Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Monday, 12 April 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 18 - Nikki Grahame Tribute, HoH and Nominations

Another week, and unfortunately the house is now down one Victoria and all the energy in the house that went with her.....

But first, some really sad news in the Big Brother world with the passing of Big Brother UK and Canada houseguest, and some would say legend in Nikki Grahame as she lost her brave fight with anorexia.

It's hard to put into words the massive gap she will leave in the Big Brother world, as like her or not she put so many smiles on faces whichever series she turned up on. Just the mere mention of her name, and you could roll off so many moments she brought to Big Brother and probably the most popular one in her who is she rant from her debut series way back in 2006. She was one of those many tried to imitate over the years, but none could hold a candle to the real deal. She truly was one of a kind, and will be dearly missed. Sleep well, Nikki, you will be missed so much.

Back to house business, and we are down to the final seven with Rohan joining Victoria in the jury house, and tonight sees the next HoH crowned and their nominations. 

And of course we start with a tribute to Nikki from Arisa....

Long recap of Double Evction night, follows. That particular summary is in the last post out there if people want to read it.

Unfortunately it does look like the throuple, that is Beth, Jed and Ty, are starting to put a stranglehold on this house. It was a nice few weeks, but as we count down to the end it does like like the 3 mentioned people are just going to pick off the other 4 in Kiefer, Breydon, Tera and Tina in whatever order.

Beth couldn't be more cocky if she tried, whoever puts her on the block and gets her out gets my endorsement to win

Seriously, who is going to stop the throuple....I really don't have much confidence in Breydon, Kiefer and more especially Tina and Tera.

Beth getting an annoying mastermind edit, before we move onto.....

HoH comp

As outgoing HoH, Kiefer is not eligible to play

Quite simple endurance today, as in the players have to find the white balls in the ball pit and put them in their respective box. 5 balls at a time, and if a ball with a red X is dropped into someone's tube then that person loses a ball. Whoever has most balls by the end of the time limit

Should be noted that Tera is having a a tantrum about them all dropping the red X's into her tube, and she's starts whining about losing, and keeps whining throughout the competition, and also after it.

Eventually, Jed wins and the steamroll from the throuple continues. Additional, Big Brother announces there will be no Have Nots for this week.

He picks Tera for his Wendy's date, and his video message was from his baby sister when he went to pick up the meal.

Discussion with Jed and Beth, he is seriously asking her permission to put Tina and Tera on the block. Do what YOU want, Jed. Don't be her little lapdog.

Nomination ceremony

Jed nominates Tera and Tina, and the steamroll gathers pace with the throuple firmly in charge of this house

To be continued in Episode 19, with the Power of Veto up for grabs and the next step is taken towards seeing who jury member 3 will be.

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Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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