Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday 19 August 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 23 - Eviction 7

Tonight sees Angie v Kaycee in the 7th eviction of this season, and one of them will be the 2nd jury member

But first:

"Another week, another hack and another potential stab in the back. Welcome to Big Brother"

Narrator: Tyler told Sam he had a secret power, causing Sam to lose trust in him. With Haleigh running the house, she put 2 Level 6-ers on the block. But after Kaycee won the hacker competition, she secretly swapped herself with one of Haleigh's besties. In a must win Veto for both side of the house, it all came down to Tyler versus Angie, and it seemed the pagan witch had conjured victory. But fate is a cruel mistress. 

At the Veto meeting the hunky lifeguard saved the bikini babe, and Haleigh put the hacker right back on the chopping block.

No opening credits and it's straight to Julie

"It's Day 58, and a series of losses and mis-steps has landed Haleigh and her allies at the wrong side of the game yet again. Tonight, do they have the votes to keep Angie in the game, or is another blindside in the works to keep Kaycee's game. #butfirst In the Big Brother house there is a fine line between an ally or a lie


We pick up the action after the Veto ceremony.....

Tyler: I just used the Veto, to save my girl Angela. Unfortunately Haleigh decided to put Kaycee on the block, but as long as things go smoothly this week Kaycee is not going anywhere

Kaycee: So I'm back on the block, this sucks. But I'm still the BB hacker and am able to cancel out one of the votes and Level 6 has my back, so I have to act super sad.

Angie: Still on the block, of course. But my strength is that I'm a boss b***h. So I just have to find that and continue to keep picking myself back up because I think that is a strength too.

Haleigh: I'm just completely annoyed at how this week has gone. I can't catch a break. I'm just hoping people see an opportunity to take out a competitive athlete who is floating through the game. We'll see how this week goes.

In the garden, Angie demonstrating exactly why she will probably be going by whispering 'spoilt bitch' in Angela's direction. Always a tantrum when her side of the house don't get things their way, and also that usual "how dare they put me on the block again" attitude. Remember when Haleigh won HoH and how happy she was, polar opposite when it's Level 6

Angie: I'm on the block for the third time. I survived the first two so hopefully this won't be any different. I for sure have Faysal, Sam, Scottie and JC. He always goes with the majority vote.

Kaycee compliments Tyler on his Veto speech, but then Angie walks in with her rain cloud of doom hanging over her, and guess what she's whining. She accuses Angela of being entitled. Did I hear that correctly? Can we just cut to the chase and send her out now, why drag it out?

Kaycee: What? You think you're going home? She's so confident that she's staying . Ok Rockstar, you keep feeling safe, girl, because come Thursday night we are really going to see who's safe.

Angela then joins Kaycee and have a little giggle to themselves, when Kaycee tells her about Angie being confident about Kaycee going home. Don't blame them, that other side of the house is that stupid. They then tally up the votes they will have to send Angie to jury, just a foregone conclusion really.

Tyler: Sam is a little worried about where she and I stand, and I get it because she and I have been in a Final 2 since week 1.....

Flashback to Day 4 when Sam and Tyler made that Final 2 pact

Tyler: ....right now I have a lot of irons in the fire, and honestly I am being very loyal to everyone I have made deals with. I want to keep these deals, until I have to eventually decide.

Showmance alert as we head to the HoH room to check in on Haleigh and Faysal, and as they are talking Faysal sits on the edge of the bathroom sink and it totally gives way. That side of the house may be dumb, but they do give us some comedy, unintentional or not. Still in the HoH room, Faysal tells Haleigh he wants to spend time with her, cut to a few hours later and they are sharing a bed. Haleigh tells him he gives off so much body heat. The L word then makes an appearance. You've only known each other a few weeks.

Angie corners Brett in the kitchen, and starts pitching for a vote in the upcoming eviction

Angie: As far as I'm concerned, Brett is distancing himself from a certain group of people he was rolling tight with at the beginning, and I've got to talk to him. I got to get the votes, and I need his vote. At the beginning of this game, Brett and I were at each others throats, but it's all about adapting, so me and Brett working together it's so crazy it could work

Yeah you're right, it is crazy, Angie

Brett: I got Angie eating out of the palm of my hand. I'm going to build up all her hopes and dreams and take them away from her. Angie, we certainly don't have that Brangelina charm, and just like all Hollywood marriages, this is going to end in a messy divorce.

Angie continues her pitching to Brett, little knowing she is wasting her breath. Brett reports back to Angela about said pitching, and as usual Level 6's Christmases still all keep coming at once.

Haleigh wants Brett to help Angie with her speech, to which Angie says she already has her outline which she practises with Brett, and yes it's basically all over the place.

Faysal, Haleigh and Angie discuss the possibilities of who's vote may get cancelled by the hacker in the eviction. We'll find out in short order.

Pointless segment alert as we head to Tyler's family, moving swiftly on.....

Julie calls a break and plugs the eviction after coming back from said pointless segment


Usual rules for eviction time, as in the HoH only votes in the event of a tie, and the nominees are not allowed to vote

And now down to the serious business....

Angie making a fool of herself in her save me speech, so bitter right to the end. Take that chip on your shoulder and bog off to jury house

The hacker makes their final decision for this season, and the person having their vote cancelled this week is FAYSAL.

Angela votes to evict Angie
JC votes to evict Angie
Sam votes to evict Angie
Scottie votes to evict Kaycee
Brett votes to evict Angie
Tyler votes to evict Angie

Julie calls a break before announcing Angie as the 2nd member of the jury

Obviously Julie can't tell Angie much in her interview as it's outside information with Angie going to the jury house and outside information has to be kept to a minimum there as well

In her interview, she thinks Sam placed the only vote to keep her in, and jokingly says she feels most betrayed by the person who came up with the hacker twist. Talk turns to the Veto competition where she stupidly gave the answer to Tyler, half of why she lost said competition, and Angie starts to cry again. 

HoH competition

Slip and slide is the name of the gaeme, quite literally

Haleigh is not eligible to play as outgoing HoH

Basically they have to be the first to fill their glowstick, whilst slipping and sliding on their respective track collecting the liquid from the opposite side from their glowstick and taking it down the very slippery track to their glowstick. There is also a $5,000 bonus prize should the houseguest choose to go for that

Julie plugs the upcoming shows and closes the show as we watch the houseguests slipping and sliding

To be continued in Episode 24, HoH and Nominations 8

Final thoughts

Right person went as expected, her fate was sealed a long time ago. As Julie pointed out, Brett made a little error there as he seemed to forget Angie was going to jury. This is a crucial HoH, and I do think the other side of the house need snookers from this point to stop Level 6 steamrollering their dumb rear ends.

And that is that for another episode

Keep those RT's, likes and shares coming, as they are very much appreciated

Click on the links to the right for all your Big Brother needs, especially the ongoing CBB UK, BB USA and any development pertaining to the next series of BB Canada.

Rob Has a Podcast will be on the air shortly after the USA episodes talking all things USA, and keep your eyes peeled for an incoming podcast from BB on Blast for CBB UK

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Thanks for reading if you have made it this far, and until next time someone is always watching.....

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