Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday 26 August 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 26 - Veto Decision and Eviction 8

"Zingbot may have destroyed the housemates, but tonight Level 6 may have the last laugh. Welcome to Big Brother"

Narrator: After the All American beasted his way to power, JC got in his head about Scottie. Despite Haleigh's plea, the jock still targeted the nerd. Looking for a new alliance, Faysal made a pitch to Tyler, and the lifeguard played along to keep himself safe. In a must win Veto for Scottie, it was Brett who found victory. Not wanting her pal evicted, Sam concocted a cuckoo scheme. Soon after Scottie threw Haleigh under the bus, leaving Faysal with a big decision.

Opening credits tonight, and then Julie welcomes us in and recaps what the narrator just told us

Day 65, and tonight we find out the 3rd member of the jury

Faysal: Brett just won the Veto, so now I have to throw another person on the block. Sam and Scottie have pitched to putting my girl Haleigh on the block

Faysal tells Haleigh about Scottie's pitch to throw her under the bus, and she is not at all happy

Haleigh says she is very confused, and starts crying. Don't worry Haleigh, you and the other side of the house can have a big party in the jury house very soon. You lot are handing this to Level 6 on a silver plate.

Level 6 doing their utmost not to laugh their heads off at Haleigh, as she cries her eyes out. Kaycee admits this is a cakewalk for Level 6, and rightly so. Haleigh wants to know why Scottie is determined to throw her under the bus, and goes straight to Scottie. He admits he dropped a major clanger with his little scheme, nothing new there.

Scottie goes to Faysal to try and call off his plan, aka damage limitation. Bit late now, pal. If there was the slightest doubt in the first place, you shouldn't have gone through with it and now you have probably sealed your fate. 

Back to Julie, and she calls a break

Veto ceremony

As expected Brett uses the Veto on himself, and Faysal puts up KAYCEE in his place. Before the ceremony, Scottie took it upon himself to throw Sam under the bus, but it will probably do him no good at all as Kaycee is merely a pawn to make sure Scottie is out of there and into jury.

In case you hadn't noticed by now, Tyler has got deals with just about everybody in there, but has to be careful with how he juggles these deals or he could find it all crashes around him and he will be in the car to jury.

Emergency in the kitchen has someone has overcooked something, and it has caught fire. Luckily we have Firewoman Sam on the case with the fire extinguisher. Faysal pitches to Tyler and Angela about a possible final 4 deal with him and Haleigh. Of course there is a question of loyalty, and Tyler and Angela are too loyal to Level 6, and one of the many reasons Level 6 is slowly steamrollering towards the end. 

Tyler admits his own ideal final 4 would be obviously himself, JC, Kaycee and Angela. Final 2 is himself and Kaycee, as he would have the best chance of beating her.


More than likely a foregone conclusion, but stranger things have happened

Usual rules, as in HoH only votes in the event of tie, and the nominees don't vote

Off we go...

Angela votes to evict Scottie
JC votes to evict Scottie
Tyler votes to evict Scottie
Haleigh votes to evict Scottie 
Sam votes to evict Scottie
Brett votes to evict Scottie

Scottie is evicted by a vote of 6-0

Julie calls a break before announcing the result

In his interview with Julie, Scottie basically admits he got Sam to try and persuade Faysal to put Haleigh on the block, and then Faysal would put Sam on the blocl. His overall plan backfired, obviously as he is sitting there and not Sam. 

HoH competition

As outgoing HoH, Faysal is not eligible to play

This competition is called Sweet Shot. The houseguests each have a ball pit which they must dive in and find tokens. Once a token is found, they must hand it in to Faysal and they will receive a ball to roll down the conveyor belt. First houseguest to pocket the ball in the red cup becomes the new HoH. If the ball is not cupped, then that houseguest can try to find another token or lock in the score they have. The tokens are transferable and can be given to another houseguest

Under starters orders and they are off.....

To be continued in Episode 27, HoH and Nominations 9

And there will be a battle back in next week's eviction, as in Angie, Bayleigh, Scottie and next week's evictee will face a competition, which will see one of them go back into the house and back in with a chance of winning the grand prize.

Final thoughts

What's there to say. Another week and another small victory for Level 6 as they pick off another member from the other side of the house.

Thank you for reading if you have made it this far, and keep any comments, likes, shares or RT's coming. They are all very much appreciated

Rob has a Podcast will be on air shortly after the televised episodes, so keep an eye on his site via the link on the right, and he and his guests will dissect the episodes and they do provide really good live feed update shows as well.

Shout out for BB on Blast for their latest podcast for this particular season, which can be found here

Click on the other links for all your UK, USA and Canada needs and up to date information, including if anything further drops about Rodrigo's removal from CBB UK.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

And until next time, someone is always watching.....

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