Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 15 - HoH and Nominations 5

Previously on Big Brother:

  • We see what good apps were won by Sam, Bayleigh and Tyler
  • Sam put Kaitlyn and Haleigh on the block pre-Veto
  • Faysal made promises to Kaitlyn AND Haleigh to use the Veto on them if he won it, and won it he did putting himself in a bit of a pickle
  • He decided to ultimately use the Veto on Haleigh, and Kaitlyn unsurprisingly flooded the place with her tears yet again, while Angie was the replacement nominee
  • On eviction night it was a landslide vote to evict Kaitlyn, but Sam's bonus life app came into play automatically and Kaitlyn was temporarily reprieved
  • Kaitlyn was not successful in her challenge to get back in, and became the official 4th evictee

We pick up the action after Kaitlyn had left the house, and unsurprisingly Angie is celebrating and telling us she is still in there, and a whatever when she says whether they liked her or loathed Kaitlyn

Sam says what goes around comes around in regards to Kaitlyn, and Faysal said Kaitlyn caused him a lot of trouble. Tyler says he needs to clear his name in regards to the rogue vote cast by JC.

In the bedroom, Haleigh is carrying out an inquiry into who could have cast that rogue vote, and she ends up accusing Faysal which doesn't go down well with the man himself. JC then comes into the room, and hugs everyone.

Tyler asks JC outright if he placed the rogue vote, as someone is trying to pin it on him, to which JC denies. JC then says he wanted to bring some paranoia and drama into the house, but doesn't want Tyler getting the blame.

Brett notices how uncomfortable Scottie got during the eviction, and the fingers are starting to point in his direction. But I suspect they will put the pieces together eventually and work out it was JC.

HoH competition

As outgoing HoH, Sam is not eligible to play in this competition

This week's competition is called "Perfect Timing", and the objective is simple. Houseguests have to sit on a platform with wheels and get their 'email' from the inbox down to the outbox. HOWEVER, the email must be sent in 8 seconds or close as possible to eight seconds. The houseguest closest to 8 seconds will be this week's Head of Household.

Order and times

Bayleigh - 8.08 seconds
Tyler - 10.98 seconds
Haleigh - 8.5 seconds
Brett - 10 seconds
JC - 8.48 seconds
Angie - 6.58 seconds
Angela - 8.71 seconds
Kaycee - 7.66 seconds
Scottie - 5.81 seconds
Faysal - 4 seconds
Rachel - 10.04 seconds

Winner and new HoH - Bayleigh

Rachel admits she is worried Bayleigh will put two of her (Rachel's) alliance on the block. Scottie says Bayleigh really deserves this HoH as she posted the near perfect score and he really trusts her.

Brett says he doesn't know where he stands with Bayleigh, but has already been on the block once and been chased around by Angie bashing the pots and pans and doesn't feel secure.

Bayleigh is running her mouth about how she is the queen of the house this week and that it couldn't have come at a better time and that there have been too many lies in the house and she is going to regulate.

Lots of celebrating in the pantry at Bayleigh winning, then Sam walks in jokingly wondering what is going on. Bayleigh speaks to Chris via the camera about winning HoH. Scottie walks in on Rachel and Brett, and there is an awkward silence. When he leaves, Rachel whispers to Brett that she is ready to push Scottie under the bus.

Tyler gets to work on Bayleigh, making her think Kaitlyn was his number one ally. She basically makes Tyler swear loyalty to her, and tells us down the line she hopes she and Tyler can work together.

Next up is a comedy filler segment with JC and Faysal, complete with canned laughter and crickets chirping. Moving swiftly on....

Bayleigh admits to Haleigh that she fears JC and Faysal, she then pitches the idea to Haleigh that Scottie was the rogue vote in the last eviction. She admits she is going to put up Brett, but is unsure who else as a pawn.

When Bayleigh confronts Scottie about the rogue vote, he then suggests Rachel. She in turn, and like with Tyler, demands loyalty and then sends him on his way. JC up next, but he is not happy that he is even considered as a pawn to go alongside Brett.

Faysal finds out that Rachel, JC and Brett are being considered for the block. He then confronts Bayleigh and she drags Haleigh into it, putting a lot of question marks on his loyalty to her and asking all sorts of demands to everyone else.

Next up in a big rookie mistake, and that is putting it mildly, she confesses her power app to Rachel. In case you missed it, it is the Identity Theft app where she can hijack one HoH's nominations and make her own. What a buffoon, all it takes is now is for Rachel to spread that golden nugget of information and everyone will know it was her when the nominations are different.

Nominations ceremony

Rachel and Brett are nominated for the block. Brett doesn't take it particularly well and is itching for revenge next week if he is still there.

To be continued in Episode 16, Power of Veto 5

Final thoughts

What else can be said apart from, Bayleigh what were you thinking? She has let all that power go her head and didn't she stop to think that information about the power could come out at any time given what the name of this game is. This is really going to come back and bite her hard and fast, and who knows maybe the word backdoor will be coming back again and in her direction.

Anyways, thanks for reading if you have made it this far and keep the RT's, likes and shares coming in

Some breaking news about CBB UK in that a launch date has been announced and that date is 16 August, but at the moment and in the usual Five way, there is little to no live feed for now.

Check out the links on the right for all your UK, USA and Canada needs, as we get closer to the UK launch and the pace picks up as more information becomes readily available, and may I say good luck and have a great time to those who will be going on the UK house tour on August 6. Sure wish I was going as well,who knows if there a civilian house tour I can finally go we'll see.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching.....

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