Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Friday, 31 August 2018

CBB UK Summer 2018 - Episode 15 - The many faces of Roxanne

Was actually mulling over whether to do this one as the episode has caused an absolute s**tstorm on forums and social media, so here goes

Day 15 is upon us, and it's the day before eviction. No nominations this week as the public are voting to decide who their favourites are, and when the bottom 2 are revealed by Emma on eviction night, the housemates will decide who from said bottom 2 will go. How it will pan out is anyone's guess.

Lights on and let's get Day 15 underway, and it is a controversial day today. More on that later.

And straight into today's task we go...

In order to win a party for later in the day, the housemates must complete a series of mini challenges. 

First of all housemates have to decide the two dirtiest housemates, Kirstie as the cleanest has to pick 2 as the dirtiest and she picks Hardeep and Ryan. In order to win invitations, they have to wade through a sludge pit in the garden to find the golden tickets. 

Golden tickets found: 8

Next challenge, Hardeep is picked as cleverest housemate and has to answer questions about his fellow housemates

Final score: 3 out of 12

No music for the party

Hottest 2 housemates are named as Ryan and Dan, just bear in mind these polls are fake so there's no outside information going in

Ice cold bath for Ryan and Dan to cool them off

After a short time, Big Brother tells them Dan and Ryan have passed, and then tell them they have failed and say the kitchen and dining room are out of bounds and tell the housemates to go to the bedroom, and all of a sudden the lights are switched off.

And straight into today's task we go...

In order to win a party for later in the day, the housemates must complete a series of mini challenges. 

First of all housemates have to decide the two dirtiest housemates, Kirstie as the cleanest has to pick 2 as the dirtiest and she picks Ben and Jermaine. In order to win invitations, they have to wade through a sludge pit in the garden to find the golden tickets. 

Golden tickets found: 9

Next challenge, Hardeep is picked as cleverest housemate and has to answer questions about his fellow housemates

Final score: 8 out of 12

No music for the party

Hottest 2 housemates are named as Ryan and Dan, just bear in mind these polls are fake so there's no outside information going in

Ice cold bath for Ryan and Dan to cool them off

After a short time, Big Brother tells them Dan and Ryan have passed, and then tell them they have failed the overall task and say the kitchen and dining room are out of bounds and tell the housemates to go to the bedroom, and all of a sudden the lights are switched off.

In case you hadn't noticed already, it is GROUNDHOG DAY in the house and this is all a task, pretty unfailable but a good task none the less

Rinse and repeat a 3rd time....

10 Golden tickets found, Hardeep scores 10 out of 12 and Dan and Ryan pass the ice bath challenge

Party finally won, as BB has made them suffer enough now

And now onto the more unpleasant part of this episode....

Ryan and Roxanne have a play fight and he barely touches her and she is already making a meal of it. Meanwhile in the garden, talk has turned to Roxanne about how annoying she is right now. Just wait and see, housemates, just wait and see.

Roxanne asks Big Brother to call her to the Diary Room, something wrong with walking to the Diary Room and pushing the button?

This is where it gets sticky now, and Roxanne asks to talk to a producer. Fast forward to the party and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with her as she dances away at the party. Look out Ryan, Big Brother is coming to get you any minute now.

Some acting going on in the kitchen as Kirstie asks Ben to give his best acting performance. More talk about Roxanne in the garden from Ryan. Hardeep tells Ben about his pursuit of Roxanne, and brings up the subject of her fiance. Wasting your breath there, Hardeep.

Roxanne back in the Diary Room, and Big Brother tells her they have reviewed the footage and will speak to Ryan. Duty of care as Roxanne could sue them otherwise. She practically turns on the tears and is demanding he be removed. She is making an absolute meal of this. He barely touched you and you are flat out accusing him of assault and battery.

Ryan is spoken to by Big Brother, and given a formal warning and warned about his future conduct. Bit harsh to give him a warning, when a talking to would have sufficed.

In a stupid move, Ben admits his feelings to Roxanne, and yet again she goes crying to Big Brother and now demands to be put in a separate room as she is uncomfortable with Ryan. Who the hell is she to be making all these demands, what was it Rylan said about Stormy? NOBODY IS BIGGER THAN BIG BROTHER.....That goes for you as well, Roxanne.

And again she demands for him to be removed, how many more times....

Let's just end it there, shall we 

Final thoughts

There's a lot I could say but tensions are already high in forums and social media, so simply Get Roxy out...Nuff said

Thank you for reading if you have made it this far, and please keep all the usual stuff coming in such as comments, RT's, likes and shares

Dr Detroit will be on the air straight after the eviction with special guest Rebecca Jane from last years Civilian series, link on the right to join in

BB on Blast also have a new podcast out, and that link can also be found on the right

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking ....

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 28 - Power of Veto 9

The countdown to battle back continues, as we head into Week 9's Power of Veto competition

  • Angela won HoH
  • She though long and hard about Faysal or Sam joining Haleigh on the chopping block
  • Haleigh and Faysal began to crumble as Faysal went to see Angela in the HoH room, behind Haleigh's back
  • Angela saw through Faysal's plan of an alliance between Tyler and Angela and Faysal and Haleigh
  • Faysal joined Haleigh on the block

No opening credits

We pick up the action straight after the nominations ceremony, and needless to say everything is going as planned for Level 6, as they continue to cruise through this season with barely a loss from their alliance. Angela says she can't wait to tear Haleigh and Faysal apart

Little does she know of the impending battle back though....

Faysal says this is the worst case scenario, and that he didn't see this coming. Haleigh knew it was coming, but now they have to concentrate on winning the Veto. Sam thought she was going up with Haleigh, and she still could be if the other side of the house wins Veto.

Tyler and Angela continue to tease a showmance, very happy faces from both of them. Who can blame them, this is an absolute massacre at the moment. Here comes Kaycee, also with a big smile on her face even though she hasn't won anything of note yet apart from one Hacker competition. Think we could be seeing the final 3 right here if things keep going the way they are.

Angela's target is Faysal, and she seems very confident Haleigh will go next week. Meanwhile it's still pistols at dawn between Haleigh and Faysal, as she silently berates him for getting Scottie sent to jury. Faysal is just so dumb, is there anything firing in that pea brain of his.

Veto player picks

As always, HoH and nominees play automatically. Joining Angela, Haleigh and Faysal will be Kaycee, JC and Sam (houseguests choice). Haleigh or Faysal's best chance is Sam, but Sam admits she didn't want to play this one, but wants to win anyway and then decide what to do with the Veto if she wins it. Think she's winding down from this experience myself, and just wants out now.

Haleigh goes to talk to Angela in the HoH room, just to test the water to see who from her and Faysal will survive if they don't win the Veto. Haleigh is not sure whether to trust Angela or not, when Angela tells her Faysal is the primary target.

Veto competition

Mission to Planet Veto is the name of this competition, and here is how it works. Houseguests will take it in turns to catch 3 balls through 3 stages of a very impressive set up in the backyard. Each round will range from 1 point to 3 points respectively, and the houseguests, whilst being covered in slime I might add, must score the highest amount. So, obviously whoever gets the most points will win Power of Veto. Additional, in the 3rd round they have to catch the balls with their mouths, and they are not allowed to use their hands. 

After a rather messy competition, the scores:

JC and Sam - 2 points
Haleigh - 13 points
Angela - 16 points
Faysal - 32 points

Winner and Veto holder - Kaycee with 33 points

Highly unlikely Kaycee will use Veto, and this last part is just going through the motions as we head towards the eviction.

Faysal is upset that Haleigh is spending more time with everyone else rather than him, which causes another argument and she storms off. Brett sees her crying and tells us he will try to get her in his corner. Haleigh more or less admits she feels betrayed by Faysal. Bad move getting with him anyway, as he is not the brightest and also just the way he pulled her into this showmance was kind of creepy.

Veto ceremony

No great shock, Kaycee does not use the Veto and the nominations stay the same, but there is still the battle back to come in the next episode

To be continued in Episode 29, when Faysal or Haleigh will compete with Bayleigh, Angie and Scottie for the chance to go back into the game and play for the grand prize.

Final thoughts

Faysal hot favourite to go into the battle back competition. Personally speaking I do hope Scottie goes back in, but Faysal will probably win out if it's a physical comp. Angie ruled out, as she has NO chance, and dread to think what Bayleigh will be like if she goes back in. She completely lost the plot before she was evicted, and she will be even worse if that's possible if she goes back in. 

Anyways, thanks as always for reading if you have made it this far down the page. Please keep those RT's, likes, shares and comments coming in, it seriously does mean a lot :)

Rob has a Podcast will be on the air shortly after the televised episodes to dissect the episode just aired

On the subject of CBB UK, Dr Detroit will be on the air after the UK eviction with special guest and former Civilian housemate Rebecca Jane discussing everything eviction. So join him, Garry, Sarah and Erica for that right here

If you haven't heard BB on Blast's latest podcast for CBB UK, click and listen right here

Remember the links on the right, show them some love and check anything you need to know about UK, USA or Canada

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching......

CBB UK Summer 2018 - Episode 14 - Lack of morals, and an abundance of rats

Greetings, citizens, and welcome to Episode 14 of Summer CBB UK, as we take another small step towards crowning the next, and hopefully not final, celebrity winner

In case you missed it from last time, Chloe was evicted and then was told about Jermaine/Jerome/The Rat's marital status to a VERY awkward silence

Today we see Chloe go again, and all the action leading up to her departure including a VERY interesting conversation between her and the rat which basically puts another nail in the rat's coffin, making him a very hot favourite to go on Friday.

Lights on in the house, and down to business as they get ready for the eviction....

Gabby and Ben are in the garden trying some moves, think we have found Ben's Plan B should things inevitably go pear shaped with Roxanne.

Jermaine and Dan are still in bed, but can't move because there's no glory in the morning routine for them if you get what I mean

Sally with another prediction in the Diary Room, saying Chloe will go. Meanwhile, Ben and Gabby are catching the attention of Roxanne. What's it go to do with Roxanne, isn't she supposed to be engaged as she keeps reminding us every 5 seconds.

Hardeep tells Gabby he will the house should he be evicted, and would be over the moon if he stays. He says he would like to keep in touch outside of the house.

Marriage talk between Kirstie, Dan and the rat in the kitchen. Wasted energy, Kirstie, especially with those two. The rat wouldn't know truth even if it smacked him right where it hurts.

Roxanne handing out relationship advice yet again to Chloe. Doesn't Roxanne look in the mirror and see that she needs to sort out her own problem first. How do you sort out a problem like Ben, simple, just tell him about the engagement and say things cannot go further. It's not that difficult.

The rat just gets even worse day by day. "Don't play games with me or you will lose". Dan laughs along with this, the same Dan that threatened to stab an ex girlfriend if she so much as looked at another bloke. Dan says Chloe's demeanour changed when she found out she was named as on the block, and the rat makes a barking noise, so obviously meant for Chloe. So looking forward to when Emma gets the rat in the hot seat, hopefully in the next eviction. Watching him squirm will be a pleasure in itself. 

Ben is now setting his sights on Gabby, all the while having feelings for Roxanne. What a creep. What is it with some of the men in there in this series, can't they think with anything other what's causing stirrings in their utility belts down below.

Wendy the Washing Machine makes another appearance, she gives Nick the challenge of literally spilling the beans on one housemate, while telling them where they are going wrong. His reward will be to be able to send a birthday card to his kid outside. Mission successful after a few false starts, and as promised he is able to send that card out

Roxanne is called to the bathroom as Ben has been given a makeover, which she is not a fan of. Why are they encouraging this. This is wrong and getting Ben's hopes up, although Roxanne doesn't know, at least not yet, that Ben also has his eye on Gabby as well

Ryan tells Nick that this experience could be life changing for some of them. Not for the way you think, Ryan.

The Rat is called to the Diary Room, and talks about how he is feeling. Talk turns to Chloe, and he doesn't exactly give her CV a kind mention, and puts all his flirting with her down to 'banter'. Lousy cheating rat, you knew full well what you were doing with Chloe, and you are STILL lying to her even now about your marital status.

He goes on to tell Nick and Hardeep about how long he has been married, and he has to rack his brains about that. Can anyone spell DIVORCE, not a mystic but I think that word will be coming for Jermaine very soon.

Kirstie tells us Roxanne is the only one that doesn't like Ben's new look, and Kirstie says she would like to style him herself. Speaking of Chloe, she tells us about the last words she said before being released by her kidnappers. She tells Sally she nearly died from so much ketamine.

Crowd noise is being played into the house, as per every eviction night so the housemates don't hear anything from outside. I love that more effort is being made to actually stop anything being heard, right down to Emma going to the studio to make the announcement.

In another brazen move, the rat practically orders Chloe to the shower cubicle. Big Brother and us hear everything, Jermaine. The crux of the conversation is that he is practically trying to worm his way out ordering her to tell Emma and any other interviewers it was only banter. Scumbag, hope his wife kicks him right where it hurts when he comes out and drops the divorce papers on him while he is writhing in pain. Go to the sewer where you belong, just the right place for a rat like you.

Eviction time, and it's Chloe who has been evicted. But we knew that already. Glad she is out of there and away from a certain person, and that she now knows what a scumbag that person is. She took it a lot better than Natalie did, as in saying goodbye to everyone and NOT being bitter.

Jermaine still talking about 'banter' and trying to worm his way out of what everyone has already seen. Yet again Roxanne is sticking around offering advice, she says she has been real which is a joke, as she has not given a steaming pile of s**t for her fiance outside.

Jermaine now wearing his wedding ring, get a long hard look at it, pal....May not be wearing it for too long when you get out of the house. Hardeep is really happy he has been saved again, but I don't think the public will be very charitable with the upcoming twist, as I fully expect him to be on the block again along with Jermaine.

Truth or Dare again. Gabby says she gets along really well with Kirstie. Jermaine gets the ultimate question in that if he will see Chloe again. He replies with at the finale, but hints he will see her again depending on circumstances, and says she is a friend. Whatever, Jermaine, whatever.

Jermaine and Ben are still up, and Ben says he will get s**t when he gets out. Two black eyes in your future, Ben, if Lee catches up with you.

Jermaine says he has issues, bulls**t. You knew what you were doing without any thought for a certain someone outside. You are on the block on Friday, pal.

To be continued in episode 15.....

Final thoughts

Very heavy Jermaine episode, and not for the right reasons. I really hope Emma will throw the book, kitchen sink and everything that's not nailed down at him.

Jermaine, the public has found you GUILTY of cheating, and sentences you to eviction on Friday. Let's hope the housemates think the same as most of us do, and send him on his way

Thank you for reading if you have made it this far, and please keep those comments, RT, likes and shares coming.

Podcast alert, BB on Blast have released a mammoth 4 hour show, and it can be heard right here

As always, information about UK, USA or Canada is readily available via the links to the right. Show them some love, you know it makes sense

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 27 - HoH and Nominations 9

When last we left the houseguests:
  • Brett won Veto, and used it on himself
  • Kaycee was named as the replacement
  • Scottie was evicted by a landslide vote of 6-0, and became the 3rd member of jury for now
  • Battle back was announced for the following week, which basically means current jury members Bayleigh, Angie, Scottie and whoever is evicted next will compete to go back in the house and back in with a chance of the grand prize
  • The HoH competition got underway
We pick up the action as the HoH competition begins

In case you missed it, this competition is called Sweet Shot and has a one hour time limit. The houseguests each have a ball pit which they must dive in and find tokens. Once a token is found, they must hand it in to Faysal and they will receive a ball to roll down the conveyor belt. First houseguest to pocket the ball in the red cup becomes the new HoH. If the ball is not cupped, then that houseguest can try to find another token or lock in the score they have. The tokens are transferable and can be given to another houseguest

Nobody manages to pocket a ball in the red cup, but Angela locks in a score of 39 which wins her HoH. The only way she could have been defeated

Angela ponders whether to stick with Haleigh and Faysal's pitch for an alliance, nah who we kidding she's Level 6 to the end.

Tyler still has his Power app for one more week, but now that Angela is HoH he may as well not use it and just let it expire.

Haleigh claims she knows she is going up, just a matter of a coin toss between Sam and Faysal to who joins her on the block. Can only see one outcome if that is the case, and that it will probably be that great big goof Faysal. 

Haleigh goes to Angela and offers herself as a pawn, who knows for what reason. Answers on a postcard please. Angela gladly accepts the offer and says Haleigh is as dumb as Faysal, and that is not difficult when it comes to the other side of the house.

Trouble in paradise, as Haleigh and Faysal are starting to argue on a more regular basis, as Faysal went to Angela behind Haleigh's back about the upcoming nominations. 

An Angela and Tyler showmance is teased, although Tyler is reluctant to throw his game away so close to the end. Good for him, we still have one to get rid of this week anyway and then it should be cream cheese for Level 6 to close out this game.

Angela thinks it would be too safe to send Sam out, which I agree with and she can be easily disposed of nearer the end to ensure an all Level 6 final 2 or 3. If they are still intact by then of course.

Faysal finds his way back to Angela in the HoH room. Looks like Haleigh is indeed a certainty to be on the block, and now Angela's mind is made up as she sees right through the deal Faysal tried to pitch to her and Tyler, and Faysal will be sitting next to her

Nominations ceremony

"This is the nominations ceremony, and it is my responsibility to nominate two housemates for eviction"

To no surprise, Haleigh and Faysal are on the block and it's all systems go now to the Veto in the next episode.

To be continued in Episode 28 when the Veto is up for grabs

Final thoughts

A routine week for Level 6, just win the Veto and that's another one from the other side picked off temporarily, although the other side will be temporarily strengthened when one of them comes back in after the battle back. Just depends on who gets evicted and is that 4th member of the jury. Myself personally, should be Scottie but gut feeling that dopey as in Faysal will be evicted and then get back in.

Thank you for reading if you have made it this far. All RT's, likes, shares and even comments are very much appreciated

Rob has a Podcast will be on air shortly after the televised episodes, and also be sure to check out the other links for any information regarding UK, USA or Canada and also a shedload of podcasts for UK, USA and Canada

Veering slightly off topic, Civilian Big Brother UK's launch date has been revealed for 14 September, and CBB UK finale is 10 September

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, someone is always watching......

CBB UK Summer 2018 - Episode 13 - The Showmancer or The House Cook

In other words, Chloe or Hardeep will be the 2nd evictee of this series. Who stays, the editing decides....or do they, given the last result

Emma: She has been breaking rules and he has been breaking wind, but who's heart is going to be breaking tonight. You decide.

Opening credits, and the usual whoop whoop emanates from the crowd as we get on the road to evicting Chloe or Hardeep.

Emma welcomes us in, and recaps some of what has been happening since Natalie was evicted and Rodrigo was removed, especially the shopping task and may I say I do hope we see more of that Public Eye as it has been really fun. After the preview for tonight's festivities, we hear about a twist in which the public has some power. More about that nearer the time.

We are shown the two nominees pleas to stay, first up is Chloe who says she would like to show people the real her. Meanwhile, Hardeep says to vote for him if he hasn't alienated or p'd people off. 

Back to Chloe, and she says if she stays she will be over the moon, and proves people are on her side.

Some small 'Get Chloe Out' chants, and muted responses for both nominees

House action

Big Brother reveals they have passed their shopping task, so they will receive a basic shopping budget. Sorry to sound like a broken record, but it would have been so much better if they had not known about the punishment until now. Just the look on their faces if they were so certain they were getting a luxury budget.

And now onto the shopping list itself, the arguments about what to get have been much missed. If only we had live feed, eh? 

Outside showers for Nick and Hardeep

In the Diary Room, Jermaine (or Jerome as he is known to Sally) is told they have overspent by a mere £3.70. Jermaine acting like this is the Last Supper, when its common knowledge they will get a party and/or a treat anyway at some point via an easy task.

Chloe and Hardeep are announced to be on the block, but we knew that already

Chloe starts crying as it dawns on her she's on the block, more like she is possibly going out the door and her only storyline is going down the drain at a rate of knots. Chloe, you are only on the block and not shortlisted to go in front of a firing squad.

And cue that easy task for a treat and possibly a party as well, with Kirstie being tested on UK English and also making a cup of tea amongst other things. She chooses Ryan, Chloe and Sally to share her treat with her.

Muted responses again for the two nominees as Emma reads out the numbers. She then calls a break saying it's going to all kick off 

Jermaine/Jerome thinks Chloe will stay because she looks innocent, and has 'a cheeky little laugh' and can light up a room. He claims she is the one he is most attractive to. What a piece of cheating shit he is.

Chloe tells some housemates about the secret messages between her and Jermaine, and Ryan bizarrely starts screeching and some of them start cheering. What's up with that, they should not be encouraging this at all, all levels of wrong. Shut the **** up, Ryan, with that screeching. 

Oh Chloe, if only you knew his real relationship status....

Jermaine/Jerome the rat and Chloe have a private conversation in the bedroom, and she is questioning him about his real relationship status, and still he continues to lie his rear end off. Don't fall for it, Chloe.

Roxanne is giving Chloe relationship advice. The same Roxanne that is treating her fiance like a piece of shit with Ben, by the way.

A short time after, Roxanne once again starts preaching to Chloe. Seriously, Roxanne, isn't there a little problem you should be sorting out in trying not to put your own relationship under even more threat.

In the bedroom, Gabby says she is worried about the rat's girlfriend (or wife, as we like to know her out here) seeing all this footage. Bit late for that now. Ryan throws his tuppence worth in as well, but it looks like it is going in one of the rat's ears and out of the other. 

Chloe says she just wants to enjoy what could be her last night in the house. She also mentions some people in the house are being kind of sly, can't think who she could be referring to there.

Spin the bottle time, which always ends well in the particular house. Ben asks the rat how he's feeling right now, to which the rat says he is fine and how a certain situation looks on the outside he has no idea. Bull s**t, he knows exactly how it's going to look.

Dan talks about his relationship with Jacqueline Jossa, his reaction was to avoid the arguments. He says when he argued with his ex, it was toxic, and when he argues with Jacqueline he goes out to the gym. Nuff said.

Hardeep is talking to Big Brother, and says being nominated it makes one affected. He has chosen to do Big Brother, and wants to experience this part of the industry in its most modern parts of its manifestation. He would also love to stay because he's learning a lot and having some personal breakthroughs.

The rat pokes his head around the bathroom door and asks to speak to Chloe. Grade A ratbag, consider your wife's feelings.

Chloe tells him to sober up and they will talk in the morning. Take the hint, pal. The rat is mouthing off in the kitchen area. How dare she say no to me, roughly translated. And finally the truth comes out, and now most of them know he is married......

He says he doesn't wear his ring in the house, and suddenly Dan suddenly turns into a Relate counsellor telling him to consider his wife's feelings. Like you allegedly considered Jacqueline's feelings on that boat.

Emma tells us Chloe still doesn't know the rat is married, and calls a break

After the break, she does some Bit on the Side promotion, and Rylan says the superfans will love the incoming twist and it's into the studio away from the crowd for......

Eviction time

Emma goes live to the house, and after a long pause, CHLOE is announced as the 2nd evictee

Interview time will be VERY interesting 

Positive reaction from the mob outside as she exits the house

First up, we see who nominated Chloe and why they nominated her. Shortly afterwards, Emma starts on the subject of the rat, and they show her the clip we saw where he admits about his wife. Very awkward silence from Chloe, and she says she doesn't know what to say. Emma really starts to have a go at the rat, and rightly so. Dress rehearsal for when he gets out, as she is going to throw the book, kitchen sink and whatever else that's not nailed down at him. Emma apologises for showing that particular clip, and I don't see any reason anyone should be angry at her as I have a feeling it wasn't her idea so people should cut her a break if they think she or the show did that deliberately. As she herself said, it was better than Chloe going home and watching it all back and finding out that way, which is a more than reasonable explanation.

And before end credits, Emma reveals the twist involves the public deciding who is their favourite housemate, and the two with the least votes will face a face to face eviction with the housemates having the final say of which of the bottom two will be the 3rd evictee. Seems fair, I suppose. So who goes in the next eviction, the housemates will decide.

And that is that for another episode....

Final thoughts

The twist is revealed, and I would suspect the rat will be booted. Very good interview from Emma in this episode, and good on them for showing Chloe THAT clip and not letting her go off into the sunset and seeing for herself. Who needs Natalie, when tensions are brewing nicely. It would be boring some said, pah.....It's boiling nicely and every day in this series feels like a blast from the past for us veteran fans and superfans :)

On a personal note, a massive thank you to Big Brother Radio, friends and loved ones and followers on social media and fellow forum members in the Big Brother section on Digital Spy for all your kind messages and support after yesterday's sad news about my dog Mitts. Every single message meant so much and was much appreciated. She will be missed, and wherever you are up there, dear girl, you may be gone but you will NEVER be forgotten. Godspeed Mitts and take care.

Thank you for reading this post if you have made it this far, and please keep those retweets, likes, shares and comments coming in. All very much appreciated.

If you missed the Big Brother Radio show after the eviction, it can be listened to right here

BB on Blast will have a fresh new CBB UK podcast out soon, which will be posted in tomorrow's recap

The next BB USA recap will be going up shortly, so look out for it.

Click on the links on the right for all your UK, USA and Canada Big Brother needs

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, keep on rocking and God Bless Mitts......

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

CBB UK Summer 2018 - Episode 12 - Return of the Eye (100th post)

2nd and final part of the shopping task today, as the Public Eye returns to put the housemates through their paces.

In case you missed it, Big Brother kind of spoiled the surprise yesterday when they announced at the BEGINNING of the task, about the housemates getting not going above basics even if they pass. Due to Jermaine and Chloe writing secret messages, the whole house will be on basic budget if they pass, or basic RATIONS if they fail.

The score so far is 4 passes and 1 fails, anything over 5 fails and it's shopping task failed.

Nominations also taking place, and it will be the usual locked in the living area and housemates will be summoned in alphabetical order, and the top 2 nominated will face the public vote

So lights on and let's get this party underway....

And already the Public Eye makes an appearance with his/her theme from an 80's arcade game, and first up is Jermaine and he has to organise a conga line through the house

74% liked it so another pass

Passes: 5
Fails: 1

Hair in the shower cubicle, to which Gabby calls a house meeting to tell them to clean up their hairs from the shower cubicle.

Roxanne is telling Dan about how she doesn't remember her life outside, and struggling to remember her fiance's voice. So she does remember she is engaged then.....

We then get a reminder she got engaged inside a week, and Dan starts talking about his own wife, none other than former Eastenders star Jacqueline Jossa.

Ben is in the Diary Room, talking about Roxanne. He talks about how he thinks he's got a connection to her. If you say so, pal, get that ticket to Heartbreak Hotel purchased quick.

The usual sparring between Ryan and Ben in the garden, and this time it's pouring with rain...Nuff said

Dan explains to Big Brother about he is struggling with the food, as he eats quite a lot. Suddenly the Public Eye pops in and it's Dan's turn. He has to fascinate the viewers, and starts by taking off his vest and then a lot of, what can only be described, as dad dancing and then some bad jokes follow.

Viewers score this 49%

Passes: 5
Fails: 2

Time for the Confession Booth. Ben, Sally and Jermaine up for this one and they have to reveal sins from their past and have to 'shock' the public

Ben - Married a stranger and then cheated on her a week later. Said he is going to be a dad soon. Has a crush on Roxanne.

Sally - 15 years old and a boy she liked had a girlfriend, and basically lied to get him
Jermaine - Slept with a former team-mate's wife. Really likes Chloe

44% so another fail

Passes: 5
Fails: 2

And onto another segment in the Ben and Roxanne show, as he tells her he has a kid on the way. Jermaine says he confessed that he liked Chloe.Where's the Eastenders duff duffs when you need them.

Sally talks about Jermaine, or should that be Jerome as Sally calls him. She thinks he is brave confessing, and all he needed was the Eye to confess to. Meanwhile Roxanne tries to get a confession out of Ben, and he takes her to a deserted corridor to tell her how he feels. He leans in for a kiss, but she doesn't reciprocate. She is next seen in the storeroom kissing her engagement ring.

Roxanne is now in the bedroom as we continue through the day, and she is trying to dress up as Chloe. Right on cue the Public Eye makes another appearance and he/she is carrying a XXX briefcase. He wants some Kirstie to direct some of the girls, in this case Chloe, Gabby and Roxanne. They put on a sex show of sorts, obviously within broadcastable parameters so the show doesn't get into a pile of poo with OFCOM.

Viewers were not impressed scoring 31%

Passes: 5
Fails: 3

Housemates have passed the shopping task and have won a basic budget, and will be told in due course

And now it's straight to nominations, BB Canada's Trevor Boris is overseeing this round of nominations



Reason: Chloe doesn't muck in as much as the other housemates do. She just put a glass down the other day, I tripped over the glass, it went all over Sally's bed, and then the glass was left, and I had to clean it up. I just think if that was me, I would help cleaning up the glass.


Reason: He put me on edge when he started stirring it up with Roxy a little bit. He'll throw a s**t grenade in there, and then he's offski. Now I feel I can't be myself around Roxy. I'd like to get to know the real Ryan, to be totally honest, because there's little bits popping out of him, but there's walls there, and it puts me on edge with his personality.



Reason: We don't really conversate and he doesn't take part in group activities. Everyone is having such a good time, having laughs, jokes, and then when someone is just sitting at the side, it doesn't feel very nice."


Reason: He snores and passes gas in public and this annoys a lot of the housemates. He made Roxanne upset yesterday as well, which wasn't great. She was a bit paranoid over the situation, and it's a sensitive topic, and I just don't like seeing her cry.



Reason: She's done well with her tasks, but she's really quiet around the house and doesn't really help and clean up. I just don't feel she's helping enough around the house


Reason: I just feel like he's acting up to the cameras a bit. I just feel like everyone else is being themselves and letting themselves have a good time, which is quite important in here.



Reason: He'll say something to someone but if someone pulls him up on something he gets all defensive and goes off in a mood. It's just a little bit trying.


Reason: She gets on quite a few people's nerves, and there are times when I just want to have a minute and not be around all this performance, and sometimes it's kind of hard to get away from that.



Reason: It's getting a little bit testing to continue to walk into piles of her clothes and just have her leave the fridge open. In terms of being a team player, she hasn't really got involved with cleaning and tidying and cooking and stuff, so I think that is a strategic and sensible nomination


Reason: I think there is a narcissism about her that she hides quite well but rears its head at times. The straw that broke the camel's back was her reaction to the roast last night which I thought was massively off the cuff, made her the story, and I'm finding myself apologising for something when I'm not entirely sure what I've done wrong. What's depressing for me is that I have no intent in my heart, I'm not here to p**s anyone off. I love a bit of self-deprecation, but I think with Roxy it's kind of 'look at me, look at me, don't look at me, no but keep looking at me'.



Reason: I feel in the house you need some energy and characters to lift things up, and I feel he doesn't really participate in that sense, you'll see him on his own, on the bed in a group of people but won't really get involved.


Reason: He's getting a bit short-tempered. Certain things are bothering him which really shouldn't. For example, one of the tasks we had to do, eating a little bit of food, he caused a bit of a stir by saying there are people out there with no food and going to foodbanks, bearing in mind the food was rotten, gone off, and the best place for it was the bin, he couldn't understand what this show is about.



Reason: When he was cooking for everyone, that was a great contribution. Now he's cooking part of the time and not part of the time, so a little bit low on the contributions, and a little bit high on the farting and snoring. Passing gas, or burping, or whatever he's doing, is rude, and that is annoying.


Reason: She doesn't contribute. I feel like she needs to learn that just being beautiful and fun isn't all there is when you're in a group. And because she was passing notes, which is against the rules, but also then not acknowledging that caused the group a penalty.



Reason: I think she's trying too hard, she's always trying to sing or dance or do something. I can't believe that anyone lives like that in the real world. It is boring and annoying.


Reason: She's a lovely girl, and when we have tasks, she throws herself into them as much as anybody. But for the remainder of the day, everyone's picking things up after her, she doesn't muck in with anything in the kitchen, she'll leave the fridge door open, she'll leave her clothes in the shower, she'll walk away from a cup wherever it may be. She's the weakest member of the team in that regard as everybody else mucks in.



Reason: He crossed the line again with me when he brought my fiancee and my relationship into the comedy roast, which was his task. I think he could have found more witty remarks to make at my expense.


Reason: I always have this feeling and this sense that he doesn't really warm to me, like I'm not his cup of tea. I just get this impression that he wouldn't want me around.



Reason: She seems to put herself first, before the rest of the house. Getting ready seems to come before doing chores, and she doesn't really participate in keeping this place in working order as much as everyone else.


Reason: Her level of energy is sometimes a little bit too much for me. I hate to say it because I might be wrong in saying it, but I think it is a little bit for the camera. That's the first time I've said something really negative about someone and I may have got it wrong. I hope I am wrong.



Reason: I find his snoring wakes me up and he's very very loud early morning, and also his flatulence, he doesn't take anyone into consideration with it.

Chloe: She has never offered to clean the lavatory, or the bathroom, or the sinks, or wash up. She is basically lazy.

Facing the public vote will be CHLOE and HARDEEP and they will find out in due course

However, Hardeep and Nick have been rumbled about talking about nominations, their punishment will be to be locked out of the bathroom in the main house, and they will have to use the outside shower.

Well, better than hot water off for 30 seconds for everyone I suppose

Truth or dare up next, to which Chloe kisses Jermaine. That'll impress his wife no end I don't think, and he just let it happen. Getting even more convinced his wife will come in at a later date for a task. Dan is crying about missing his family. Sex talk in the bedroom, between Kirstie, Sally and Roxy. Less said the better.

To be continued in Episode 13, which will see Chloe or Hardeep evicted. Who stays, the editing decides. In case you missed it the eviction episode will on 15 minutes later than usual at 9,15, just so to avoid a clash with The Great British Bake Off

Final thoughts

If only BB hadn't of tipped them about the punishment at the beginning, and left it to the end of the shopping task....

Think it's time to break up one of these showmances, and I know the downside is that we get Ben and Roxanne shoved in our faces, but it will be one less showmance to worry about if Chloe goes.

Hardeep will keep until the next eviction, as he running out of chances and I will be very surprised if he makes it all the way to finale night.

Thank you for reading this post if you have got this far, and keep the comments, likes, RT's and shares coming. All very much appreciated.

Newsflash, Dr Detroit will be on the air with Garry, Sarah and Erica straight after the eviction at 10.45pm UK time, and they will be talking all things eviction and the runners and riders as we take another step towards crowning possibly the final celebrity winner on Five. Listen to everything right here

Click on the links to the right for all your UK, USA and Canada needs. The next BB20 post will go up soon and it will cover the HoH and Nominations episode.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......

Monday, 27 August 2018

CBB UK Summer 2018 - Episode 11 - An Eye for Basic Shopping

Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Big Brother from the Batcave, and to the start of the housemates next shopping task
Lights on for a brand new day, and some 80's/90's Super Mario type music starts playing to introduce the Public Eye character to kick off this week's shopping task. Throughout today and tomorrow, the housemates will have to do several mini-tasks and the viewers will vote from clips posted online for whether they pass or fail. Bear in mind, these tasks have already happened in real time so the polls are closed at time of writing. No more than 5 fails are allowed.

I would have said, "what they don't know is that they will be on basics pass or fail, as in pass it will be a basic budget, and if they fail it will be basic RATIONS", but some bright spark backstage thought it would be better to tell them all this at the BEGINNING of the task rather than at the end, effectively spoiling the surprise. 

In case you missed it, they will be on basics either way due to Jermaine and Chloe writing messages, which is a breach of Big Brother rules. Yes, they have remembered the rulebook exists, but just a pity the housemates were tipped off about the punishment before this particular shopping task officially started.

That being said, let's get down to business

First to be set a mini-task is Ryan, and he has to be 'entertaining'. A twerk, backflip/cartwheel, dance and a jump in the pool, 78% of voters enjoyed that. Seriously? And this guy is favourite to win?

Passes: 1
Fails: 0

Chloe and Roxanne are striking a pose, while Gabby is in the Diary Room talking about the punishment, which they shouldn't have known about until the END of this task.

Time for another mini-task, and it's Roxanne's turn. She has to be 'annoying', but don't think she needs ANY help to do that as she is doing a good job of that by herself. Anyways, she does all matter of things to appear annoying. 70% of viewers enjoyed it.

Passes: 2
Fails: 0

More name dropping from Kirstie, as she mentions Jack Nicholson asking her if she is married

*sigh* Back to the Roxanne and Ben nonsense, as in the showmance. What part of she is spoken for does Ben not understand. He asks her what her longest relationship has been. Can Big Brother please take these two to one side and tell them how this may be being perceived on the outside, especially to Roxanne's fiance.

Porridge making in the kitchen, and Nick makes an observation that some people are trying too hard to be entertaining

Sally is in the Diary Room, talking about Roxanne and Ben and their constant singing and shouting

Time for another mini-task, and it's time for the usual Big Brother meets I'm a Celebrity challenge. As in eat a thousand year old egg, stinky durian fruit, tripe and lashings of rancid milk while saying disgusting things. As expected, lots of gagging and wretching as the meals are consumed. Gabby remarks that this is what she would expect a dead penis to taste like. Nick, Gabby and Chloe are the participants in this one

Gabby putting her case forward for a future appearance on I'm a Celebrity right there

Viewers suitably disgusted with 76%

Passes: 3
Fails: 0

Hardeep questions how some can find that entertaining, don't worry we are used to it. Infinitely better than seeing wall to wall arguments and constant shouting in each other's faces. A small disturbance between Ryan and Hardeep, as Ryan doesn't think Hardeep's farts were very funny

In the Diary Room, Ryan is talking about his disagreement with Hardeep. The word 'banter' is thrown in. Sorry, Ryan, at least Hardeep's trying to come across well, while you are just like a laughing policeman and floating around doing nothing else.

Time for the next mini-task, and it's Hardeep's turn and he has to do a comedy roast of his comedy houseguests. Cringey from Hardeep, and Roxanne over-reacts when Hardeep brings up her and Ben. She accuses Hardeep of trying to ruin her relationship. Er, what? She is doing that all by herself without any help from Hardeep, and why is she getting so defensive anyway. If she cared about her fiance, she wouldn't be carrying on the way she is with Ben in the first place. Settle your kettle, Roxanne, and grow up.

What part of 'comedy roast' do some of these housemates not understand? Seriously....Why are they pandering to her now, she's got herself in this mess, it's up to her to sort it out.

Hardeep doesn't have to explain himself, nor was it his personal suggestion to do this. He was put on the spot by Big Brother, nothing more nothing less.

Hardeep scored 46%, so as it's not a majority that's the first fail

Passes: 3
Fails: 1

Party time, and enter the Public Eye. Time for a dance off for everybody to participate in, and yes another high percentage from viewers in 60%

Passes: 4
Fail: 1

And back to the Ben and Roxanne show, and they are doing their Tracey and Terry sketch. Answers on a postcard, please. Hardeep and Nick talk about Ben and Roxanne, Nick says if he had carried on with Roxanne his wife would have left him, and suspects Ben is in love with Roxanne. I suspect it's one way and Ben better get his ticket to Heartbreak Hotel stamped in.

To end the show, and to absolutely no respect to her fiance, Roxanne and Ben hold hands. Way to go to quell the gossip, Roxanne. Have some respect for Lee, for goodness sake.

To be continued in Episode 12.....

Final thoughts

Good episode, even if most of the focus was on Ben and Roxanne. Was wary of the shopping task when viewers and polls were mentioned, but now it's all very clear and was executed pretty well. Looking forward to it resuming in Episode 12. Hopefully we will get some sort of explanation about Rodrigo's departure. As for Ben and Roxanne, I really wish the show wouldn't encourage it, and have some respect for her chap on the outside.

Thank you for reading if you have made it this far, and keep the comments, likes, shares and RT's coming. All very much appreciated.

Click on the links to the right for all your UK, USA and Canada information as it comes in.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Sunday, 26 August 2018

Big Brother USA 2018 - Episode 26 - Veto Decision and Eviction 8

"Zingbot may have destroyed the housemates, but tonight Level 6 may have the last laugh. Welcome to Big Brother"

Narrator: After the All American beasted his way to power, JC got in his head about Scottie. Despite Haleigh's plea, the jock still targeted the nerd. Looking for a new alliance, Faysal made a pitch to Tyler, and the lifeguard played along to keep himself safe. In a must win Veto for Scottie, it was Brett who found victory. Not wanting her pal evicted, Sam concocted a cuckoo scheme. Soon after Scottie threw Haleigh under the bus, leaving Faysal with a big decision.

Opening credits tonight, and then Julie welcomes us in and recaps what the narrator just told us

Day 65, and tonight we find out the 3rd member of the jury

Faysal: Brett just won the Veto, so now I have to throw another person on the block. Sam and Scottie have pitched to putting my girl Haleigh on the block

Faysal tells Haleigh about Scottie's pitch to throw her under the bus, and she is not at all happy

Haleigh says she is very confused, and starts crying. Don't worry Haleigh, you and the other side of the house can have a big party in the jury house very soon. You lot are handing this to Level 6 on a silver plate.

Level 6 doing their utmost not to laugh their heads off at Haleigh, as she cries her eyes out. Kaycee admits this is a cakewalk for Level 6, and rightly so. Haleigh wants to know why Scottie is determined to throw her under the bus, and goes straight to Scottie. He admits he dropped a major clanger with his little scheme, nothing new there.

Scottie goes to Faysal to try and call off his plan, aka damage limitation. Bit late now, pal. If there was the slightest doubt in the first place, you shouldn't have gone through with it and now you have probably sealed your fate. 

Back to Julie, and she calls a break

Veto ceremony

As expected Brett uses the Veto on himself, and Faysal puts up KAYCEE in his place. Before the ceremony, Scottie took it upon himself to throw Sam under the bus, but it will probably do him no good at all as Kaycee is merely a pawn to make sure Scottie is out of there and into jury.

In case you hadn't noticed by now, Tyler has got deals with just about everybody in there, but has to be careful with how he juggles these deals or he could find it all crashes around him and he will be in the car to jury.

Emergency in the kitchen has someone has overcooked something, and it has caught fire. Luckily we have Firewoman Sam on the case with the fire extinguisher. Faysal pitches to Tyler and Angela about a possible final 4 deal with him and Haleigh. Of course there is a question of loyalty, and Tyler and Angela are too loyal to Level 6, and one of the many reasons Level 6 is slowly steamrollering towards the end. 

Tyler admits his own ideal final 4 would be obviously himself, JC, Kaycee and Angela. Final 2 is himself and Kaycee, as he would have the best chance of beating her.


More than likely a foregone conclusion, but stranger things have happened

Usual rules, as in HoH only votes in the event of tie, and the nominees don't vote

Off we go...

Angela votes to evict Scottie
JC votes to evict Scottie
Tyler votes to evict Scottie
Haleigh votes to evict Scottie 
Sam votes to evict Scottie
Brett votes to evict Scottie

Scottie is evicted by a vote of 6-0

Julie calls a break before announcing the result

In his interview with Julie, Scottie basically admits he got Sam to try and persuade Faysal to put Haleigh on the block, and then Faysal would put Sam on the blocl. His overall plan backfired, obviously as he is sitting there and not Sam. 

HoH competition

As outgoing HoH, Faysal is not eligible to play

This competition is called Sweet Shot. The houseguests each have a ball pit which they must dive in and find tokens. Once a token is found, they must hand it in to Faysal and they will receive a ball to roll down the conveyor belt. First houseguest to pocket the ball in the red cup becomes the new HoH. If the ball is not cupped, then that houseguest can try to find another token or lock in the score they have. The tokens are transferable and can be given to another houseguest

Under starters orders and they are off.....

To be continued in Episode 27, HoH and Nominations 9

And there will be a battle back in next week's eviction, as in Angie, Bayleigh, Scottie and next week's evictee will face a competition, which will see one of them go back into the house and back in with a chance of winning the grand prize.

Final thoughts

What's there to say. Another week and another small victory for Level 6 as they pick off another member from the other side of the house.

Thank you for reading if you have made it this far, and keep any comments, likes, shares or RT's coming. They are all very much appreciated

Rob has a Podcast will be on air shortly after the televised episodes, so keep an eye on his site via the link on the right, and he and his guests will dissect the episodes and they do provide really good live feed update shows as well.

Shout out for BB on Blast for their latest podcast for this particular season, which can be found here

Click on the other links for all your UK, USA and Canada needs and up to date information, including if anything further drops about Rodrigo's removal from CBB UK.

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

And until next time, someone is always watching.....

CBB UK Summer 2018 - Episode 10 - Double Departure

Greetings, citizens, and welcome to the pre and post eviction fallout as Natalie says goodbye to the house, and we have another departure to deal with in something Rodrigo did, which forced Big Brother to remove him from the house. Just to avoid getting into any legal pile of poo, let's just say 'reasons unknown' for now.

Anyways back to the present, and lights on as we head into the eviction day highlights

Hardeep is in the kitchen preparing food, and tells Nick he will have to prepare a whole load of new jokes if he is evicted. A naked Rodrigo bursts from the shower cubicle due to a spider being in the shower cubicle, he then starts running around the house naked and throws the towel with the spider on it in the garden. 

Kirstie tells us she is glad she is not up for nomination, although I guess someone forgot to tell her it's up for EVICTION, as she would be p'd off if she had got all dressed up for nothing and didn't leave.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Ryan and Rodrigo are planning a practical joke probably to do with Jermaine and Chloe. Seriously they shouldn't be encouraging him to be a rat, although he seems to be doing a good job of that on his own.

Big Brother has gathered the housemates for an important announcement regarding the secret messages that Jermaine and Chloe were writing. They say the punishment will be announced in due course. An update on that punishment, whatever happens in the upcoming shopping task they will NOT get a luxury budget, instead if they pass they will be on basic budget, but if they fail it will be basic RATIONS.

Appliance of the war paint in regards to Chloe, while some are in the garden working out. Natalie seems strangely quiet....so far. Dan has taken this particular exercise session, and is barking out the routine.

Meanwhile back in the bathroom, conversation has turned to Ben and Roxanne. Amongst other things Chloe is saying how Roxanne should respect her guy's feelings. This coming from the same girl who is not respecting Jermaine's wife's feelings.

Sally is telling Roxanne not to listen to gossip about her and Ben. Well, Roxanne, if you just stopped encouraging Ben and told him about being friends only....

Sparring amongst the boys in the garden, while Natalie is curious about Jermaine's messages to Chloe. There seems to be some confusion about whether Jermaine is married or just has a girlfriend, for those still wondering it's plastered all over social media that is he is MARRIED. Chloe says she hasn't kissed Jermaine, but that will probably change soon once the alcohol is thrown in there.

Scratch that about Natalie being quiet, and this time it's about eggs. Up goes the voice again, under starters orders, and she's off screaming at everyone in sight. I hate to think what she would have been like had she stayed and faced more basic budget, or even rations.

Sally is in the Diary Room, predicting who will go in the eviction. She says Hardeep will go, good luck with that. And she calls herself a psychic.....

Back to the kitchen argument, and Natalie and Hardeep are having one last argument. Will be so glad not to hear that foghorn voice after this episode.

In the Diary Room, Natalie is wanting Hardeep to go, and says she is willing to let them nominating her go. They nominated you for a reason, let it go and try to understand why. 

Roxanne is sparring with Ben in the garden, and they continue to lark about giving people more ammunition to assume there is something going on between them. He tells her the very tired 'boys and girls can be friends', another two who are probably going to get closer if the alcohol is parachuted in.

Hardeep is relaxing in the bath, some housemates have made up a random song, and Natalie (who else) is saying how tired she is of the role plays and fake stories. You want fake, Natalie, look in the mirror then you will see fake. She goes on again about being nominated, talk about self entitled. There's a BIG difference between being real and being fake, Natalie, and you definitely don't fall into the real category.

She continues to go on and on and on to Sally and Ryan...

How long have Chloe and Gabby spent in front of those mirrors so far in this series, answers on a postcard please

Meanwhile in the bedroom, social media followers is now the subject, and Dan admits he has 917,000 followers.on Instagram, and 650,000 followers on Twitter.

And finally we move into eviction time. Hardeep has dropped one, as in a fart, saying he was nervous. Natalie talks about double dating, she is so confident she is not going. The voice of Emma, and evicted is NATALIE, and there is a stunned silence. But out here it was a mixture of 'Bye Motormouth', 'it's going to be so boring without her in there', 'she was the entertainment'. She takes the long walk of shame to the door to be greeted by the booing mob outside, and Dan points out that that booing was mental. I'm just thankful that's the only time they can hear the crowd, as Emma does the announcement from the studio now, which I am thankful for.

And now we move into Rodrigo's last few hours in the house, as he makes out Natalie was gluing onto him in a way that she was sucking his energy. More like you were following her around and laughing at her constant bitching, get your story straight, Rodrigo. Not that it's going to make much difference now anyway.

Hardeep appears relieved as he tells us the housemates were utterly shocked at Natalie's name being shocked. You are only still there because Natalie couldn't stop running her mouth right up to her exit, don't get too comfortable. Still think he's going to walk soon if he doesn't go in the next eviction, just my prediction, but then again like Sally I've never got much right about this show when making a prediction.

To sum things up in a nice way, a cloud has lifted above the house now Natalie has gone. Here's your chance, housemates, to put a marker down, and sell yourselves on why you should win to us out here.

Back to what's left of the house action for this episode....

Big Brother asks Jermaine how he slept last night. Please don't encourage that dirty rat, and respect his wife's feelings. Jermaine insists he and Chloe are just friends, try telling that to your wife if she is watching you disrespect her like you are. Even more convinced his wife will be thrown in there for a task, either she kicks him where it hurts or hands him divorce papers on the spot. You decide.

Sally says they have to think about what the public want with Natalie gone. Some want drama, some want peace. If you can manage that in equal amounts, then everything else is cream cheese. Just hoping TPTB don't decide 'full steam ahead' with the showmances as there are partners outside and it's not very fair on them.

Sally says there may a big surprise for them, oh ho she has no idea what's coming. The first prediction she's got right in there.

Gossip goes back to Ben and Roxanne, and Gabby says there are some housemates getting sick of it.

Kirstie tries some of the more ruder English phrases, to which she is learning fast

Time for another exit, as Big Brother call Rodrigo to the Diary Room, and that's goodbye to him. Big Brother summons the housemates, and tells them Rodrigo has left the house and won't be coming back, and tells one housemates to pack up Rodrigo's belongings. That's it basically, no explanation.

To be continued in Episode 11, with the beginning of the shopping task

Final thoughts

But first some sort of update regarding Rodrigo, in that it's being reported we may NEVER know the true reason for his departure as apparently it was too extreme for TV. Take that as you will, and please remember I'm only the messenger so please don't swing out at me. Hopefully Rylan will tell us something on BOTS this coming week. Back to the show at hand, good riddance at last to Natalie, she won't be missed as I am sure the viewer will find another house enemy number one, via the editing, and Natalie will be a distant memory. Now to see what the rest of them can do without a certain someone screaming them all down, and don't let us down, housemates. 

And may I just say, to whoever left that message on the Episode 9 post....Thank you so much, you know who you are, and that kind message is very much appreciated 

To everyone else, keep those RT's, shares and likes coming in and throw in a comment or two like that lovely person above did, if you like. Everything is very much appreciated.

Shout out to Big Brother Radio, in that if you missed the post eviction show, listen to it right here

Show the other links some love on the right as well, as they are superb when it comes to UK, USA and Canada. All the information and podcasts you could possibly need right at your fingertips

Will be recapping the BB20 eviction later, and hopefully that will be up before the HoH/Nominations episode starts

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, thank you for reading, stay frosty and keep on rocking......