Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Big Brother Canada 2021 - Episode 22 - Power of Veto

Reign of Tera continues tonight, and I'm fighting fit as promised in shaking off these vaccine side effects

As expected Tera put Beth and Jed on the block. In other news, Beth is still on her own little planet and we count down towards the fake double eviction

In case you missed it, two will leave in the next episode but only one will come back as the two evictees will have a battle back to determine who goes back in and is part of the final 5

But first, there is obviously the Veto to play for, can Jed or Beth save themselves or will the cavalry come over the hill in the nick of time and save one of them....

Stay tuned


No more Veto picks now as it will obviously be Breydon, Ty, Jed, Beth and Kiefer playing in the Veto comp.

The delusional Beth, and also 'look at Tera, she is such a mastermind' edit continues..... 

Tera now having second thoughts about wanting Beth gone, as she thinks Beth could be good for her game.

Veto comp

Being HoH, Tera does not play in this one

Each houseguest is summoned to the Expedia room for a secret Veto mission, whoever wins this one gets Veto AND a holiday for two

3 parter, and the first part involved video messages from F and F giving them clues on what suit to look for, part 2 was to move around the various barriers to get the cases through, and then the third part was to complete a jigsaw of Canada putting all the place names in the right place.

After all the players have checked out, so to speak, Jed is revealed as the winner, and will more than likely use it on himself, little knowing what's coming in 24 hours.

Ty wins Skip the Dishes for this week, moving swiftly on

Hang on, Kiefer now pitching that he go and persuade Jed to use the Veto on Beth, and staggeringly everyone who's not Jed goes for it, with Tera suggesting she put Brey on the block as the replacement.

Another wasted HoH is looming then, whatever happens before the twist.

To break it down

  • Tera's HoH
  • Jed won Veto
  • Should have been evicted Kiefer pitching to get Jed to use the Veto on Beth, with Tera suggesting Breydon go up instead
Tina's eviction in terms of stupid moves could well be topped in a two for one tonight...

Veto ceremony

Astonishingly, Jed chooses to use the Veto on Beth. Like what the actual.... And some though voting out Tina was a dumb move, and to compound this error, Tera goes one better and puts BREYDON on the block. I just have no words, have some of these people ever watched this show before. At least Victoria somewhat played when she was in there, but these ones left..... This is an absolute mess, and we still have the fake double to come in the next episode.

To be continued in Episode 23, just have no words for these people, and as Randy Orton said to Kofi once, "Stupid, Stupid"......

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Thank you for coming in to read these summaries, and for any comments, likes, shares or retweets. All very much appreciated

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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