Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Monday 27 August 2018

CBB UK Summer 2018 - Episode 11 - An Eye for Basic Shopping

Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Big Brother from the Batcave, and to the start of the housemates next shopping task
Lights on for a brand new day, and some 80's/90's Super Mario type music starts playing to introduce the Public Eye character to kick off this week's shopping task. Throughout today and tomorrow, the housemates will have to do several mini-tasks and the viewers will vote from clips posted online for whether they pass or fail. Bear in mind, these tasks have already happened in real time so the polls are closed at time of writing. No more than 5 fails are allowed.

I would have said, "what they don't know is that they will be on basics pass or fail, as in pass it will be a basic budget, and if they fail it will be basic RATIONS", but some bright spark backstage thought it would be better to tell them all this at the BEGINNING of the task rather than at the end, effectively spoiling the surprise. 

In case you missed it, they will be on basics either way due to Jermaine and Chloe writing messages, which is a breach of Big Brother rules. Yes, they have remembered the rulebook exists, but just a pity the housemates were tipped off about the punishment before this particular shopping task officially started.

That being said, let's get down to business

First to be set a mini-task is Ryan, and he has to be 'entertaining'. A twerk, backflip/cartwheel, dance and a jump in the pool, 78% of voters enjoyed that. Seriously? And this guy is favourite to win?

Passes: 1
Fails: 0

Chloe and Roxanne are striking a pose, while Gabby is in the Diary Room talking about the punishment, which they shouldn't have known about until the END of this task.

Time for another mini-task, and it's Roxanne's turn. She has to be 'annoying', but don't think she needs ANY help to do that as she is doing a good job of that by herself. Anyways, she does all matter of things to appear annoying. 70% of viewers enjoyed it.

Passes: 2
Fails: 0

More name dropping from Kirstie, as she mentions Jack Nicholson asking her if she is married

*sigh* Back to the Roxanne and Ben nonsense, as in the showmance. What part of she is spoken for does Ben not understand. He asks her what her longest relationship has been. Can Big Brother please take these two to one side and tell them how this may be being perceived on the outside, especially to Roxanne's fiance.

Porridge making in the kitchen, and Nick makes an observation that some people are trying too hard to be entertaining

Sally is in the Diary Room, talking about Roxanne and Ben and their constant singing and shouting

Time for another mini-task, and it's time for the usual Big Brother meets I'm a Celebrity challenge. As in eat a thousand year old egg, stinky durian fruit, tripe and lashings of rancid milk while saying disgusting things. As expected, lots of gagging and wretching as the meals are consumed. Gabby remarks that this is what she would expect a dead penis to taste like. Nick, Gabby and Chloe are the participants in this one

Gabby putting her case forward for a future appearance on I'm a Celebrity right there

Viewers suitably disgusted with 76%

Passes: 3
Fails: 0

Hardeep questions how some can find that entertaining, don't worry we are used to it. Infinitely better than seeing wall to wall arguments and constant shouting in each other's faces. A small disturbance between Ryan and Hardeep, as Ryan doesn't think Hardeep's farts were very funny

In the Diary Room, Ryan is talking about his disagreement with Hardeep. The word 'banter' is thrown in. Sorry, Ryan, at least Hardeep's trying to come across well, while you are just like a laughing policeman and floating around doing nothing else.

Time for the next mini-task, and it's Hardeep's turn and he has to do a comedy roast of his comedy houseguests. Cringey from Hardeep, and Roxanne over-reacts when Hardeep brings up her and Ben. She accuses Hardeep of trying to ruin her relationship. Er, what? She is doing that all by herself without any help from Hardeep, and why is she getting so defensive anyway. If she cared about her fiance, she wouldn't be carrying on the way she is with Ben in the first place. Settle your kettle, Roxanne, and grow up.

What part of 'comedy roast' do some of these housemates not understand? Seriously....Why are they pandering to her now, she's got herself in this mess, it's up to her to sort it out.

Hardeep doesn't have to explain himself, nor was it his personal suggestion to do this. He was put on the spot by Big Brother, nothing more nothing less.

Hardeep scored 46%, so as it's not a majority that's the first fail

Passes: 3
Fails: 1

Party time, and enter the Public Eye. Time for a dance off for everybody to participate in, and yes another high percentage from viewers in 60%

Passes: 4
Fail: 1

And back to the Ben and Roxanne show, and they are doing their Tracey and Terry sketch. Answers on a postcard, please. Hardeep and Nick talk about Ben and Roxanne, Nick says if he had carried on with Roxanne his wife would have left him, and suspects Ben is in love with Roxanne. I suspect it's one way and Ben better get his ticket to Heartbreak Hotel stamped in.

To end the show, and to absolutely no respect to her fiance, Roxanne and Ben hold hands. Way to go to quell the gossip, Roxanne. Have some respect for Lee, for goodness sake.

To be continued in Episode 12.....

Final thoughts

Good episode, even if most of the focus was on Ben and Roxanne. Was wary of the shopping task when viewers and polls were mentioned, but now it's all very clear and was executed pretty well. Looking forward to it resuming in Episode 12. Hopefully we will get some sort of explanation about Rodrigo's departure. As for Ben and Roxanne, I really wish the show wouldn't encourage it, and have some respect for her chap on the outside.

Thank you for reading if you have made it this far, and keep the comments, likes, shares and RT's coming. All very much appreciated.

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Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

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