Another week draws to a close, along with Victoria's invisible HoH reign.
Although her nominations were understandable, they could have been a lot better had she put up 2 from Beth, Ty and Jed and keeping the third person as backup had the Veto been used, but as it stands Rohan did not use the Veto and it will be one from Austin or Breydon taking the walk of shame tonight......or will they?
Although no twist was announced at the end of the Veto episode, I think there is something brewing as it is April Fool's Day and all this week could have been for nothing if Big Brother pull something out of the hat tonight to save the evictee.
Arisa looking as chic as ever, as we start with a recap of the Veto ceremony and Austin is not too happy and the same for Breydon. They thought Rohan was going to use the Veto, oh boo hoo. Welcome to Big Brother, you two. Victoria is so happy though, who can blame her. Another shot she has taken, and she's turning into quite a markswoman. First Latoya, now Austin or Breydon. Rohan saying using the Veto would have been bad for his game.
On the downside though, this could be Victoria's downfall as she is coming down with what is known as in this fraternity
Oh boy, Austin shooting daggers at Victoria. Meanwhile, Beth is yelling again in the Diary Room. At least Victoria is playing, Beth, and not relying on a showmance or two to stay in there like you are.
Beth now getting a secret mission to make a spaghetti lunch and make things as dirty as possible for the have-nots to clean up. Of course it's passed and the have not's get a slap up Italian meal served by the non-have not's.
Slurpage alert, with Beth and Jed in the rain. Absolutely no to showmances. The only reason she is still in there.
Some game talk with Austin and Beth, and a possible pairing up if she stays. Meanwhile, Beth says Ty and Jed would not take her to the end. Austin suggest if she (Austin) stays and wins HoH, Ty and Jed are going on the block.
Eviction vote
Invisible HoH and nominees are not allowed to vote
Kiefer votes to evict Austin
Jed votes to evict Austin
Ty votes to evict Austin
Beth votes to evict Austin
Tera votes to evict Austin
Tina votes to evict Austin
Rohan votes to evict Austin
Another unanimous vote then, and no April Fool's twist. Very short interview for Austin, and straight to the goodbye messages.
HoH comp
Reminder, the invisible HoH (Victoria) can play in this next HoH comp
BB Calendar this week, and it's a memory comp. We see clips of Big Brother flashing a calendar throughout the night, and they have to remember certain dates through questions read out by Arisa and answer A or B. Wrong answer means elimination
Last houseguest standing will be the new HoH
It all comes down to a tiebreaker between Beth and Jed, and *sigh* lucky us, Beth is the new HoH. 'NUFF SAID.
And in closing, Arisa informs us jury is now officially underway and next week is confirmed as a double eviction.
So the road has officially started to jury, all the more to play for. Let's all say a collective prayer, and wish our ear-drums all the best on their future endeavours for the next three episodes, or even longer if feeds is your thing.
To be continued in Episode 15, when Beth makes her nominations when she can get away from slurpage with Jed
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Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
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