Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 12 - Power of Veto

So here we are again, citizens, Enzo HoH and he put up Kaysar and Kevin pre-Veto

Kaysar so close to getting HoH this week, but pipped at the post BY Enzo. Either way, another male wins a comp, while the girls STILL wait to get off the mark.

Almost seem inevitable doesn't it, Janelle gone and Kaysar on his own in there against sheep and cheats, as in pre-gaming before they went in. What chance has Kaysar got, vastly outnumbered and time running out for him unless he can win this next Veto

So let's get started with this, glory or another predictability awaits, and we as always pick up after the nominations ceremony.....

Apparently Kaysar can't be trusted says Enzo, neither can most in this season if we are going there if you want to mention the cheating which just about everyone knows about by now. Kevin is assured he is safe when he storms to the HoH room. Kaysar hasn't got a chance really has he....

The most useless player, or David as he is known, continues to spout complete gibberish about this and that, moving swiftly on.....

Although Bay says David is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way, maybe he wouldn't be if he had a clue about this game. I dread to think what he's going to be like in jury if he gets there.

Mornings with Memphis segment, less said the better....Must have been a really slow day if that made the cut

Veto picks 

Joining Enzo, Kevin and Kaysar in this latest comp will be Tyler, Bayleigh and David with Memphis hosting the comp

Tyler certainly is getting the luck of these draws, rigged or not rigged.....You Decide

Bay claims her loyalty was to Janelle, okaaaaaay. The same Bay that's in a fake alliance called Slick Six.

Veto competition

Good old fashioned endurance, and it's a touch of the theatrical today as the participants will be puppets and have to hang on for dear life while they are moving. Last houseguest standing will win the Veto. Dani brags about being a puppet master, probably in her dreams as she is slowly sealing her fate.

But of course with it being Big Brother, all matter of slime and other muck will fly in their direction

Order of elimination:


Kevin wins the Veto and will no doubt use it on himself later in the episode, and hopefully put Enzo under some pressure to make a big move. Ian is fretting about being the replacement nomination if/when Kevin uses it.

And now Christmas is volunteering to go on the block as a pawn, make your own mind up, Enzo....This is not her HoH it's yours. Make a big move and shake this lousy house up.

And right away Dani majorly slips up about a secret alliance which Tyler picks up on, and immediately marks her card for a backdoor nomination.

Veto ceremony

And as expected, Kevin does indeed use the Veto on himself, but in a complete act of stupidity and blowing a perfectly good chance of getting rid of a big hitter like Dani, he indeed names Christmas as the replacement.

I just can't with some of these idiots, two winners, and a few runners up are still there and he makes a dumbass move like that, because he wants to leave a big move to someone else? Yellow coward

So it will be Kaysar v Christmas and another predictable landslide vote I would think....Enzo, you idiot

Shout outs

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Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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