Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 17 - HoH conclusion and Nominations

The road to deciding this years jury begins, and good day citizens and all who inhabit Big Brother world

In case you missed it, Bay was sent packing and fell at the final hurdle before jury started

Yes it is official, jury has started and the show starts to fill the jury house, or it's alternative for this year, as from this week.

And for those who are still watching despite the domination of the pre game alliance, we left the last episode with everyone except Christmas, as she is outgoing HoH and Dani hasn't used her power, hanging on for dear life in an endurance comp to determine the next HoH

All 3 of the BB Basement challenge are still intact, as in:

David - Can change one of the nominations of the HoH, including himself if he is named on the block

Christmas - Can block someone from being a replacement nomination during a Veto ceremony, including herself

Dani - Can give the outgoing HoH a pass to play in the next HoH competition

So back to the present and it's simply last houseguest left on the wall who wins HoH and first 3 to fall are Have Nots for the week, and that is where we start this week's episode.....

If only someone would tell Christmas to STFU.....You think it's bad in edited form, should have heard her live as this comp happened. Why oh why did someone in casting think it would be good to cast her, she has been very lucky not to go jail. In case you missed it, she rammed her ex's car several times with her own car while eight months pregnant

Order of elimination:

Princess Tippy Toes

Winner and new HoH - Dani

Lucky us, another majority alliance member in power

Let me guess, two people who are not exclusive to the majority alliance but Dani could surprise us and possibly a week where all three powers are wiped out in quick succession.

Dani basically admitted she didn't want this HoH, so now she's got the ball let's see if she can run with it and there are still David and Christmas's powers to think about as well. But she doesn't know who has the other 2 powers, well probably at least not yet.

Away from the house action, Dani plays a prank on Cody as in making him jump by hiding under a load of cushions and making him jump, and Kevin thinks he is not representing the LGBT community too well

Dani already starting to struggle with this power that she didn't want in the first place, that ball is starting to get fumbled. But it will be fun if David and then Christmas unleash their powers, that is depending on the Veto winner of course

Cody tells Dani to put up David and Kevin, how little Cody knows about David.... Will there be ANY hope of breaking up that pre game alliance at all

Not much else in this episode I'm afraid as most of it was taken up with the comp, and then the couple of segments described above.

Dani's nominations

Kevin and David are nominated this week, however.......find out next episode as the voice over teases David using his power. Well it was obvious wasn't it, given he is actually nominated. Just a question of who wins Veto, and whether it is used for Christmas to use her power

Very interesting scenario now, if the Veto winner uses the Veto and obviously on Kevin then Dani may have to pick another for the chopping block. But that's only a possible, and a good chance to finally chip away at the major alliance as they have had it too good for too long.

To be continued in Episode 18

Shout outs

The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes.....

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