So off we go again, and another bad day at the office for the non alliance members, with Christmas soaking up more power to add to her HoH and her Veto blocker power.
Curious or controversial Veto episode, you decide
If you missed it, Christmas won the Veto so had all the power this week unfortunately, and despite what some would consider a hollow plea from Tyler, Christmas did not use the veto which everyone could see coming a mile off, so it will be Bay or Day going to meet Julie from a distance in this episode
Something I did want to bring up which has been soaking up all the headlines, and a subject which is close to my heart, is Ian's treatment in there from certain houseguests whose names shall remain on mute. To cut a long story short, those houseguests have just been so disgusting towards Ian, mimicking his rocking which he can't help due to his autism.
I say close to my heart because it's coming close to 1 year now since I have been diagnosed with moderate autism, and I can testify to that sneering of being called 'weird' because I did and still do a lot of things differently to everyone else, have special interests which are considered different, meltdowns, anxiety, lack of sleep much like Ian in that last episode, and for me very poor social skills when it comes to face to face conversation and eye contact. Going to school every week with bad hygiene and dirty clothes as I was in these really bad routines for many years, and never knew why.
And as for being teased, oh boy, walking down those school corridors back in the day hearing the slightly older kids saying "Hey Mr. Bean". I knew it was me they were referring to, but did the teasing stop there, hell no. Constant struggles when it came to language studies, and being the butt of everyone's jokes on those days when I did utter a few words and quite robotically I might add, and felt overwhelmed or close to a meltdown, boy would I cop it from those..... It was relentless, and yes it did get really bad one time and I did attempt suicide with pills.
As for special interests, the teasing when it came to wrestling. Even back then I was a big wrestling fan, and even one time wrote HULKAMANIA LIVES FOREVER on my craft folder as I considered myself at the time to be a Hulkamaniac, and even then I was mocked for that.
And this is only a sample of what life has been like, maybe in the future I will go into more detail
Anyway, back to tonight's show and just don't know what to make of the situation in there. Kaysar said it best on a recent Secret Alliance podcast when he said this season is a mess.
Remember that David, Christmas and Dani have all got powers they can use very soon. David can force the HoH to change one nomination, Christmas can block one houseguest or herself going on the block as a replacement, and Dani can use her power so that the outgoing HoH can play in the next HoH comp.
Hopefully I've explained that ok, now is there really any need for any final game chat as Bay is hellbent on going, and it does look like she is going to get her way in leaving. However there was some verbal jousting going on if they show it, but I won't write things up if they show Ian being made fun of. That's where I will draw the line
Christmas more concerned about her game standing, and says Bay is up because of something Bay has said or done. She then tells Day that she wants Day to stay.
Christmas calls Bayleigh a great competitor, but criticises her coming after her alliance. Um, isn't that the whole point of the game, Christmas. Your alliance has been running roughshod over this house since day one. You only won HoH because you only had two questions to answer rather than the five Day got, hardly a comp beast are you.
And sticking with that big alliance, some unfortunate news for Cody as he finds out his grandfather has passed away. Very intrusive though, to show his reaction.
Back to the business at hand, and it's time for the main event as in the big argument. This was before Cody had his bad news, by the way.
Christmas and Day really going at it verbally about Bay, which ends up with Bay herself getting involved and Christmas getting even more mad and getting in Bay's face. For some reason, Christmas is clapping. She really is a nasty piece of work, if she is like this now I dread to think what she will be like when her rear end finally finds the block. That lady is so unstable, surely her ramming her car in a felonious way in the general direction of her ex, and all this while she was eight months pregnant was a bit of a giveaway she was in no way suitable to going back in that pressure cooker house.
Eviction vote
To no great shock, Bay is voted out. So now it's down to Ian and Day, they really have to get that HoH. But the odds seem way too slim for either of them, so fingers crossed as one of them needs this badly.
Before the next HoH comp, Julie announces to the remaining not rights that jury is officially starting with the next person to go....
And it's endurance for the next comp, so a fully fledged to be continued incoming, and we will find out in Episode 17 who has got the power next.....or sooner for those who have the feeds.
Dani doesn't use her power, so Christmas will not be eligible to play in this next competition
Shout outs
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Big Brother Radio -
Rob has a Podcast -
Sistah Speak -
Julie Girl -
The Secret Alliance -
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Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
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