Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 19 - Power of Veto

Halfway through Jed's reign as HoH, in TV time that is, as we head into another Veto episode and another step closer to finding out who will be the third jury member

This house really badly needs some energy after Victoria's departure in the Double Eviction....A throuple in Jed, Beth and Ty, a floater in Tera and the three in the middle in Tina, Kiefer and Breydon. 

This is all we have to work with, our final 7 for what's left of this season

Have to say Beth does need to go, or at least be knocked down a peg or two. Just her flat out arrogance after Victoria went, thinking she's got this all wrapped up.


Jed says Tera and Tina are a strong duo, must have missed that myself....

Can we just fast forward to final 3 now, and give the throuple the money. Absolutely no confidence in the other four stopping the other three.

I'm going to say right now, Beth 3rd and Jed or Ty winning. She's only hanging on due to a showmance or she would have been out a lot sooner.

Oh yes, nothing much is happening as we head into the veto picks

Veto picks

Playing this week will be Tera, Tina, Ty, Beth and Kiefer with Breydon hosting

Veto competition

Shall we just call this a sponcom, (sponsored competition) by Tiktok. Just a side note, I recently got rid of that particular app from my tablet

Memory game, and it's a three parter

ROUND 1 - Stack the blocks in the correct order, but to make it more difficult the players will be blindfolded

Tera, Tina and Beth make it through, everyone else is eliminated

ROUND 2 - Now it's recreate a slop recipe by finding numbers for ingredient amounts,and numbers have to be converted to metric.

Astonishingly, Tina and Tera make it to the final round

ROUND 3 - Trick shot as in getting a ping pong ball bouncing off some racquets down some stairs and into the glass at the bottom

Staggeringly, Tera wins the Veto

So very likely she will give herself another week in there at least, when she uses it on herself

Meanwhile, Jed's balls seem to have dropped off as he still lets Beth dictate what to do next in terms of a replacement nominee

Next up, the houseguests have to play Hide and Seek, and the last person found gets to choose who sleeps in the newly installed bed in the Ball pit

Beth is last found and she chooses Ty on the basis that if there is a secret power in there, he will be the best person to find it.

Meanwhile, and this is throughout this episode, Kiefer strutting around thinking he's the best player ever. Oh please, he's not even the best player of this season, let alone the best player ever.

If there was an award for most delusional player, Beth or Kiefer would win by a mile or it would be a tie

Veto ceremony

Tera decides to use the Veto on herself, and Jed names Kiefer as the replacement. Tera rolls out "14 years since my brother passed" as she announces her decision, while Kiefer blubs away. The price for being too cocky, pal.

To be continued in Episode 20, when Tina or Kiefer will leave and become the next member of jury. In closing, whoever is in final 6 this house needs a major kick up the rear end.

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Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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