What to do to lift the mood in this series?
The big alliance have complete control, and it looks all but certain they are cruising through final 6 all the way to finale, with the usual 'turning on each other' once Day, Kevin and David have gone
I mean, could Memphis be anymore blatant he wants David out of there despite pitching the idea of not putting him on the block should David win Veto and not use it. So many nasty smells in this house, and I'm not talking about the non alliance, rather the people IN the alliance itself.
1 - Memphis being openly racist and he gets rewarded with an HoH
2 - Christmas just being Christmas, and openly ignorant about PoC
3 - Dani, Nicole F and Memphis mocked Ian about his autism
The list is endless, oh and by the way and I said this to someone on Twitter after the last episode "That girl (Christmas) is nuts, and a proven danger. Whoever green lighted her going back in needs their own head tested"
And a special mention to Derrick and Dan who have ruined this season with their cheating in putting some of them in pre game alliances and making some very unfair advantages for some.
We've seen what the pre gamers are like when they don't get their way, like when Day won last week's Veto and made them scramble, but unfortunately it was lose lose as Day was going to go on the block this week whether she would have used the Veto or not. But you know, it was a nice glimmer of light while it lasted. As said last week, when it came to a big move we had to wait for a non alliance member to do it as the big alliance are too chicken shit to go against each other.
So anyway, Memphis won HoH (boooooooo) and to the shock of absolutely nobody, that is the viewers still watching this shitshow steamroll he put up Day and Kevin, with the convenient replacement in waiting in David should the Veto be used. Basically David has been ordered by Memphis not to use the Veto if he plays in today's comp and wins it. But what he doesn't know that he is the target anyway.
Not much game talk needed though whoever wins the Veto, it's THAT predictable. One of the alliance wins it, and they are not using it. Non alliance member wins and uses it, and it's simply David take a seat, you are the replacement.
Do we really expect Christmas of all people to use her power on one of the non alliance members, oh hell no. She's so far down the pecking order right now, bet her own alliance can't wait for her departure.
In fact I would wager Christmas will lobby so hard for Day to go, as Day dared to make Christmas a Have Not, something which did not go down well with Christmas and indeed, excuse the pun, her partner in crime, Cody who also was nominated to be a Have Not. Would have been three but as Ian was evicted only two this week.
But enough of all that, as we pick up the action after the nominations ceremony and I don't think we need to go into too much detail about why Memphis nominated Day and Kevin, as it seems pretty clear.
Veto picks and competition
Joining Memphis, Day and Kevin in the competition will be Tyler, Nicole and Dani
Plotting aplenty as Memphis basically orders Tyler, Dani and Nicole to throw the comp, and then admits he wants to backdoor David. Just admit you don't like David, spoiler controversial thought incoming, because of the colour of his skin. You have been spewing your poison for too long, Memphis, just a pity you are not out on your ear right now.
Whenever that guy gets HoH, he gets this sort of power trip and thinks he is some sort of dictator. It's already rubbing the alliance the wrong way, but sad thing is he will be there till I will predict Top 4 or 5.
Enter Zingbot
Zingbot's words not mine, by the way:
Enzo - What's more pathetic than a man in his 40s still calling himself the Meow Meow - Nothing
Memphis: Most people think of you as Dan's number one, but to me you're more of a giant #2
Cody: You are a perfect 10 but enough about your IQ
Dani: From your first season, you looked like an old pro, now you just look old
Christmas: What's the difference between you and the holiday season one is cold, stress inducing and annoying and one is the holiday season
Kevin: I came up with a nickname for you and it has a great ring to it - Boring
Tyler: What do you call someone who says the real winner gets the girl not the $500k - A liar
Day: You've done three season of BB and two seasons of the challenge, I'm dying to know which reality show do you plan to lose next
Nicole: I wrote a song for you. Here comes the bride, she loves to whine and cry, every time I hear her voice i want to *bleep* die
Veto competition
It's a maze for this week's comp, and Zingbot has lost their three alien tigers and they have to be found within the maze and returned to their respective cages. Fastest houseguest wins the Veto
And chalk another one up for the big alliance, Tyler wins Veto finishing with a time of 2:55
Veto ceremony
Christmas has not used her power and Tyler has decided NOT to use the Veto, surprise surprise, so it will be Day or Kevin who will be the 2nd member of jury in episode 22
Who goes, they decide or as most of the remaining viewers will probably say who the hell cares
Shout outs
BB on Blast - https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast
Big Brother Radio - https://www.spreaker.com/show/big-brother-radio
Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/big-brother-podcast-rhap/
Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother
Julie Girl - https://www.juliegirlpod.com/
The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/
Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever
Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes....
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