Another week comes to a close, and we will find out if Ian or Tyler will be the first into jury. However there have been rumblings from both that they don't want to go to jury, threatening to walk if they go.
Ian, I can understand because his autism must be going into overdrive, and I dread to think how he will feel when he finds out his 'friend' Princess Tippy Toes, aka Nicole, was mocking him along with Dani and Memphis.
Have to laugh at Dani this week, she so thought this HoH week was going to be a pushover. Last thing she expected was to be making 4 nominations this week. Two original nominations, then David used his power to save himself, and then Dani picked Tyler to replace him, and then Day won Veto and took down Kevin, and Dani replaced him with Ian
So a very bad week for her, and indeed a bad week for the pre game alliance who for once didn't have things all their own way. Lots of cheering on social media for Day, and to sum things up "When we needed a big move, we had to count on a non alliance member", but sadly at what cost because Ian is very definitely hot favourite to go, because the big alliance are so lily livered they won't vote out one of their own and shake up the game. Alliance say, alliance do and all that.
And now there are only two powers left with Christmas's Veto power where she can block herself or someone else from going on the block as a replacement nominee during a Veto ceremony, and of course Dani's power where she can give the outgoing HoH a pass to compete in the next HoH comp, which I strongly suspect she will use on herself tonight to try and make up for this week. Whether she will take it more seriously this time if she wins again is another matter.
So onto tonight, and we kick things off at the Veto ceremony and it's safe to say the big alliance are not too happy with the way things are proceeding, as in "How dare Day use the veto and disrupt our plans"
And voila Nicole is already crying, yes that is the same Nicole who was laughing at Ian behind his back. Jeez, this edit for her is so insulting. She's crying again a short time later, oh cry us a river. Will be a MASSIVE insult to all All Stars if she manages to win this season in a few weeks.
Dani is very confident she can rope Tyler in until she decides he is not useful anymore. Good luck with that, Dani, he will have you for breakfast. You better hope he goes tonight or he's coming after you.
Back with the Nicole edit, who do they think they are fooling apart from some of the casuals....She doesn't care about Ian one bit, when she can't wait to see him gone. Now it switches to make out that Tyler is in trouble, when he's really not
This alliance really are cowards of the highest order, NOBODY wants to make a big move within it. Dam this pre gaming garbage, are these people so incapable of thinking of themselves. Obviously they are, bad week for them and no Derrick or Dan to help them out.
Oh, and Nicole's cried a few more times while I've typed that.....Did you know due to her laughing at Ian, she's lost a few sponsors outside of the house. Just thought I would mention that.
As expected, Ian is evicted and is the first member of the jury. Now we wait to see if Dani has used her power to get into this competition
And, yes, Nicole is crying saying she's sorry....How does it go, alliance says, you do
HoH competition
And Dani has NOT used her power, so she is ineligible to play in the next HoH comp
It's a puzzle game this week, and looking at the time a big fat to be continued on Sunday is coming in a few minutes
Simply assemble a fire hydrant using the pieces provided, and it's first to assemble and press the bell is the new HoH
To be continued in Episode 20, and Julie teases a legend of Big Brother will be moving into a secret room....
Shout outs
Before the shout outs commence, I would like to extend my congratulations to Gaz and his partner Daniel, who appeared on the UK version of Supermarket Sweep and absolutely cleaned house winning the big prize at the end
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Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes.....
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