One for CBB and BB USA 

Show the other links on the right some love as well, as we march towards the end of BB USA, end of CBB UK and the start of Civilian BB UK

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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