Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Monday, 19 April 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 21 - Nominations and any other business

A fresh week and fresh new HoH

In case you missed it, Tera's partner in gossiping aka Tina was evicted 3-1 in the last episode, and then Tera went on to win the HoH comp

Think these nominations will be really predictable in that two of the throuple will be on the block by the end of this particular episode.


Tera has the ball, now let's see if she can run with it. The reign of Tera begins...

And we start with the latest dumb move in them getting rid of Tina, when it should have been Kiefer.

Beth already getting overconfident, what else is new. Tera saying she doesn't trust anybody, how can she seeing she is basically floating through this season, but now is on her own with Tina's exit.

The throuple to no surprise are selected as Have Not's

And to cap it off, HoH Tera hears them having a conversation about her, and says she will have the last laugh. We will see, the look on their little faces when someone walks back in on the eviction episode after the fake double eviction

By the way, one of the throuple said they were playing a pretty perfect game, a laugh in itself. Um, got rid of the wrong person in the last eviction in a dumb move, I wouldn't call that perfect.

May have been mentioned before, but Beth is so arrogant. Nothing wrong with a bit of confidence, but jeez she takes it to a whole new level. She thinks she has brains, but is coming across as somewhat delusional.

Ty is picked for this week's Wendy's date, and Tera gets a video message from her husband and kids. 

Meanwhile back on planet Beth....maybe less said the better

Nominations ceremony

As expected, it is the showmance on the block as in Beth and Jed. On to step 2 in the next episode when the Veto is up for grabs.

To be continued in Episode 22.....

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Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Sorry it's a bit short for this episode, but I had my first shot of vaccine on Sunday and the side effects are still rumbling on as in headache, tiredness and so forth. Hopefully fighting fit for the Veto episode onwards

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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