If we really have to......
Yet again the big alliance has control of this house with Cody winning HoH, and of course taking the easy route as per with this alliance, and nominated Kevin and David
Rumour has it that on the feeds, they were tipped off about the triple so unfortunately there goes the last bit of excitement. Seriously I could not give a, speaking bluntly, rat's ass when this alliance has to turn on each other as they have had the run of the house since launch night, due to two certain people who were too chicken shit to come on the show and play themselves, organising a very dirty plan behind closed doors and ruining the enjoyment for everyone, non alliance members and viewers alike.
What have we had in this season.....Teasing, racism, it's been bad tempered from day 1 both inside and outside the house, wall yellers shouting outside info over the wall. The list is endless. Are they really fed up with this season as well with this incoming triple, or is it just to hasten the big alliance implosion. They are just too comfortable in there, and this ship has unfortunately sunk.
Hate to say it, but just the thought of those nasties in jury with Ian, Day and probably soon to be evicted Kevin and David just turns my stomach, but the show must go on no matter how long is left. Cody will probably win whoever he's against, and Derrick will indirectly get another win through his lackey.
So that's the state of play in my words, not a very pleasant prospect I know but unfortunately the alliance have got this wrapped up, with one or at a push two going in the triple. Think more one myself, as they will NOT lose an HoH as they are on a hot streak with those. My guess it will be Kevin, Christmas and David.
Back to the present now, and we head into an OTEV competition in this episode....Really no need for game talk, as Kevin is probably screwed as the most probable outcome is the alliance winning this competition and not using Veto
So it will be interesting to see what the time will be filled up with, even more so for tomorrow's 2 hour episode to fill in the gaps between all the comps.
Dani wants Christmas gone, wants to play in the OTEV and win more prizes. To be honest, I reckon Nicole should go as she has been floating through this, and hasn't won anything which could be considered very weak. Christmas is afraid she will be the replacement nom should Kevin or David come off the block, little chance of that I would say.
Oh please, can we just fast forward to the veto picks and comp....Game talk is pointless as usual
Otev picks
Joining Kevin, David and Cody in this comp will be Enzo, Nicole and Tyler
Otev competition
And still no sign of Dr. Will, all this promotion and even he couldn't be bothered to stick around after his entrance two episodes ago.
Psychedelic Salamander hosting OTEV this year, and quite simply it's find the tie dye shirts with former houseguests names on them via riddles spoken by OTEV or find the money. Up to the housemates. Straight elimination, and last houseguest standing wins
Yawn, notch another win up for the alliance as Cody wins OTEV. Oh I do wonder if he will use it, the suspense is killing me
David won $10,000, but of course this doesn't sit well with the alliance. Oh the shock, nothing said when Tyler won money. But of course the alliance kicks off, bear in mind nothing said when their own members won money. This alliance, I just have no words. I mean how dare David win some money. Reaction much like when Day won Veto that time, and most of them kicked off then.
Otev ceremony
What a surprise, Cody doesn't use the OTEV and will be another non alliance member heading to jury.
Nothing more to to be said really, as Kevin is now officially all but screwed and it's just a matter of seeing which alliance member will be the sacrifice in the triple. Let me guess, it will be Christmas as she is so far down the pecking order, she just doesn't know it.
To be continued in Episode 25, which three go. Quite frankly at this point, who the hell cares, it's THAT bad.
Shout outs
BB on Blast - https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast
Big Brother Radio - https://www.spreaker.com/show/big-brother-radio
Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/big-brother-podcast-rhap/
Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother
Julie Girl - https://www.juliegirlpod.com/
The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/
Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever
Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes