Another week draws to its close, along with Beth's HoH reign and most likely Victoria's stay in the house with her being named as replacement nominee, after Rohan won his 3rd Veto comp in a row and saved himself
This episode sees the start of jury, and also tonight it's a double eviction so a whole week of Big Brother in one night, and not one but two houseguests will take their places in the jury house
Not expecting many highlights with so much to get through, apparently on the feeds Victoria was pitching hard to stay in, and I do hope we see some of that hard work and she stays in or the remaining Sunsetters will put a sleeper hold on this house and run roughshod over everyone right through to the end.
Arisa looking as chic as ever as she announces the running order for tonight, and we kick off with the Veto ceremony aftermath.
Time for Victoria to pitch and pitch VERY hard, meanwhile Beth couldn't be happier as she gloats in the Diary Room about this move.
Victoria is very calm as she sets about pitching to stay, which is great to see I may add and is much preferred to a big kick off. Meanwhile, Tera is doing nothing to merit staying in, she's....yep you guessed it, just sitting in a corner gossiping. Much like most days really.....
I take it back about Victoria being calm, house meeting completely explodes, and Victoria admits to everyone she was the invisible HoH. Never popcorn around when it's needed, but then again it would be very difficult to write and eat popcorn at the same time.
But Victoria does ask a good question in why did Tera sign up for this show, she's done barely anything
Eviction #1
Breydon votes to evict Victoria
Tina votes to evict Victoria
Rohan votes to evict Victoria
Ty votes to evict Victoria
Kiefer votes to evict Victoria
Jed votes to evict Victoria
Unanimous vote, and goodbye to Victoria
HoH comp
As outgoing HoH, Beth is ineligible to play in this one.
Before or After, Arisa will ask them questions and they will answer Before or After questions. Highest scoring after all questions are asked will be the temporary HoH for this comp
And we have a winner, take a bow........KIEFER
Kiefer nominates Rohan and Breydon
Veto comp
Playing in this one will be Ty, Rohan, Beth, Breydon and Tina
In this one housemates gave to take their respective swords through a maze and put it through a stone. First to do this wins Veto.
And at the fourth time of asking, Rohan does not win the Veto comp and this honour goes to TY
Ty decides NOT to use the Veto....
Eviction #2
Beth votes to evict Rohan
Jed votes to evict Rohan
Tera votes to evict Rohan
Tina votes to evict Rohan
Ty votes to evict Rohan
Another unanimous vote
And with those two gone, this house is officially dead in terms of entertainment. What we got left? Tina and Tera gossiping in the nearest corner? Beth and Jed swapping saliva?
This season started off so well, such a solid start and then this.....
But we soldier on, for episode 18 when we find out the next HoH and their nominations
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Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
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