Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Monday, 5 April 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 15 - Nominations

 And here we are again, my friends and readers

Invisible HoH week is officially over, and ended with Austin being evicted. Breydon not that much of a threat, so more wiser to keep him in as he's done nothing of note apart from his friendship with Austin.

Some think Victoria, as the invisible HoH should have put two from Beth, Ty or Jed on the block, and this could bite her on the you know where sooner rather than later

When we last left our remaining houseguests, Arisa had announced to us only so far that it was officially the start of jury and that this week is a double eviction. Oh and yelly Beth was crowned the new HoH, something which caused quite the mixed reaction on social media. So a loud week ahead, given how much Beth loves to shout in the Diary Room so it's widely suggested to have a mute button primed and ready.

And we have a recap of the HoH comp, cue lots of screaming and Jed basically admitting he threw the comp for his house squeeze. Duh, couldn't make it more obvious you threw this one for your 'girlfriend'

Have nots this week are Breydon, Rohan, Tina and Tera followed by celebrations from the remaining Sunsetters. So many power shifts this season, and I am here for it. Better than one alliance having a stranglehold on the house and running things from start to finish and in turn sending the viewership to sleep making the game so predictable.

Tina and Tera, aka the two floaters, are worried they will go on the block together. To quote a former houseguest, "You floaters better get those life jackets ready" or words to that effect.

Fast forward now to the videos from home for everyone.... Not much else to say really about this segment, apart from there were lots of tears

Tera is certain she is going on the block, while Beth chooses Rohan for her Wendy's date and gets her 2nd video message of the episode from her friend. In their conversation during their meal, Rohan knows in the back of his mind Victoria is the real target. Yes, lots of screams of course from the yelly one on seeing her friend, and it's only the first episode of this week. Only two more to go for this week, but she can play in the 2nd HoH comp in the Double Eviction episode, if I remember correctly. 

Some interesting talk from Beth, about the possibility of not having Ty and Jed in final 3 with her. In fact, as it's been said by many for this season, no one alliance having a stranglehold over the house from the start and it really is open season in there.

Nominations ceremony

Beth nominates Tera and Rohan, but it should be noted that Rohan is a Veto comp beast, and also Victoria is the real target. Can Rohan make it a hat-trick of Veto wins and save himself again, or can Tera get her maiden comp win?.....

To be continued in Episode 16

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Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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