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Thursday 23 August 2018

CBB UK Summer 2018 - Episode 7 - How dare they nominate me (Natalie)

Greeting, citizens, as we head into another episode with our summer CBB housemates

When last we left them, Natalie and Hardeep will go head to head in the public vote and Jermaine was pardoned, as in got immunity from the first vote off, by President Kirstie

Tonight sees Natalie kick up another storm (no pun intended) in the nominations fallout, and the Presidential task finally comes to an end. Hoorah some might say, didn't quite work out the way they had planned as, in case you missed it and if you did where have you been, Stormy Daniels was supposed to be in that role but she quit the show a few hours before launch. Anyway, enough of her and let's get on with the here and now.

Lights on and it's time for a brand new day

Natalie asks Rodrigo if he wants to exercise to which he agrees, and Kirstie tells possibly one of the fake-est people in the house in Roxanne. that she had an almost sex dream. Doesn't take much to bewilder young Roxy, if you told her the world was flat she would faint with the shock.

In the bathroom, Natalie asks Chloe about Jermaine, and how Chloe didn't ask him about being married or having a girlfriend. Chloe knew he had a girlfriend, but not married

Roxanne talks about the tension when doing nominations, which is what most of us want when it comes to nominations. Much better than them laying around the house during the nominations waiting to be called.

Back in the bathroom, Natalie wants to do a big exercise session without anyone being excluded. She then looks at Gabby and asks her how herself and Rodrigo have felt excluded from the workouts. Gabby denies excluding Natalie, and Natalie is revving up again. If she is excluded, I can't think why. Ben and Dan hear the raised voices and say 'here we go again'. Bloody snap, that woman can start an argument with herself in an empty room given the opportunity.

Gabby tells Natalie it's a free house, but I get the feeling Gabby is wasting her breath on someone who just wants arguments for the sake of it. I will say though, I hope Hardeep lays low between now and eviction night, and just lets Natalie shout herself out of the door. I know it's vote to save, and she is apparently entertaining, but to me she isn't as she is just NOISE. If she goes, at least the house can settle down a bit and breathe.

All this arguing just over an exercise period, whatever next....

In the bedroom, Jermaine says he feels like he wants to talk to Natalie. Wasting your breath, pal, as she'll probably shout you down as well. Meanwhile, Gabby is in tears in the Diary Room, asking to quit. Kerching, the first I want to walk of this series, and probably won't be the last. Just because of one argument, but then again I don't think I could last a day in there with Natalie let alone a week

In the garden Kirstie is talking about a movie audition where she weighed about 120 pounds and was told to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks. It's these kinds of anecdotes we are missing with Live Feed, if it's bad now, what's it going to be like for Civilian when we won't know ANYTHING about them as we will be missing these little tidbits.

Hardeep says this director was a complete c*ck and Kirstie agrees he was a big douche. She then says she did lose that 10 pounds fasting on pineapples, to which Hardeep tells her a fact about pineapples.

In the bathroom Natalie is organising a twerk off. Hope she effs off on Friday. Roxanne says her real friends don't mention her in public, and don't mention they are having dinner with her, just that they are having dinner.

Kirstie openly admits to doing drugs in the past, Sally asks her if there was an incident that woke her up to her addiction. Kirstie says she was looking after her niece and nephew, and had just sniffed some cocaine and it hit her how horrible it was to be looking after them under the influence of cocaine, and called her sister to pick the kids.

Jermaine tells Big Brother about his immunity from nominations, despite the fact he may or may not have done anything to earn being immune. Meanwhile, Rodrigo is having a discussion with Gabby, to which Gabby says she doesn't have a problem with him. But she brings up a couple of things anyway, such as Natalie not liking her, him asking Gabby about her storm in front of Kirstie which made her feel uncomfortable, and so on and so forth

Next up, "Natalie is not happy with her fellow housemates". Tell us something we don't know, Marcus. She feels that she stands up for people, but they don't stand up for her. How can they get the chance if you are screaming in their faces constantly. She speaks of people being selfish, why doesn't she look in the mirror sometime.

Gabby still talking about walking. Well go then, you know where the door is. Get away from her, Dan, and respect your wife and kids.

Huzzah, the President task is finally over, and the housemates are finally reunited and CBB can properly get underway. Natalie is bitching to Rodrigo about Gabby, and does a bad impression.

We see that the White House is now gone to be replaced by a pink pool room, or in reality yet another bitching area in the house.

Sofa gatherage as Big Brother summons them to the lounge to announce who is facing the public vote. Hardeep has taken it well, but you know who hasn't and the word fake starts shooting from her mouth. In simple english, "How dare they nominate me". Did anyone bother to sit her down and go through the rules of CBB with her? You have to nominated and you may be nominated, what part of that don't you understand, Natalie?

After that little tirade, Sally is guiding Ben on to properly clean the kitchen floor with a cloth. Have they heard of a mop and bucket

In the bedroom, Natalie tells them to sit in 'her' vanity chair whilst soaking wet. Who are you to tell people where they can and can't sit, Natalie. It's a free house, they can sit where they want. Gabby and Chloe roll their eyes at what Natalie said, and rightly so.

In the Diary Room, Hardeep feels he is not up to certain people's standards. Can't think who's standards that might be

Dan is blubbing in the Diary Room about missing his kids, well you should have thought about them before signing up for this show. 

Natalie is off on one again in the kitchen about being nominated, just do one on Friday and take that massive chip on your shoulder with you. Why are they wasting their breath trying to explain this to someone who doesn't obviously listen, seriously.

Bromance alert between Rodrigo and Ben, meanwhile Kirstie doesn't want to engage Natalie when she's angry. Kirstie knows how to handle Natalie as demonstrated in earlier episodes, but I just think Kirstie wants a quiet life, and can't see her losing her temper.

To close the show, we see the role playing that started just before the live feed cut off. Nice to see that in this house, they can come up with things to pass the time rather than sitting around waiting for Big Brother to give them something to do

And that's a wrap for this episode, to be continued in Episode 8 as we head into Week 2 for this series....

Final thoughts

Get Natalie out, nuff said

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Until next time, thanks for reading and keep on rocking......

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