The final 7 become the final 6 tonight, as we head into the not so big episode 2-0, and it's back to a single eviction with Tina on the block with replacement nominee Kiefer
In case you missed it, Tera won the Veto and used it on herself. Yes you read right, TERA won the Veto and she now wins at least another week in the house
The same Tera that had a temper tantrum during the HoH comp, the same Tera that has basically held Tina back from playing.....I think you get the picture.
While Kiefer was just a blubbing mess, when Jed announced him as the replacement nominee
Apparently there has been a lot of to-ing and fro-ing about who goes on the feeds, but last time we were teased with a flip there wasn't one, so hopefully it will be second time lucky...But what the hell, I'm not really fussed who goes tonight, as I said yesterday whoever can mastermind Beth's downfall as in get her on the block and out of there, they will have my endorsement to win.
But it sure feels quiet in there with Victoria gone, but hopefully some footage of the jury house very soon.....
Anyway onto tonight's festivities
Arisa looking very chic as always as she welcomes us in, and she goes into more detail about the flip flopping of the last few days, so this really could go either way. But if Beth or Ty win the next HoH, then I would probably concede it would be over.
Kiefer admits he got caught playing both sides of the house, I would say more along the lines of being a smug *bleep*
Meanwhile, it's Ty and Breydon talking diversity, racism and BLM. Topics which are still dividing the world to this day unfortunately. Talk then turns to George Floyd and how it took him dying for the movement to start.
Back to Kiefer, and he is basically saying to Breydon how he kept the target off the throuple and doesn't understand how they turned on him. Breydon thinks it would be best to keep Kiefer.
Chilli challenge
Quite simply for a special reward, down 7 chilli's ranging from 1 to 7 in terms of spice factor
To cut a long story short, they passed and got the special reward.....You guessed it, a party.
In a conversation with Ty, Kiefer tells him it would be good for Beth's game if he (Kiefer) leaves as she would take Breydon to final 4
Both agree Beth would get rid of Jed, but Jed would keep her
And they are seriously considering cutting Tina, rather than Kiefer who has basically won more comps at this point.....
If only we had someone who could play the game it's meant to be played, oh I forgot she's been sent to jury.
Eviction vote
Brey, Ty and Beth voted to evict Tina
Tera was the sole vote for Kiefer
If only Tina had played her game, rather than being held back by Tera....
HoH comp
As outgoing HoH, Jed is ineligible to play this week
Another questions based comp this week, hopefully we will have the winner in this episode
Who said what, as in listening to former houseguests quotes via voice recordings
Update - Tera in the lead going into the final commercial break
We have a winner, and TERA is the new HoH!!!!!!!
Knew this was going to happen, a few weeks off the radar and she finally starts playing so close to the end.
But wait, Arisa announces to the audience that it's a fake double eviction next week. What that means is the two people who will do a battle back, and one of them will go back in. Let Tera have her little moment, imagine if she goes next week though, but even better we may even be free of the showmance if Beth ends up going.
To be continued in Episode 21....
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Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
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