Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Saturday 25 August 2018

CBB UK Summer 2018 - Episode 9 - Chucking out time for Hardeep or Natalie

Greetings, citizens, and welcome to another episode with our summer celebrity housemates and we are already into Week 2

Introducing our nominees, in the red corner we have Hardeep 'The Cook' Singh Kohli, and in the blue corner, Natalie 'Motormouth' Nunn.

Let's get ready to eviiiiiiiiiict....

Usual whoop whoop from the live audience as Emma welcomes us in. She reads out the numbers to save either nominees, to which Hardeep gets a smattering of boos, but when Natalie's name is read out much louder boos around the compound. Personally I think she's sealed her own fate.

Obviously these boos will go up and down as they usually do on eviction night, but am glad it's not just booing for the sake of it. Some small chants of 'Get Natalie out' which don't catch on.


We start with Rodrigo vacuuming, and Nick says it was a tough day, then he talks about his last few days in prison which were tough as well. Jermaine is checking himself out with Chloe's compact mirror, and Roxanne is shaving Rodrigo's back.

Jermaine has written a message to Chloe. Hope you were watching that, BB, clear breach of the rules right there, and Chloe should not be encouraging him. Jermaine, you rat, you are supposed to be a married man.

Roxanne is in the Diary Room, and saying she's feeling down. Her talk turns to Ben, and thinks people are gossiping about her friendship with Ben, and reminds us once again that she is engaged. Just tell him then, and put him in the friend zone, Roxanne. Respect your fiance's feelings

Rodrigo's salon is open for business, and his first client is Ryan....Won't be HIS salon for long, more on that in the final thoughts

Back to Emma, and she reminds us of the rules regarding the secret messages to which there will be a punishment over the weekend. She then calls a break.

Loving how the rulebook's existence is now being acknowledged instead of being ignored. Hopefully NONE of this turning hot water off and all appliances off for 30 seconds.

Kirstie is being taught ENGLISH english such as the C word, amongst other things, by some of the housemates.

And now ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to the Tree of Temptation's replacement, introducing Wendy the Washing Machine.

After introducing herself to Rodrigo, she gives him a secret task to collect some dirt from a fellow houseguest he knows the least, and then has to spill some cornflakes on the sheets. If he does this successfully then he will get some champagne and ice cream as a reward. He chooses Chloe. To the task, and Chloe says Jermaine said he liked her. Chloe should know better as well, and not be encouraging Jermaine. Not very fair on Jermaine's wife, if she is watching. However, I have my suspicions the wife will be thrown in for a future task, if he still there in the next few days.

Back to Wendy, and she tells him he has passed to which he gets his reward....Enjoy it while you can, Rodrigo, one of the last rewards you will be enjoying in there as you will soon find out.

Natalie tells us she is missing sex, too much information there Motormouth

Kirstie wants the lowdown on Ben's previous relationships, and he talks about, yet again, about his week long wedding and then the cheating afterwards. Kirstie hands out career advice about not getting distracted.

Back to Emma, and she reads out the numbers. This time, there are more cheers for Hardeep and the same big boos for Natalie. Emma calls a break.

Back to house action, and we get treated to some 'bed-hopping' game. Any betting Jermaine and Chloe will end up in the same bed, giving Big Brother some more ammunition to push this showmance which nobody wants. Hardeep does not join in as he is feeling more isolated, have a feeling he may walk soon if he survives this eviction and things don't improve.

Anyways, back to this game and Ryan is just laughing at anything in sight. Is this his only party trick, this is seriously the favourite to win right now? Can't see the attraction at all.

More cackling from Ryan, and as expected Jermaine and Chloe are paired together. They really should NOT be encouraging this, please respect his wife's feelings as he is certainly not right now.

More messages being exchanged between Jermaine and Chloe, while Natalie and Rodrigo gossip about Roxanne and Ben. Please don't let these showmances take over the show, Big Brother, you are doing so well. Don't take it back down the tacky Five crap route which has killed the show on this channel. Ryan is counselling Jermaine and telling him to be careful about how his business with Chloe will come across for the people watching. Bit late for that now, as people are making up their minds already out here.

Chloe has joined Natalie and Rodrigo in the pool room. Natalie points out about the blossoming showmance between Chloe and Jermaine. Rodrigo tells Chloe that Jermaine doesn't talk much about his relationship outside. He's a rat and not respecting his partner in the slightest.

Back to Emma, and another rundown of the numbers. Usual cheers for Hardeep and usual boos for Natalie. Think you are getting the picture now.

Natalie is in the hot tub, fishing for compliments. Too late to play Little Mary Sunshine now, Natalie. Hardeep feels sad about potentially being evicted and says his eviction will be less pronounced. It will be a much better atmosphere if she goes though, Hardeep. Chin up and shoulders back as my late Nanna Gwyn always used to tell me.

In the hot tub, Ben is getting relationship advice from some of the others. Ugh at the colour of that hot tub water by the way, back to Ben and he is being advised about his feelings for Roxanne. Another one that should not be encouraged, given Roxanne is spoken for in case you missed it the first time ;)

Voting is now closed, and yes I have gone forward a bit as these showmances don't really interest me at all and the sooner they are nipped in the bud the better.

After Emma has spoken to Rylan in the BOTS studio, it's eviction time and Emma makes her way to the studio away from the crowd. Another nice touch so the housemates can't hear the chanting from the crowd. Outside contact and all that, which seems to be being respected for the first time in a long time, at least for now.

And finally, the first evictee is revealed to be NATALIE. Common sense prevails, well done GBP. She was so certain she was staying, and lovely to see that smug smile wiped off her face. Exit to massive boos, and they are not even trying to hide the booing

In her interview with Emma, she basically claims she has done nothing wrong. Best bits and all that. Won't go into details, but let's just say what a big fake she is.

Emma plugs this weekends shopping task, which will entail viewer polls. More on this tomorrow, but I can promise it's not as bad as it sounds. Update: their punishment regarding the secret messages, is that they will be on basic budget if they pass and basic RATIONS if they fail. Again, more on this in more details in tomorrow's post

Breaking news today, Rodrigo has been removed after he failed to heed Big Brother's warning about unacceptable behaviour. Click on BBSpy's link on the right for more information

Final thoughts

Good riddance to Motormouth, and you very naughty boy Rodrigo. Hopefully now the house can have a better atmosphere now she is gone.

Thank you for reading if you have made it this far, and keep those likes, shares and retweets coming :)

If you missed Big Brother Radio's post eviction show, click right here and listen back

Click on the links to the right for all your UK, USA and Canada needs regarding Big Brother

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking....


  1. Really enjoying this blog for the current series of CBB. You have a nice style of writing which is very enjoyable to read, along with a good turn of phrase. I agree with your opinions on the housemates as well. I've missed a couple of episodes this series so your blog has also been useful for catching up on what has happened. Please keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks so much, that really means a lot :)
