Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 23 - Fake Double Eviction

It's finally here as in Fake Double Eviction night.... To say it has been the worst week in terms of strategic play would be a bit of an understatement

Look at it:

Tera HoH, puts up the supposed showmance, Jed wins Veto and in a bizarre move doesn't use it on himself and instead uses it on Beth, and then Tera puts up Breydon of all people and now the plan is to get rid of Jed.

How little they know, and to see their little faces when one from Jed or the other evictee walks back through the door

Seems little point in talking about the highlights, and they can try and convince us there will be a flip all they like but it just feels locked in amongst them that Jed will go

But as always, I will say Arisa looks damn chic as always.....

Anyway, fast forwarding the pointless (at least tonight) highlights that consist of sniggering from one side to Beth saying she will miss Jed, which in itself is a load of bull crap in itself.

Arisa reveals that we will get our first look at the jury house, so we are definitely on for a cliff hanger. 

Probably when the second evictee leaves, who knows

Jury House check in

For the record, Victoria's energy is so badly missed in that dead house

Rohan - Not bothered either way

Tina - If only she had played her own game, rather than gossiping in some corner of the house with Tera

Fake Eviction #1

Finally onto the real business

No great shock, Jedson evicted 3-0

BUT, he is directed to the secret room where he is informed by memo that he is still in the game

HoH comp

As outgoing HoH, Tera is ineligible to compete in this one

Say what now is the name of this comp, and it's a kind of remember the day comp....Highest score wins

Won't go into details, apart from TY won the temporary HoH

He nominated Beth and Tera, oh let me guess it's going to be the showmance in the battle back

Veto Comp

Again, won't go into detail but just a lot of untangling involved. First to do so wins Veto

Breydon doesn't use the Veto

Fake Eviction #2

In a surprise result, Tera is evicted 2-0. Cue social media meltdown, just when you think these houseguests can't get any more stupid.....

To be continued in Episode 24, when Tera and Jed go head to head in the battle back for a place back in the house and we find out the final 5 HoH and their nominations

Who knows in this crazy season, who will get this one and go back....Made a lot of bold predictions, so we get a choice of someone who up to last week floated her way through, or the showmance part 2 if Jed goes back in. The agony of choice.

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Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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