Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 18 - Power of Veto

 Another week, and yet again the majority alliance win another HoH this time with Dani taking the honours, an honour she didn't want as she so openly admitted this week.

Day, Ian and maybe Kevin were our only hopes of shifting power away from the bad side of the house. This reminds me so much of a Survivor Series, that is a WWE event for those not familiar, where it's one team of five takes out four members of the other team and it's 5 on 1

In this case it's now 6 on 3, and the odds very much in favour of the dominant alliance.

Last week we saw Bayleigh go, and yet again the R word reared it's ugly head on social media when Tyler did his pathetic pleading to Christmas to be put on the block. But it was assumed it was more for his own benefit and game, rather than a genuine plea, and then it was alleged that Auntie Allison, that is the executive producer told him in the Diary Room he wasn't allowed to go. You see, Allison will interfere when one of her personal favourites is in trouble, but will keep out of the way when others are in trouble. For those of you that don't know, one of her favourites in Rachel was in big trouble, and she threw in a Pandora's Box twist which effectively saved Rachel and she went on to win series 13 shortly afterwards. Go figure. Bear in mind this is speculation, with no concrete proof. 

Anyhow, back to the present.... As usual we kick off proceedings with the nominations ceremony concluding, HOWEVER David has decided to use his Disruptor power and this enables him to take himself off the block and forcing Dani to choose a replacement. She chooses Tyler as the replacement. Hmmm intriguing, could we finally start to see cracks in the pre game alliance....

Razzie for David, as he squeezes out some tears, and then proceeds to start telling people he had the Disruptor power.

Nicole reveals her Slopitard punishment is over.....Nobody cares, Princess Tippy Toes

Veto picks

Joining Dani, Tyler and Kevin will be Day, Ian and Enzo

Couldn't have worked out better with that draw, fingers crossed for Day and Ian with this lifeline. One of them needs this so badly if we are to still have any hope of salvaging anything, rather than watch the majority alliance laud it over everyone going into the final stages of this season, and just pick off the stragglers before they pick and choose amongst themselves who stays in and who goes to jury and finale.

Veto competition

Nicole rolls out something that looks like something out of Star Trek, shrink ray to be precise and the participants are filmed like they are shrinking. Good god, the acting in this episode is the absolute pits.....

Participants have to stack 15 micro brews with some larger than life tweezers into a pyramid. That's it basically.

And we have a winner, step forward Day!!!!!!! Finally someone outside the main alliance wins, and a big chance to put the cat amongst the pigeons, and make a big move.

Now to say that the major alliance are scrambling would be a massive understatement, go on Day. Use it on Kevin and really give them something to think about going forward, about time this alliance was brought down a peg or two given how easy they have had it since night one.

Oh man, the lengths the alliance are going to to try and persuade Day not to use the Veto. They really are rattled about this, as in 'how dare Day win Veto and ruin our plans', and I for one am loving this.

Revenge is a dish that is best served cold, and it's about to get VERY cold for the nasties in there. Although Dani is talking about putting Ian up as another replacement should Day use the Veto, the same Ian she, Nicole and Memphis were mocking a short few days ago on the feeds.

So predictable from the alliance as usual, as they are so certain they have the numbers to get out whoever is sitting next to Tyler very soon

You know, Kaysar was right, this house and some who inhabit it in this season are a complete mess. So few to root for as we get to the business end of this season with these jury places up for grabs.

Veto ceremony

Yesssssssss, Day uses the Veto on Kevin, comes with a price though with Ian predictably being put on the block next to Tyler. Some small comfort that Day has made a somewhat big move in winning the Veto and indeed using it, but at what cost. If you need a big move done, it had to come from outside the big alliance, seeing they are scared of their own shadows and won't go against each other until it's only them left in the house.

Anyways, Ian or Tyler will be the first member of this season's jury but Tyler has been grumbling he may walk away from the jury. Such bad losers this alliance when things don't go their way

Tyler or Ian, who joins jury....THEY decide in episode 19

In my opinion, Dani took her HoH reign way too lightly and thought this week would be a pushover, and didn't heed the words 'Expect the unexpected' and it's bit her on the you know where.

Shout outs

The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/

Mention for evictee Bayleigh as well - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGdmvDZJ7EE&t

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes

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