Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday 13 September 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 34 - Power of Veto 11

Greetings citizens, as we continue on with another Level 6 controlled week where Kaycee has won HoH, and has nominated Haleigh and Sam. Sam is the pawn and the main target is Haleigh. After one of them has gone and providing neither of them win the Veto, we have another one to go as it's DOUBLE eviction week. Basically what that entails is we get another HoH and Veto competition and eviction in the same episode. 

Then we get to the main course at Final 5 as we get to Level 6 turning on each other and it's every Level 6 member for themselves.....


We pick up the action after the nominations ceremony, and Sam said she was promised she would not go home this week. Haleigh is just poodling along and saying she just needs to win the Veto. In the pantry, Sam is explaining her case to Tyler. Tyler says he is noticing Sam is going into freak out mode. Haleigh and Sam up next, and Haleigh wants Sam to implode and get herself evicted.

JC and Brett feeling a bit comfortable, and JC wonders how Sam is taking being on the block. JC then mentions it may be him or Brett may on the block if Sam or Haleigh win Veto. JC doesn't want to take any chances and say he needs to play in this Veto and win.

Messages from home

Angela is first and her message is from her parents

Brett gets a message from his sisters and mother

Sam's message is from her parents and brother, and she immediately starts crying

Tyler's message is from his mother and stepfather. His mother tells him how proud his real dad would have been

Kaycee's message is from her brothers and dad. They shout out her catchphrase "Let's go"

JC's message is from his friend Regina, the reason being he doesn't get on too well with his family at the present time.

Now back to the JC is a mastermind edit, and he feels very comfortable with Brett as his new puppet now Faysal is in the jury house. We then get a bromance segment involving JC and Brett, can't wait for short stuff to be sent packing if I am being honest.

Veto player picks

Playing alongside Kaycee, Sam and Haleigh will be Angela, Tyler and Brett (Sam's houseguest choice). JC misses out, but he will be hosting the competition instead.

Immediately it's back to JC, and he is pitching to Tyler about maybe Brett going up as the replacement nominee, should Haleigh or Sam come off the block. 

Veto competition

For those familiar with the games of Big Brother USA, this should be VERY familiar. BB Comics is the name of the game. To cut a long story short, each houseguest in turn must study the comic books that appear on the wall, and then study two not so identical figures of each comic book as they go along the course. They must knock down each of the ones that do NOT match the comic book cover, and then push the buzzer. If they have knocked down all the right ones, then their time will be locked in. However if they haven't, then they must start again until they get all the right ones. This is really attention to detail more than anything, so they must have a sharp eye and keep focused. The shortest time wins the Power of Veto. 

Off we go....

After much huffing and puffing the times were as follows:

Tyler - 6:35
Brett - 7:30
Kaycee - 2:17
Sam - 15:48
Angela - 9:53
Haleigh - 18.56

Winner and Power of Veto holder - KAYCEE

3rd time in a row for Veto wins for Kaycee, Sam says she has to rely on Kaycee to keep her promise that Haleigh will be the true target. Haleigh, meanwhile, is really disappointed in herself as she knows her time is up in this game and she will almost certainly be heading to jury.

Veto ceremony

To no great shock, Kaycee does not use the Veto. So it WILL be Haleigh or Sam heading out first on Double Eviction night.

To be continued in Episode 35, the Double Eviction

Final thoughts

Haleigh out first then, just a matter of seeing who will be in the car behind her in the Double Eviction. Very crucial HoH and Veto coming up for JC, Brett and Sam. Very tough to call who will go out second as the comps near the end are fairly unpredictable, so this really could go any way possible as Level 6 get set for turning on each other, every houseguest for themselves as it will be.

Thanks for reading if you have made it this far, and keep the RT's, likes, shares and comments coming.

Rob has a Podcast will be on the air shortly after the Double Eviction episode to discuss who went, who won the various comps, who may win, etc.

Big Brother Radio will be on the air on 14 September after the Civilian UK launch at 11.05pm UK time, and the special guest will be Mario Mugan from series 11....Click here to join in the fun

I'll be covering the launch live on here as it happens, with a write up of the festivities. I would also recommend the Digital Spy Big Brother forum, where there will be a thread for the Civilian launch closer to launch time and it comes highly recommended, if you want somewhere to talk about the launch as it happens and the new civilians that will be going through the doors. You will be made very welcome.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching......

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