Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday 16 September 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 35 - Double Eviction

  • Kaycee won Veto in a record, but did not use it
  • Haleigh and Sam remain on the block
Double eviction, so a whole week's worth of competition in one episode to decide who will go out after Haleigh or Sam

Highlights will be VERY brief tonight as they have to squish in two evictions, one HoH comp and one Veto comp and of course the two eviction interviews

Very crucial night coming up for whoever survives between Haleigh and Sam, or could a surprise name find their way on to the block as the first shots of the Level 6 Civil War are fired....Stay tuned for all the action


We pick up the action straight after the Veto ceremony. Kaycee knows who she wants out of the door, let's just call it revenge for the times Haleigh targetted Kaycee. To that end, Kaycee has been planting seeds with Haleigh that it will be Sam heading out the door

Angela surprisingly offers to be the next pawn, and Brett says he is ready to take the first shot in the incoming Level 6 Civil War. He then goes to Tyler and pitches about targeting Angela and Kaycee, rookie mistake as Tyler is so dam loyal and takes the intel immediately to Angela and Kaycee and in the process, a new candidate emerges for going on the block. Another option alongside Haleigh, Sam and JC, so to speak.

Eviction #1

Usual rules, HoH (Kaycee) will only vote in the event of a tie and the nominees are not allowed to vote at all.

Tyler votes to evict Haleigh
JC votes to evict Haleigh
Brett votes to evict Haleigh
Angela votes to evict Haleigh

No real surprise, and that's officially the end of the other side of the house alliance members

In her interview, Haleigh does admit her game began to decay once she revealed herself as the BB Hacker. Talk then turns to her showmance with Faysal, and she is looking forward to arriving in the jury house to see him and then continue the relationship after the show has concluded. In the goodbye messages, Brett tried to throw Kaycee, Angela and Tyler under the bus. She was more inclined to believe Angela, rather than Brett.

Julie calls a break

HoH competition 12

This competition is called Boondocks, and here is how it works. It is basically trivia as houseguests will see clips of previous competition and when it stops they will get an A or B option to correctly guess what occurred next. 1 point for each correct answer, and no penalties for wrong answers. Most points wins this temporary HoH.

Kaycee, as outgoing HoH, is not eligible to play


Tyler - 1
Sam - 1


JC - 1
Tyler - 1
Sam - 1


JC - 1
Tyler - 2
Sam - 1
Brett - 1


JC - 2
Tyler - 3
Sam - 2
Brett - 2


JC - 2
Tyler - 4
Sam - 3
Brett - 3
Angela - 1


JC - 3
Tyler - 5
Sam - 4
Brett - 4
Angela - 2


JC - 3
Tyler - 6
Sam - 5
Brett - 5
Angela - 3

Winner and new HoH - TYLER

He now has to nominate two people straight away, and this should be JC and Sam as there is a backdoor in motion to get Brett on the block should Brett NOT win Veto

Tyler tells Brett to throw this Veto, interesting strategy but as the same time very dangerous should Brett win Veto as Brett could use it on JC should he be on the block

Tyler nominates JC and SAM, so there is a danger JC and Brett could team up and take out one of Tyler's gang of three. All depending on Brett winning Veto, of course

Veto competition 12

This next competition is called Block and Roll. The houseguests must put the pieces on their board in the correct position so the ball they roll down their board gets all the way to the bottom.

Not much else to say really, and off we go

After much rearranging, Angela comes out on top and wins Power of Veto

Much to Brett and JC's chagrin, Angela used the Veto on JC and Tyler nominated Brett in his place. To say Brett was mad would be a massive understatement. It's worth noting Angela called her Veto "one step ahead", and then when Tyler chose who would replace JC he said "two steps ahead"

Eviction #12

As above the same rules, apart from Tyler not having a deciding vote. The nominees cannot vote.

JC voted to evict Brett
Kaycee voted to evict Brett
Angela voted to evict Brett

Another landslide as Brett leaves the house. Julie opens the interview with "you got played, son". Brett had no explanation as to why he chose to break away from Level 6. He admits Tyler betrayed him, and added he was not bitter and got basically outplayed or words to that effect.

Julie closed the show with a different sign out, more on that in Final Thoughts

Final thoughts

So in reference to Julie's slightly different sign out, it wasn't just Julie Chen, but Julie Chen-Moonves as in her husband's surname. In case you missed it, her husband is none other than Les Moonves, former president of CBS. He has been implicated in several misconduct allegations, of the sexual kind and these victims just keep coming out and mentioning him, and he has officially stepped down from his role. Julie's different sign off caused a little bit of stir from other networks, and some of these can be found on Youtube.

Back to the show, we now have our final 5, but it does feel obvious which two will be nominated next as Kaycee, Angela and Tyler final 3 looks all but locked on if Sam or JC can perform miracles in the next HoH and/or Veto.

Two evictions this coming week, as we head towards the final 3 being revealed although it does seem a bit of an anticlimax, as it's more or less certain who that final 3 will be barring some major miracles

So, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for reading if you have made it this far into the post and please keep those ol' RT's, likes, shares and comments coming.

If you missed either Big Brother Radio's or BB on Blast's podcasts for the UK Civilian launch, look no further than here and here

Rob has a Podcast will be on the airwaves shortly after the televised episodes of BB20, so be sure to check his site out, and also show the other links some love as we head to the end of BB20 and move deeper into UK Civilian

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, my name is richiew4ever-Watkins, thank you and goodnight.......

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