And so we continue with another big alliance in power week, in other words Christmas is HoH and much like the rest of her alliance, has played it safe putting two completely non threatening houseguests on the block in Day and Bay
Two winners, several runners up, 3rd places and Favourite Players, and she nominates Bay and Day? Was listening to The Secret Alliance podcast, a link to which I will add to the shout outs when I get there, and Kaysar basically admitted this season is a mess because nobody wants to make a big move, and just want to play it safe. It truly is a case of who wins this season, who the eff cares.
In other news, 3 powers were won by David, Dani and Christmas. These powers are only valid for 3 weeks, and can only be used once
David - Has the power to change up who is on the block, as in he can take someone down forcing the HoH of that week to put someone else on the block. Kind of a second Veto if you want to look at it that way.
Dani - Outgoing HoH can play in the next week's HoH comp
Christmas - Can prevent herself being a replacement nominee in a Veto comp, or if she's the Veto holder can prevent someone else of her choosing from going on the block.
Excuse the pun but Christmas must be thinking all her Christmases have come at once with all this power she is soaking up
Anyways, onto tonight, and we pick up after the nominations ceremony...
Christmas claims Bay and Day are a 'dynamic duo'. Yeah sure they are, usual predictable play it safe nominations from the big alliance. Yawn double yawn and triple yawn....
David telling us he won't be using his power just yet, and may need to use it on himself, meanwhile Bay goes to see Christmas, who is herself sobbing. Crocodile tears from the convicted felon. In case you missed it, Christmas was arrested and charged with trying to run over her ex partner with her own car. Amazingly she didn't go to jail.
Anyway, Day goes to talk to Dani and Princess Tippy Toes about Tyler sharing some info about Tyler saying that Dani was planting some seeds. Something which Dani doesn't take too kindly to, as we find out in the Diary Room.
Dani then tells Day that she wants to work with her down the line, and then proceeds to rat to Christmas about the info, and SHE states if Tyler is talking to people outside of the alliance then there could be a huge problem.
Veto picks
David will be hosting
Joining Day, Bay and Christmas will be Dani, Princess Tippy Toes Nicole F and Ian
Ian is showing anxiety problems.....
Veto competition
Unfortunately just before starters orders, Ian had to withdraw for medical reasons due to said anxiety
Rules are that they have to run and push a button whenever they see a maths problem that equals 13, and it's one of those swapping comps as well, for example whoever wins 3rd place can swap with 4th or 5th, depending on what the prize is. If they are last to hit the button, they are eliminated. False start is when they release their start button too early or if it's a wrong sum.
Yet more power for Christmas with her winning Veto, Day won $5,000, Princess Tippy Toes has to wear a slopitard costume, Never Slop pass for Dani, and Bay got 500 tricycle laps
Tyler saying he is struggling with the game.....Oh boy, this is where it got really problematic on the feeds as he pleaded with Christmas to use the Veto and go on the block himself and for them to vote him out. EP (Executive Producer) Allison then talked him out of it allegedly.
Crocodile tears now from Tyler, and believe me looking at social media a hell of a lot of people thought he was only doing this for game reasons, and I am inclined to side with them. You see, my problem is that Allison likes to interfere when her favourites are in trouble, flashback to series 13 when Rachel and Britney were in trouble and she threw in a Pandora's Box twist which effectively saved them. I really wouldn't put it past her to talk Tyler out of wanting to go.
Veto ceremony
Shock horror, Christmas did not use the Veto, so it will be Bay or Day leaving in the next episode
Christmas was NEVER going to use that Veto in a million years, everyone knew that. This big alliance is not for moving, and their reign of terror will probably continue tomorrow when another of their number wins HoH. So close to jury now, and the thought of these sheep and nasties infesting jury and finale night is really revolting.
Whoever survives out of Bay or Day has to win HoH, or whoever survives will be saying adios to the house next week
To be continued in Episode 16, 'nuff said
Shout outs
BB on Blast -
Big Brother Radio -
Rob has a Podcast -
Sistah Speak -
Julie Girl -
The Secret Alliance -
Follow me on Twitter -
Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....
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