Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 14 - BB Basement and Nominations

Seriously, can a new twist save this season from sinking

Greetings for another week, citizens, and another dark week ahead with the majority alliance still running the house, with no sign of a power switch in sight as the non pre-gamers continue to flounder and get picked off by the teams set up by Dan and Derrick before the season started.

In brief, Kaysar was evicted by a predictable unanimous vote, while Christmas won an HoH in which she barely participated and became the first female HoH of this season. Can't the non pre gamer fans have some nice things happen in this season, rather than being bored to death by another incoming steamroll

Maybe this BB Basement will offer some small salvation if Bay, Day or Ian can get at least one of those powers......

Kaysar tried to fire a rocket under their collective rear ends by revealing some hot house info and trying to wake some people up, he had nothing to lose with what he said and Dani had the nerve to call HIM disrespectful, when she has been so much worse on the feeds. 

So anyway, onto tonight's festivities if you can call them that and another predictable week where the main alliance are in power again, and we start with the aftermath of Christmas winning HoH.

Day ponders what may have been had she not slipped on the last question of the comp, while Christmas is thinking she is a god winning that comp, when she did barely anything. Enzo confident he is not going on the block. 

Looks like Kaysar's words in his save me speech seem to have some of them rattled, let's see who can smell blood going forward. Come on Bay, Day and Ian, pick up that scent and get to work. However it does look like the Slick Six alliance, that's not the main alliance by the way, are cracking as it was noted by several in there, that they were eliminating each other in the HoH comp.

BB Basement

These 3 powers can only be used once and they have a three week time limit

This comp will be played in the dark as they search for the powers and the HoH is eligible to play in this one, and all 3 powers will be played for tonight

David gets the first power which is called Disruption, which enables him to save a nominee which can include himself at a noms ceremony. Biggest power I would say.

Dani - She has got a power which can make that week's HoH eligible for the next HoH competition, and she whines about it. Be grateful, woman, you won it in the first place.

Christmas - She can block herself from going on the block as a replacement nominee. If she wins Veto, she will have the power to block someone else. More power for her, lucky us.

2 out of 3 powers for the majority alliance, but knowing David he will screw things up as he has absolutely no idea how to play this game overall.

Nominations ceremony

So predictable yet again....With former winners and runners up still in there the big alliance plays it safe yet again, as Christmas has nominated Bay and Day. We've had over the wall yellers, people fly banners over the house and even Kaysar trying to get the info into these people's thick skulls and they STILL play it safe.

How stupid are these people not to use the info they are being given, come on we want some big moves not playing it safe. Time is running out, with people's patience wearing thin with this series.

To be continued in Episode 15, when the Veto is up for grabs. Surely the non pre-gamers will win something, especially Bay or Day

Shout outs

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Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

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