Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 13 - Power of Veto

 Another week, and another Veto is upon us

A strange week so far with this invisible HoH, but quite a unique concept which I have to say is playing out nicely at the moment, especially with Victoria at the helm as the invisible HoH

Can see why she settled on Austin and Breydon for the nominations, neither took it too well and were all too willing to throw her under the bus, but she beat them to the punch. Breydon's reaction though, in that all familiar phrase I like to use in "How dare he/she nominate me". The guy has done nothing, much like Tina and Tera, and he has the gall to spit his dummy out when he ends up on the block. As the famous gif says "Welcome to Big Brother"


Picking up from the nominations, Austin and Breydon express their displeasure in no uncertain terms about being nominated. Seriously? Have they forgotten what show they are on?

Most saying how 'savage' it is those two are on the block, oh please..... understandably the trio of Ty, Jed and Beth are really happy to be off the hook so far. Some would say those noms could hurt Victoria down the line, if she's there to the end of course.

Breydon is still sulking about being nominated, get over it. You're on the block, fight for your place in the Veto if it bothers you so much.

Pointless segment next, where the houseguests get questions from Canada and probably further afield as well.

Moving swiftly on with.....

Veto picks

Playing this week will be Austin, Breydon, Rohan, Ty and Victoria with Kiefer hosting.

Reminder that the invisible HoH can play Veto this week, and also in the next HoH comp

Veto comp

Players have to build a path with the beams present, and then take puzzle pieces to the other side of the course and build a 3d condominium. First player to complete their puzzle wins the Veto

And for the second week in a row, Rohan wins the Veto....But will he use it on Austin, Breydon or neither. Stay tuned.....

Back to house action, and Austin is pitching that Tera be the replacement nominee should Rohan use the Veto. Something that doesn't go down well with that particular floater, I may add. Wish she would just play instead of just sitting on the sofas and gossiping with Tina.

Sick buckets at the ready, Beth and her showmances now move into the spotlight. She says she is more settled with Jed than Ty. Less said the better, but to be fair she is doing SOMETHING in there. Highly doubtful though neither of them will get a look in once this season is done.

Veto ceremony

No shock, Rohan does not use the Veto and it will be Austin or Breydon missing out on jury

To be continued in Episode 14, which this year falls on April Fool's Day. Will they pull a twist out of the hat, or will things stay as they are? We'll have to wait and see what the team rustle up, maybe a few jokes on the houseguests during the day perhaps on the feeds?

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Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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