Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Big Brother 19 UK - Episode 9 - The Great Non-Escape

Nominations day is upon the housemates, but with a difference. No it's not what you think as in them interfering, as one housemate has been secretly nominated by the public as least favourite housemate, and also there is the Gamechanger to play, or as some more commonly know it, Power of Veto

Slightly different rules here though, as it will be whoever is leading the coin leaderboard and the three nominees, and whoever is leading the leaderboard will choose the 2 others to play. So it will still be six playing, just slightly different rules in the UK version

Back to the show and it's lights on for nominations day

Another tip of the hat to Big Brother USA and Canada, as in instead of Big Brother announcing it's Nominations Day, they put up on the plasma in the bedroom and indeed every plasma in the house

Discussion is about various foods in the kitchen, and Lewis G is still trying to crack on to Kay, and he is really getting it into his head he is in with a chance. Cian thinks Isaac and Lewis G are feeding off each other.

Zoe says she has a nervous derriere as it's nominations, while Tomasz points out it's going to be much different to coins.


Straight to nominations we go, and Trevor Boris from Big Brother Canada reads out the usual rules for nominations, and off we go.....

Akeem nominates LEWIS G and LEWIS F
Brooke nominates LEWIS G and LEWIS F
Cameron nominates KAY and KENALEY
Cian nominates LEWIS G and ISAAC
Isaac nominates LEWIS F and KENALEY

Lewis G starts playing up as usual, only funny on planet Lewis G while everyone else is wishing they were somewhere else right now as in a different room to him.

Back to nominations.....

Lewis G eyes up Kay as she is summoned to the Diary Room and says she is a 'proper bird'

Kay nominates ISAAC and CAMERON
Kenaley nominates LEWIS G and LEWIS F
Lewis F nominates ISAAC and LEWIS G
Lewis G nominates LEWIS F and KENALEY
Sian nominates LEWIS G and TOMASZ

Yet again, the usual bellend as in Lewis G starts on one of his look at me I'm funny me, and only Kay seems to be laughing. Isaac is even cheesed off now, and said if this was happening on the outside Lewis G would have got a slap. Kenaley now starts telling Lewis G off as well.

Tomasz nominates LEWIS G and LEWIS F
Zoe nominates LEWIS G and SIAN

Facing the public vote so far is LEWIS G, LEWIS F and through the viewers poll ISAAC. But of course with the Gamechanger coming into play, nobody will be safe.

Back to house action, and Isaac speaks to Big Brother about Lewis G. He says he regrets saying he would give him a slap, and Big Brother reminds him of the rules about aggressive behaviour. Kay apologises to Lewis F about giggling along with Lewis G, but Lewis F doesn't take the apology well.

Another person for Lewis F to complain about soon no doubt, why did he go into this house. Why doesn't he try and settle his kettle and just enjoy the experience, the guy is getting seriously boring.

Kay is feeling emotional, and says she doesn't want the cameras to see her. There are cameras all over the place or hasn't she noticed given what show she is in. Meanwhile, Lewis G is explaining he got bored while nominations were taking place, and feels a bit down about it. He thinks he is up and he is correct, the sooner he is out the better. Anamemememelia was bad, but this guy is a whole level up from her. 

Did it not cross his mind once that you do NOT play up in the lounge like he did, especially when nominations were taking place. Can you just imagine what the uproar will be if he manages to win the Gamechanger and takes himself off the block. Doesn't bear thinking about.

Back to Kay, and she is getting worked up about maybe having the wrong attitude in the house. Did she expect things to be sunshine and rainbows in this environment, why exactly did she apply for this show. In the garden Isaac is venting about Lewis G to Tomasz, Sian and Akeem. Tomasz tells him to be open minded.

Kay is still sobbing, cue the Great Escape music (not literally) as she tries to break out via the fire door in the bathroom. Cian and Lewis F are luckily on hand to stop her before she left a Kay sized shape in the fire exit. Big Brother calls her to the diary room, and she doesn't want to face the cameras. Note how she is wearing sunglasses this whole time, probably because there are no tears. Surprised Big Brother haven't told her to remove them while in the Diary Room

Now she's getting all this attention, those 'tears' seemed to have dried up. Meanwhile Cameron is talking about her in the Diary Room, and says he will not mince his words for anyone.

Lewis G meanwhile has made an observation at last that he has made Isaac mad. Kenaley and Brooke try to talk some sense into him, but as with Anamememelia it's probably in one ear and out of the other.

Isaac says he doesn't feel sorry for Lewis G, and that Lewis G goes over the top all the time. Holy understatement. Cameron and Kay are clearing the air, thankfully very amicable. Lewis F thinks his intuition is spot on about Lewis G, in your dreams pal. In the garden Lewis G and Isaac try to clear the air, and all seems well again on Planet Lewis G as they make up

To be continued in Episode 10....

Final thoughts

Get Lewis G out, and pronto. Had about enough of that guy as I can take. Hopefully he won't win the Gamechanger competition and take himself off the block. Absolutely no reason for him to act the way he did, and no excuse is going to save him. As for Kay, don't these people EVER think about what they are getting themselves into when they go on this show....Nuff said

Thank you for reading this post if you have made it this far, and please keep those likes, shares, RT's and comments coming in as they are all very much appreciated.

If you missed Big Brother Radio's show after this nominations episode, then it is readily available right here 

Please show the other links some love on the right as well, and plenty of information to be found about UK, USA and Canada. Special mention for BB USA which is coming to a close in the next episode, and it has been a good series.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty, keep on rocking and #savebbuk.....

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