That bright light as in Day winning Veto, and making a big move was nice while it lasted, I suppose. But the big alliance, or the chicken shits as I like to call them, had to have their way again. They've got this house on lock, it's just a matter of which order Kevin, David and Day will leave this house now Ian is gone.
Ian makes his way to the jury house, when it could have been Tyler......Oh who we kidding Tyler was NEVER going to jury this past week, and Princess Tippy Toes was not fooling anybody with her tears and ham acting in voting Ian out.
Credit to Ian, he took it as gracefully as he possibly could, but I reckon like the rest of us he can't wait to pack up and go home properly instead of sticking around and watching the big alliance plough through the 3 non alliance members left, before the usual turning on each other or in this case people laying down and being the sacrificial lamb to go to jury.
People had such high hopes for this season, but unfortunately two people decided to butt in and make some alliances before the season even started, which has killed this season stone dead because some of the imbeciles left can't even think for themselves without checking it's ok first with their fellow alliance members. Alliance says, HoH do and all that, and it has been a clean sweep for them in terms of HoH's so far. Apart from Day of course when she won last weeks Veto, and how dare she go against the alliance wishes eh. Last laugh is going to be theirs unfortunately, if there is still going to be anyone left watching by then.
Yet again the R word have been thrown about, and yet again within the same alliance they are allowed to carry on saying and doing as they wish without fear of any serious consequences. Kind of what killed BBUK unfortunately, as the housemates knew in the later years they could walk all over BB and do what they want, as the worst that would happen would be hot water off for 5 minutes, like they were going to take that seriously.
Anyways, enough rambling and let's just get this week going, and when we left the houseguests, the latest HoH comp was underway, and whoever finished building their fire hydrant and pushed the buzzer would be the new HoH.
Dani had not used her replay power, as in the outgoing HoH can play in the next HoH competition, and also Christmas's power is still intact as in she can block someone from being the replacement nominee during a Veto ceremony, including herself.
David proving he once again is in dire need of a brain, the guy just does not know how to play this game. Why is he still there, and no I'm not being racist before anyone starts swinging out. The guy is totally incompetent when it comes to Big Brother.
Nicole, meanwhile, is being a total snake to all and sundry, so nothing new there. There is a real danger she could sneak through and win this, which would be absolutely disastrous. This constant edit of her being in so much turmoil when her mind was already made up about getting Ian out, and then we all saw her crap acting. The planis to vote Ian out, and make sure David gets the blame for it.
To cut a long story short, MEMPHIS won HoH, and the clean sweep of HoH's continue for the big alliance. Now I wonder which two from 3 houseguests he will put on the block. Another predictable week here we come.
Is there any point of mentioning game talk, there's only two out of 3 in contention to face eviction. Expect the expected this week, folks.
Day thinks it was David who made the hickey vote to get rid of Ian, and Dani and Princess Tippy Toes are really making her believe it was actually David, and now Kevin starts thinking it was David as well. Nicole really going all out to bury David to Day, and she is actually succeeding. Can't believe Day is swallowing all this from Princess Tippy Toes.
Let's just David is not too happy, and starts screaming his head off when the heat is on him, because Day thinks he placed a hinky vote to send Ian packing. Dani and Princess Tippy Toes smirk away in another part of the house.
Two Have Not's this week, as Ian was a have not last week and he has gone.
Day picks Christmas, and David picks Cody
Let's just say Christmas didn't take it too well, as in full blown "How dare she pick me as a Have Not" mode
Memphis makes a deal with David to keep him off the block if David keeps the noms the same if he plays in the Veto and wins it. Although it should be noted, that Memphis said only if David keeps quiet about this deal
Nominations ceremony
And to the shock of absolutely no-one, that is the people still watching, he nominated DAY and KEVIN for the block, and even if the Veto is used this week most likely David will be sitting next to whoever is still on the block, so really a lose lose for the neutrals this week and I don't really blame the masses out there who will not be watching this week.
Shout outs
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Sistah Speak -
Julie Girl -
The Secret Alliance -
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Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes......
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