Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 13 - Eviction and HoH

And we reach the end of another week in this underwhelming series, safe to say this season is not living up to expectations
Janelle gone, Kaysar probably about to go, pre game alliances ruining the game itself, one alliance steamrolling the house, members of the public constantly disrupting by yelling things over the wall or flying drones over with cryptic messages.

Now we have Enzo, the yellow coward, as outgoing HoH and may I say thank god his reign is coming to an end tonight. Complete waste of time and another safe player too scared to make a big move in the house. Are some of these people actually playing or is it about how much they can plug their wares rather than win the prestigious prize of All Stars Champion.

And what when Enzo comes out of power, is it going to be one of the usual faces that takes the reins or will the girls finally win an important comp..... Quite frankly does anyone care now, as this series is fast approaching DOA status as most of them are all talk and no action when it comes to big moves. 

What I mean in yellow coward is that Enzo could made a big move and possibly got Dani out of the door, but no he decided to take Christmas's advice after she volunteered to go on the block as a pawn against Kaysar. Reasoning being is that he said out loud that he wanted to leave the big moves to someone else, so opted for Christmas's advice. 

So on we go to tonight's proceedings, and I couldn't be less enthusiastic. Season badly needs a power shift preferably with Ian, Bay or Day winning HoH tonight or on Sunday and getting some of these pre-gamers on the block and out the door, and also we badly need a new twist to mix things up and pretty dam quick.

And just like that Julie announces in the opening segment there will be a new room opening tonight, hopefully it will mix things up and not make things more predictable than they already are.

We start from the end of the Veto ceremony, and Enzo explaining himself about choosing Christmas as the pawn. Falling on deaf ears, he's a coward, 'nuff said. Just vacate the cooking area, pal, your reign is coming to an end

Dani planting so many seeds around the house, although perhaps not in the right places. Tyler starting to notice and says once he is in power, she is on the block. She could have been on the block TONIGHT if one of your associates had a backbone and put there in Kevin's place.

Julie announces the next twist is called the BB Basement, and all details will be revealed in due course.

This edit is so making Ian look like a mastermind right now, when in fact they had a wall yeller as in someone shouting over the wall. An increasing problem as there have been some shouting over the wall since then and even a banner flying over.

The fact also that Christmas has barely been shown, makes it all but certain Kaysar is going. May as well skip forward to the vote now, save us all this futile game talk.

Eviction vote

Well what a surprise....not. Kaysar has been evicted by a unanimous vote

Let's look at our HoH contenders, and these are just my own opinions:

Bay, Day or Ian - Have to win or one of them is gone for sure next week
Tyler, Cody or Memphis - Have to be strong favourites
Kevin, Princess Tippy Toes or Dani - Outside favourites
Christmas - Slim chance
David - No chance

HoH competition

Knockout comp tonight. Everyone plays except for Enzo as he is outgoing HoH.

Filter Face Off. 2 at a time, and they will be shown pics of their fellow houseguests and then asked questions about said pics. Whoever answers correctly gets to pick the next two to try and answer the next question. If no one answers the question or both incorrect, both are out.

Final 2 are Day and Christmas, and unfortunately it's the usual alliance in control again as Christmas takes the honours and is new HoH

First female HoH at last, but why did have to be her

More news on the new twist, 3 housemates will play in the dark for three new powers. Find out in Episode 14 what these powers will be.

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.......

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