Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 24 - OTEV Competition

 If we really have to......

Yet again the big alliance has control of this house with Cody winning HoH, and of course taking the easy route as per with this alliance, and nominated Kevin and David

Rumour has it that on the feeds, they were tipped off about the triple so unfortunately there goes the last bit of excitement. Seriously I could not give a, speaking bluntly, rat's ass when this alliance has to turn on each other as they have had the run of the house since launch night, due to two certain people who were too chicken shit to come on the show and play themselves, organising a very dirty plan behind closed doors and ruining the enjoyment for everyone, non alliance members and viewers alike.

What have we had in this season.....Teasing, racism, it's been bad tempered from day 1 both inside and outside the house, wall yellers shouting outside info over the wall. The list is endless. Are they really fed up with this season as well with this incoming triple, or is it just to hasten the big alliance implosion. They are just too comfortable in there, and this ship has unfortunately sunk.

Hate to say it, but just the thought of those nasties in jury with Ian, Day and probably soon to be evicted Kevin and David just turns my stomach, but the show must go on no matter how long is left. Cody will probably win whoever he's against, and Derrick will indirectly get another win through his lackey.

So that's the state of play in my words, not a very pleasant prospect I know but unfortunately the alliance have got this wrapped up, with one or at a push two going in the triple. Think more one myself, as they will NOT lose an HoH as they are on a hot streak with those. My guess it will be Kevin, Christmas and David.

Back to the present now, and we head into an OTEV competition in this episode....Really no need for game talk, as Kevin is probably screwed as the most probable outcome is the alliance winning this competition and not using Veto

So it will be interesting to see what the time will be filled up with, even more so for tomorrow's 2 hour episode to fill in the gaps between all the comps.

Dani wants Christmas gone, wants to play in the OTEV and win more prizes. To be honest, I reckon Nicole should go as she has been floating through this, and hasn't won anything which could be considered very weak. Christmas is afraid she will be the replacement nom should Kevin or David come off the block, little chance of that I would say.

Oh please, can we just fast forward to the veto picks and comp....Game talk is pointless as usual

Otev picks

Joining Kevin, David and Cody in this comp will be Enzo, Nicole and Tyler

Otev competition

And still no sign of Dr. Will, all this promotion and even he couldn't be bothered to stick around after his entrance two episodes ago.

Psychedelic Salamander hosting OTEV this year, and quite simply it's find the tie dye shirts with former houseguests names on them via riddles spoken by OTEV or find the money. Up to the housemates. Straight elimination, and last houseguest standing wins

Yawn, notch another win up for the alliance as Cody wins OTEV. Oh I do wonder if he will use it, the suspense is killing me

David won $10,000, but of course this doesn't sit well with the alliance. Oh the shock, nothing said when Tyler won money. But of course the alliance kicks off, bear in mind nothing said when their own members won money. This alliance, I just have no words. I mean how dare David win some money. Reaction much like when Day won Veto that time, and most of them kicked off then.

Otev ceremony

What a surprise, Cody doesn't use the OTEV and will be another non alliance member heading to jury. 

Nothing more to to be said really, as Kevin is now officially all but screwed and it's just a matter of seeing which alliance member will be the sacrifice in the triple. Let me guess, it will be Christmas as she is so far down the pecking order, she just doesn't know it.

To be continued in Episode 25, which three go. Quite frankly at this point, who the hell cares, it's THAT bad. 

Shout outs

The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes

Sunday, 27 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 23 - HoH and Nominations

The doctor is in the house, as Dr. Will is this week's special guest for Neighbour Week or whatever it's called.

When we last checked in with the houseguests, Day was evicted and Dr. Will gave us a hint in what is to come in this coming week's competitions, along with Julie announcing an OTEV competition and then a triple eviction.

I do wonder if it was always the plan to bring the good doctor in, or is it just something to salvage this sinking season as it certainly hasn't given us anything to smile about with the big alliance, with the exception of one Veto which Day won, cleaning up every comp so far and what is most commonly know in these parts as a steamroll.

What else can be said really, it's now down to Kevin and David but their chances are really slim to none as the alliance is just cruising at the moment, and those two are just insects will be squashed presently.

We kick off tonight's festivities, well festivities if you are part of the alliance anyway, with Day going out the door, and I assume we will presently find out if Dani has used her power to get Memphis into the next HoH comp as he is the outgoing HoH. Two reigns which can only be summed up with the word 'meh'.

Much happiness about Dr. Will's arrival, but he could eat this lot for breakfast and still have enough energy to take on seconds, before we are treated to Dani and Nicole trying to outlie each other.

Nicole is so stupid, and just basically throws away Day's vote by openly admitting not once but twice about trying to set David up with some rogue votes.

HoH comp

It is confirmed now, Dani HAS used her power on Memphis so he will participate in this week's HoH Comp, and with that announcement all powers have now expired, with 2 out of the 3 being used as Christmas didn't use her Veto power.

Prizes have been mentioned for this comp, could be objects, could be money....The list is endless, if there are some punishments for the big alliance all the better.

No sign of Dr. Will presiding over things

Going for the Green is the name of this comp, wonder what side of the house will win this....

Houseguests get 3 balls each, and one at a time they will be putting them. It is their choice what they choose to go for as in points or prizes with their 3 putts. Lowest score in each section wins HoH and prizes. They can choose to stop if they feel their score is satisfactory.

And to no surprise it's another HoH win for the big alliance, this time with Cody taking the honour, make that a double win with Tyler and Dani winning $5,000 as well. What's that, 8-0 to the alliance in terms of HoH's now? No prizes for guessing who will be going on the block then

Dani wants to keep her prize money a secret, although she didn't do a good job of keeping her power a secret

And to round things out, Kevin gets accused of making things 'personal' when he has a talk with Cody. How very dare he do that eh, considering how the alliance have been nothing but personal when it comes to all their nominations

Nomination ceremony

Oh what a surprise, it's Kevin and David on the block. Expected nothing less from this clique of nasties who are too chicken shit to shake things up a bit. Seriously, is it just me who couldn't care less when these nasties implode. But, little do they know about the previously mentioned triple eviction where they WILL have to give up some members, probably only one though or two at a push.

And so we move onto OTEV for Episode 24, and it does seem like we are heading towards another predictable eviction, and then two more go straight after. Small consolation that the big alliance will lose a member or two, but that's all it is in mere consolation. 

Shout outs

The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes....

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 22 - Eviction and Special Guest moves in

And so we finally come to the end of this dead rubber week with the big alliance yet again in control, and another non alliance member about to become the 2nd member of this season's jury

As we left it in the last episode, Day and Kevin were left on the block after Tyler did not use the Veto, and kudos to Zingbot. At least they tried to lighten the gloom of this current season, and boy do we need some laughs with the year we are having.

Did Zingbot raise some smiles, I'll leave that up to you

Day's hot favourite to be juror number 2, but stranger things have happened

Rumours doing the rounds as far as the feeds go, Dani is possibly going to use her power to enable Memphis to be in the next HoH comp, in exchange for not being on the block next time. Take that how you will, we'll just have to wait and see what will happen, and also this week's HoH could be the customary slip and slide, but that's just houseguest speculation.

Is there any need for much game talk much like the rest of this week, the alliances minds are already made up as they continue to steam roll through this season.

Anyway, onto tonight, which some may call an anti climax.....

Hopefully not another Memphis reign this coming week if indeed Dani does use her power on Memphis, the outgoing HoH, and he can compete again this week.

So what is there to talk about in this episode as game play seems pretty much pointless, oh yes the special guest moving in next door that Julie mentioned last week. Let's hope he or she has been worth the wait, and whether it will do any good for Kevin and David. Probably not, but let's see.

Voiceover says MEGA twist, yeah right. One that's going to shake up the house? Too little too late for that seeing the house is getting steamrolled already. 

Christmas is in another how dare they mode, as this time she thinks it's a federal crime that Dani, Nicole and Day are plotting. Oh sorry did I say crime, mustn't use that word around Christmas must we

Pointless game talk alert, as we all know Day is going. Oh and Nicole is crying yet again. 

Memphis and Enzo making some of the first moves about splinter alliances to prepare for the big alliance disintegrating. They call this the Wise Guys, and then shortly afterwards Memphis starts pitching to Cody as well, and then moves onto Christmas.

Dani admits to Christmas she wants Kevin out, as she doesn't think Day will come after her. And now we get a Christmas is a good player edit, like hell she is. She and Memphis want to tell David about last week's vote, and also so she can get close to David to ensure final 8. Let's just say she somewhat succeeded.

Look I just want to find out like everyone else who this special guest is, although I have a feeling I may regret it.


As expected, it's Day who becomes the 2nd jury member with a vote of 5-2. Everything going according to plan for the alliance, isn't everything this season for them.

Two rogue votes from Dani and Nicole, probably to curry favour should they make it to final 2

Enter the special guest

And it's series 2 winner, Dr. Will Kirby. Can't get any bigger than that, and the name of the incoming week is called, wait for it, neighbour week.

Julie announces that it will be a triple eviction next week, so at last the big alliance will be trimmed down. A few weeks too late, but finally some of their members will go.
Shout outs 

The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes.....

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 21 - Power of Veto

What to do to lift the mood in this series?
The big alliance have complete control, and it looks all but certain they are cruising through final 6 all the way to finale, with the usual 'turning on each other' once Day, Kevin and David have gone

I mean, could Memphis be anymore blatant he wants David out of there despite pitching the idea of not putting him on the block should David win Veto and not use it. So many nasty smells in this house, and I'm not talking about the non alliance, rather the people IN the alliance itself.

1 - Memphis being openly racist and he gets rewarded with an HoH
2 - Christmas just being Christmas, and openly ignorant about PoC
3 - Dani, Nicole F and Memphis mocked Ian about his autism

The list is endless, oh and by the way and I said this to someone on Twitter after the last episode "That girl (Christmas) is nuts, and a proven danger. Whoever green lighted her going back in needs their own head tested" 

And a special mention to Derrick and Dan who have ruined this season with their cheating in putting some of them in pre game alliances and making some very unfair advantages for some.

We've seen what the pre gamers are like when they don't get their way, like when Day won last week's Veto and made them scramble, but unfortunately it was lose lose as Day was going to go on the block this week whether she would have used the Veto or not. But you know, it was a nice glimmer of light while it lasted. As said last week, when it came to a big move we had to wait for a non alliance member to do it as the big alliance are too chicken shit to go against each other.

So anyway, Memphis won HoH (boooooooo) and to the shock of absolutely nobody, that is the viewers still watching this shitshow steamroll he put up Day and Kevin, with the convenient replacement in waiting in David should the Veto be used. Basically David has been ordered by Memphis not to use the Veto if he plays in today's comp and wins it. But what he doesn't know that he is the target anyway.

Not much game talk needed though whoever wins the Veto, it's THAT predictable. One of the alliance wins it, and they are not using it. Non alliance member wins and uses it, and it's simply David take a seat, you are the replacement.

Do we really expect Christmas of all people to use her power on one of the non alliance members, oh hell no. She's so far down the pecking order right now, bet her own alliance can't wait for her departure.

In fact I would wager Christmas will lobby so hard for Day to go, as Day dared to make Christmas a Have Not, something which did not go down well with Christmas and indeed, excuse the pun, her partner in crime, Cody who also was nominated to be a Have Not. Would have been three but as Ian was evicted only two this week.

But enough of all that, as we pick up the action after the nominations ceremony and I don't think we need to go into too much detail about why Memphis nominated Day and Kevin, as it seems pretty clear.

Veto picks and competition

Joining Memphis, Day and Kevin in the competition will be Tyler, Nicole and Dani

Plotting aplenty as Memphis basically orders Tyler, Dani and Nicole to throw the comp, and then admits he wants to backdoor David. Just admit you don't like David, spoiler controversial thought incoming, because of the colour of his skin. You have been spewing your poison for too long, Memphis, just a pity you are not out on your ear right now.

Whenever that guy gets HoH, he gets this sort of power trip and thinks he is some sort of dictator. It's already rubbing the alliance the wrong way, but sad thing is he will be there till I will predict Top 4 or 5.

Enter Zingbot

Zingbot's words not mine, by the way:

Enzo - What's more pathetic than a man in his 40s still calling himself the Meow Meow - Nothing

Memphis: Most people think of you as Dan's number one, but to me you're more of a giant #2

Cody: You are a perfect 10 but enough about your IQ

Dani: From your first season, you looked like an old pro, now you just look old

Christmas: What's the difference between you and the holiday season one is cold, stress inducing and annoying and one is the holiday season

Kevin: I came up with a nickname for you and it has a great ring to it - Boring

Tyler: What do you call someone who says the real winner gets the girl not the $500k - A liar

Day: You've done three season of BB and two seasons of the challenge, I'm dying to know which reality show do you plan to lose next

Nicole: I wrote a song for you. Here comes the bride, she loves to whine and cry, every time I hear her voice i want to *bleep* die

Veto competition

It's a maze for this week's comp, and Zingbot has lost their three alien tigers and they have to be found within the maze and returned to their respective cages. Fastest houseguest wins the Veto

And chalk another one up for the big alliance, Tyler wins Veto finishing with a time of 2:55

Veto ceremony

Christmas has not used her power and Tyler has decided NOT to use the Veto, surprise surprise, so it will be Day or Kevin who will be the 2nd member of jury in episode 22

Who goes, they decide or as most of the remaining viewers will probably say who the hell cares

Shout outs

The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes....

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 20 - HoH conclusion and Nominations

That bright light as in Day winning Veto, and making a big move was nice while it lasted, I suppose. But the big alliance, or the chicken shits as I like to call them, had to have their way again. They've got this house on lock, it's just a matter of which order Kevin, David and Day will leave this house now Ian is gone.

Ian makes his way to the jury house, when it could have been Tyler......Oh who we kidding Tyler was NEVER going to jury this past week, and Princess Tippy Toes was not fooling anybody with her tears and ham acting in voting Ian out.

Credit to Ian, he took it as gracefully as he possibly could, but I reckon like the rest of us he can't wait to pack up and go home properly instead of sticking around and watching the big alliance plough through the 3 non alliance members left, before the usual turning on each other or in this case people laying down and being the sacrificial lamb to go to jury.

People had such high hopes for this season, but unfortunately two people decided to butt in and make some alliances before the season even started, which has killed this season stone dead because some of the imbeciles left can't even think for themselves without checking it's ok first with their fellow alliance members. Alliance says, HoH do and all that, and it has been a clean sweep for them in terms of HoH's so far. Apart from Day of course when she won last weeks Veto, and how dare she go against the alliance wishes eh. Last laugh is going to be theirs unfortunately, if there is still going to be anyone left watching by then.

Yet again the R word have been thrown about, and yet again within the same alliance they are allowed to carry on saying and doing as they wish without fear of any serious consequences. Kind of what killed BBUK unfortunately, as the housemates knew in the later years they could walk all over BB and do what they want, as the worst that would happen would be hot water off for 5 minutes, like they were going to take that seriously.

Anyways, enough rambling and let's just get this week going, and when we left the houseguests, the latest HoH comp was underway, and whoever finished building their fire hydrant and pushed the buzzer would be the new HoH.

Dani had not used her replay power, as in the outgoing HoH can play in the next HoH competition, and also Christmas's power is still intact as in she can block someone from being the replacement nominee during a Veto ceremony, including herself.

David proving he once again is in dire need of a brain, the guy just does not know how to play this game. Why is he still there, and no I'm not being racist before anyone starts swinging out. The guy is totally incompetent when it comes to Big Brother.

Nicole, meanwhile, is being a total snake to all and sundry, so nothing new there. There is a real danger she could sneak through and win this, which would be absolutely disastrous. This constant edit of her being in so much turmoil when her mind was already made up about getting Ian out, and then we all saw her crap acting. The planis to vote Ian out, and make sure David gets the blame for it.

To cut a long story short, MEMPHIS won HoH, and the clean sweep of HoH's continue for the big alliance. Now I wonder which two from 3 houseguests he will put on the block. Another predictable week here we come.

Is there any point of mentioning game talk, there's only two out of 3 in contention to face eviction. Expect the expected this week, folks.

Day thinks it was David who made the hickey vote to get rid of Ian, and Dani and Princess Tippy Toes are really making her believe it was actually David, and now Kevin starts thinking it was David as well. Nicole really going all out to bury David to Day, and she is actually succeeding. Can't believe Day is swallowing all this from Princess Tippy Toes.

Let's just David is not too happy, and starts screaming his head off when the heat is on him, because Day thinks he placed a hinky vote to send Ian packing. Dani and Princess Tippy Toes smirk away in another part of the house.

Two Have Not's this week, as Ian was a have not last week and he has gone.

Day picks Christmas, and David picks Cody

Let's just say Christmas didn't take it too well, as in full blown "How dare she pick me as a Have Not" mode

Memphis makes a deal with David to keep him off the block if David keeps the noms the same if he plays in the Veto and wins it. Although it should be noted, that Memphis said only if David keeps quiet about this deal

Nominations ceremony

And to the shock of absolutely no-one, that is the people still watching, he nominated DAY and KEVIN for the block, and even if the Veto is used this week most likely David will be sitting next to whoever is still on the block, so really a lose lose for the neutrals this week and I don't really blame the masses out there who will not be watching this week.

Shout outs

The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes......

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 19 - Eviction and HoH

 Another week comes to a close, and we will find out if Ian or Tyler will be the first into jury. However there have been rumblings from both that they don't want to go to jury, threatening to walk if they go.

Ian, I can understand because his autism must be going into overdrive, and I dread to think how he will feel when he finds out his 'friend' Princess Tippy Toes, aka Nicole, was mocking him along with Dani and Memphis.

Have to laugh at Dani this week, she so thought this HoH week was going to be a pushover. Last thing she expected was to be making 4 nominations this week. Two original nominations, then David used his power to save himself, and then Dani picked Tyler to replace him, and then Day won Veto and took down Kevin, and Dani replaced him with Ian

So a very bad week for her, and indeed a bad week for the pre game alliance who for once didn't have things all their own way. Lots of cheering on social media for Day, and to sum things up "When we needed a big move, we had to count on a non alliance member", but sadly at what cost because Ian is very definitely hot favourite to go, because the big alliance are so lily livered they won't vote out one of their own and shake up the game. Alliance say, alliance do and all that.

And now there are only two powers left with Christmas's Veto power where she can block herself or someone else from going on the block as a replacement nominee during a Veto ceremony, and of course Dani's power where she can give the outgoing HoH a pass to compete in the next HoH comp, which I strongly suspect she will use on herself tonight to try and make up for this week. Whether she will take it more seriously this time if she wins again is another matter.

So onto tonight, and we kick things off at the Veto ceremony and it's safe to say the big alliance are not too happy with the way things are proceeding, as in "How dare Day use the veto and disrupt our plans"

And voila Nicole is already crying, yes that is the same Nicole who was laughing at Ian behind his back. Jeez, this edit for her is so insulting. She's crying again a short time later, oh cry us a river. Will be a MASSIVE insult to all All Stars if she manages to win this season in a few weeks.

Dani is very confident she can rope Tyler in until she decides he is not useful anymore. Good luck with that, Dani, he will have you for breakfast. You better hope he goes tonight or he's coming after you.

Back with the Nicole edit, who do they think they are fooling apart from some of the casuals....She doesn't care about Ian one bit, when she can't wait to see him gone. Now it switches to make out that Tyler is in trouble, when he's really not

This alliance really are cowards of the highest order, NOBODY wants to make a big move within it. Dam this pre gaming garbage, are these people so incapable of thinking of themselves. Obviously they are, bad week for them and no Derrick or Dan to help them out.

Oh, and Nicole's cried a few more times while I've typed that.....Did you know due to her laughing at Ian, she's lost a few sponsors outside of the house. Just thought I would mention that.


As expected, Ian is evicted and is the first member of the jury. Now we wait to see if Dani has used her power to get into this competition

And, yes, Nicole is crying saying she's sorry....How does it go, alliance says, you do

HoH competition

And Dani has NOT used her power, so she is ineligible to play in the next HoH comp

It's a puzzle game this week, and looking at the time a big fat to be continued on Sunday is coming in a few minutes

Simply assemble a fire hydrant using the pieces provided, and it's first to assemble and press the bell is the new HoH

To be continued in Episode 20, and Julie teases a legend of Big Brother will be moving into a secret room....

Shout outs

Before the shout outs commence, I would like to extend my congratulations to Gaz and his partner Daniel, who appeared on the UK version of Supermarket Sweep and absolutely cleaned house winning the big prize at the end

The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes.....

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 18 - Power of Veto

 Another week, and yet again the majority alliance win another HoH this time with Dani taking the honours, an honour she didn't want as she so openly admitted this week.

Day, Ian and maybe Kevin were our only hopes of shifting power away from the bad side of the house. This reminds me so much of a Survivor Series, that is a WWE event for those not familiar, where it's one team of five takes out four members of the other team and it's 5 on 1

In this case it's now 6 on 3, and the odds very much in favour of the dominant alliance.

Last week we saw Bayleigh go, and yet again the R word reared it's ugly head on social media when Tyler did his pathetic pleading to Christmas to be put on the block. But it was assumed it was more for his own benefit and game, rather than a genuine plea, and then it was alleged that Auntie Allison, that is the executive producer told him in the Diary Room he wasn't allowed to go. You see, Allison will interfere when one of her personal favourites is in trouble, but will keep out of the way when others are in trouble. For those of you that don't know, one of her favourites in Rachel was in big trouble, and she threw in a Pandora's Box twist which effectively saved Rachel and she went on to win series 13 shortly afterwards. Go figure. Bear in mind this is speculation, with no concrete proof. 

Anyhow, back to the present.... As usual we kick off proceedings with the nominations ceremony concluding, HOWEVER David has decided to use his Disruptor power and this enables him to take himself off the block and forcing Dani to choose a replacement. She chooses Tyler as the replacement. Hmmm intriguing, could we finally start to see cracks in the pre game alliance....

Razzie for David, as he squeezes out some tears, and then proceeds to start telling people he had the Disruptor power.

Nicole reveals her Slopitard punishment is over.....Nobody cares, Princess Tippy Toes

Veto picks

Joining Dani, Tyler and Kevin will be Day, Ian and Enzo

Couldn't have worked out better with that draw, fingers crossed for Day and Ian with this lifeline. One of them needs this so badly if we are to still have any hope of salvaging anything, rather than watch the majority alliance laud it over everyone going into the final stages of this season, and just pick off the stragglers before they pick and choose amongst themselves who stays in and who goes to jury and finale.

Veto competition

Nicole rolls out something that looks like something out of Star Trek, shrink ray to be precise and the participants are filmed like they are shrinking. Good god, the acting in this episode is the absolute pits.....

Participants have to stack 15 micro brews with some larger than life tweezers into a pyramid. That's it basically.

And we have a winner, step forward Day!!!!!!! Finally someone outside the main alliance wins, and a big chance to put the cat amongst the pigeons, and make a big move.

Now to say that the major alliance are scrambling would be a massive understatement, go on Day. Use it on Kevin and really give them something to think about going forward, about time this alliance was brought down a peg or two given how easy they have had it since night one.

Oh man, the lengths the alliance are going to to try and persuade Day not to use the Veto. They really are rattled about this, as in 'how dare Day win Veto and ruin our plans', and I for one am loving this.

Revenge is a dish that is best served cold, and it's about to get VERY cold for the nasties in there. Although Dani is talking about putting Ian up as another replacement should Day use the Veto, the same Ian she, Nicole and Memphis were mocking a short few days ago on the feeds.

So predictable from the alliance as usual, as they are so certain they have the numbers to get out whoever is sitting next to Tyler very soon

You know, Kaysar was right, this house and some who inhabit it in this season are a complete mess. So few to root for as we get to the business end of this season with these jury places up for grabs.

Veto ceremony

Yesssssssss, Day uses the Veto on Kevin, comes with a price though with Ian predictably being put on the block next to Tyler. Some small comfort that Day has made a somewhat big move in winning the Veto and indeed using it, but at what cost. If you need a big move done, it had to come from outside the big alliance, seeing they are scared of their own shadows and won't go against each other until it's only them left in the house.

Anyways, Ian or Tyler will be the first member of this season's jury but Tyler has been grumbling he may walk away from the jury. Such bad losers this alliance when things don't go their way

Tyler or Ian, who joins jury....THEY decide in episode 19

In my opinion, Dani took her HoH reign way too lightly and thought this week would be a pushover, and didn't heed the words 'Expect the unexpected' and it's bit her on the you know where.

Shout outs

The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/

Mention for evictee Bayleigh as well - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGdmvDZJ7EE&t

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 17 - HoH conclusion and Nominations

The road to deciding this years jury begins, and good day citizens and all who inhabit Big Brother world

In case you missed it, Bay was sent packing and fell at the final hurdle before jury started

Yes it is official, jury has started and the show starts to fill the jury house, or it's alternative for this year, as from this week.

And for those who are still watching despite the domination of the pre game alliance, we left the last episode with everyone except Christmas, as she is outgoing HoH and Dani hasn't used her power, hanging on for dear life in an endurance comp to determine the next HoH

All 3 of the BB Basement challenge are still intact, as in:

David - Can change one of the nominations of the HoH, including himself if he is named on the block

Christmas - Can block someone from being a replacement nomination during a Veto ceremony, including herself

Dani - Can give the outgoing HoH a pass to play in the next HoH competition

So back to the present and it's simply last houseguest left on the wall who wins HoH and first 3 to fall are Have Nots for the week, and that is where we start this week's episode.....

If only someone would tell Christmas to STFU.....You think it's bad in edited form, should have heard her live as this comp happened. Why oh why did someone in casting think it would be good to cast her, she has been very lucky not to go jail. In case you missed it, she rammed her ex's car several times with her own car while eight months pregnant

Order of elimination:

Princess Tippy Toes

Winner and new HoH - Dani

Lucky us, another majority alliance member in power

Let me guess, two people who are not exclusive to the majority alliance but Dani could surprise us and possibly a week where all three powers are wiped out in quick succession.

Dani basically admitted she didn't want this HoH, so now she's got the ball let's see if she can run with it and there are still David and Christmas's powers to think about as well. But she doesn't know who has the other 2 powers, well probably at least not yet.

Away from the house action, Dani plays a prank on Cody as in making him jump by hiding under a load of cushions and making him jump, and Kevin thinks he is not representing the LGBT community too well

Dani already starting to struggle with this power that she didn't want in the first place, that ball is starting to get fumbled. But it will be fun if David and then Christmas unleash their powers, that is depending on the Veto winner of course

Cody tells Dani to put up David and Kevin, how little Cody knows about David.... Will there be ANY hope of breaking up that pre game alliance at all

Not much else in this episode I'm afraid as most of it was taken up with the comp, and then the couple of segments described above.

Dani's nominations

Kevin and David are nominated this week, however.......find out next episode as the voice over teases David using his power. Well it was obvious wasn't it, given he is actually nominated. Just a question of who wins Veto, and whether it is used for Christmas to use her power

Very interesting scenario now, if the Veto winner uses the Veto and obviously on Kevin then Dani may have to pick another for the chopping block. But that's only a possible, and a good chance to finally chip away at the major alliance as they have had it too good for too long.

To be continued in Episode 18

Shout outs

The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and party on dudes.....

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 16 - Eviction and HoH begins

So off we go again, and another bad day at the office for the non alliance members, with Christmas soaking up more power to add to her HoH and her Veto blocker power.

Curious or controversial Veto episode, you decide

If you missed it, Christmas won the Veto so had all the power this week unfortunately, and despite what some would consider a hollow plea from Tyler, Christmas did not use the veto which everyone could see coming a mile off, so it will be Bay or Day going to meet Julie from a distance in this episode

Something I did want to bring up which has been soaking up all the headlines, and a subject which is close to my heart, is Ian's treatment in there from certain houseguests whose names shall remain on mute. To cut a long story short, those houseguests have just been so disgusting towards Ian, mimicking his rocking which he can't help due to his autism.

I say close to my heart because it's coming close to 1 year now since I have been diagnosed with moderate autism, and I can testify to that sneering of being called 'weird' because I did and still do a lot of things differently to everyone else, have special interests which are considered different, meltdowns, anxiety, lack of sleep much like Ian in that last episode, and for me very poor social skills when it comes to face to face conversation and eye contact. Going to school every week with bad hygiene and dirty clothes as I was in these really bad routines for many years, and never knew why.

And as for being teased, oh boy, walking down those school corridors back in the day hearing the slightly older kids saying "Hey Mr. Bean". I knew it was me they were referring to, but did the teasing stop there, hell no. Constant struggles when it came to language studies, and being the butt of everyone's jokes on those days when I did utter a few words and quite robotically I might add, and felt overwhelmed or close to a meltdown, boy would I cop it from those..... It was relentless, and yes it did get really bad one time and I did attempt suicide with pills.

As for special interests, the teasing when it came to wrestling. Even back then I was a big wrestling fan, and even one time wrote HULKAMANIA LIVES FOREVER on my craft folder as I considered myself at the time to be a Hulkamaniac, and even then I was mocked for that.

And this is only a sample of what life has been like, maybe in the future I will go into more detail

Anyway, back to tonight's show and just don't know what to make of the situation in there. Kaysar said it best on a recent Secret Alliance podcast when he said this season is a mess.

Remember that David, Christmas and Dani have all got powers they can use very soon. David can force the HoH to change one nomination, Christmas can block one houseguest or herself going on the block as a replacement, and Dani can use her power so that the outgoing HoH can play in the next HoH comp.

Hopefully I've explained that ok, now is there really any need for any final game chat as Bay is hellbent on going, and it does look like she is going to get her way in leaving. However there was some verbal jousting going on if they show it, but I won't write things up if they show Ian being made fun of. That's where I will draw the line

Christmas more concerned about her game standing, and says Bay is up because of something Bay has said or done. She then tells Day that she wants Day to stay.

Christmas calls Bayleigh a great competitor, but criticises her coming after her alliance. Um, isn't that the whole point of the game, Christmas. Your alliance has been running roughshod over this house since day one. You only won HoH because you only had two questions to answer rather than the five Day got, hardly a comp beast are you.

And sticking with that big alliance, some unfortunate news for Cody as he finds out his grandfather has passed away. Very intrusive though, to show his reaction.

Back to the business at hand, and it's time for the main event as in the big argument. This was before Cody had his bad news, by the way. 

Christmas and Day really going at it verbally about Bay, which ends up with Bay herself getting involved and Christmas getting even more mad and getting in Bay's face. For some reason, Christmas is clapping. She really is a nasty piece of work, if she is like this now I dread to think what she will be like when her rear end finally finds the block. That lady is so unstable, surely her ramming her car in a felonious way in the general direction of her ex, and all this while she was eight months pregnant was a bit of a giveaway she was in no way suitable to going back in that pressure cooker house.

Eviction vote

To no great shock, Bay is voted out. So now it's down to Ian and Day, they really have to get that HoH. But the odds seem way too slim for either of them, so fingers crossed as one of them needs this badly.

Before the next HoH comp, Julie announces to the remaining not rights that jury is officially starting with the next person to go....

And it's endurance for the next comp, so a fully fledged to be continued incoming, and we will find out in Episode 17 who has got the power next.....or sooner for those who have the feeds.

Dani doesn't use her power, so Christmas will not be eligible to play in this next competition

Shout outs

The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 15 - Power of Veto

 And so we continue with another big alliance in power week, in other words Christmas is HoH and much like the rest of her alliance, has played it safe putting two completely non threatening houseguests on the block in Day and Bay

Two winners, several runners up, 3rd places and Favourite Players, and she nominates Bay and Day? Was listening to The Secret Alliance podcast, a link to which I will add to the shout outs when I get there, and Kaysar basically admitted this season is a mess because nobody wants to make a big move, and just want to play it safe. It truly is a case of who wins this season, who the eff cares.

In other news, 3 powers were won by David, Dani and Christmas. These powers are only valid for 3 weeks, and can only be used once

David - Has the power to change up who is on the block, as in he can take someone down forcing the HoH of that week to put someone else on the block. Kind of a second Veto if you want to look at it that way.

Dani - Outgoing HoH can play in the next week's HoH comp

Christmas - Can prevent herself being a replacement nominee in a Veto comp, or if she's the Veto holder can prevent someone else of her choosing from going on the block.

Excuse the pun but Christmas must be thinking all her Christmases have come at once with all this power she is soaking up

Anyways, onto tonight, and we pick up after the nominations ceremony...

Christmas claims Bay and Day are a 'dynamic duo'. Yeah sure they are, usual predictable play it safe nominations from the big alliance. Yawn double yawn and triple yawn....

David telling us he won't be using his power just yet, and may need to use it on himself, meanwhile Bay goes to see Christmas, who is herself sobbing. Crocodile tears from the convicted felon. In case you missed it, Christmas was arrested and charged with trying to run over her ex partner with her own car. Amazingly she didn't go to jail.

Anyway, Day goes to talk to Dani and Princess Tippy Toes about Tyler sharing some info about Tyler saying that Dani was planting some seeds. Something which Dani doesn't take too kindly to, as we find out in the Diary Room.

Dani then tells Day that she wants to work with her down the line, and then proceeds to rat to Christmas about the info, and SHE states if Tyler is talking to people outside of the alliance then there could be a huge problem.

Veto picks

David will be hosting

Joining Day, Bay and Christmas will be Dani, Princess Tippy Toes Nicole F and Ian

Ian is showing anxiety problems.....

Veto competition

Unfortunately just before starters orders, Ian had to withdraw for medical reasons due to said anxiety

Rules are that they have to run and push a button whenever they see a maths problem that equals 13, and it's one of those swapping comps as well, for example whoever wins 3rd place can swap with 4th or 5th, depending on what the prize is. If they are last to hit the button, they are eliminated. False start is when they release their start button too early or if it's a wrong sum.

Yet more power for Christmas with her winning Veto, Day won $5,000, Princess Tippy Toes has to wear a slopitard costume, Never Slop pass for Dani, and Bay got 500 tricycle laps

Tyler saying he is struggling with the game.....Oh boy, this is where it got really problematic on the feeds as he pleaded with Christmas to use the Veto and go on the block himself and for them to vote him out. EP (Executive Producer) Allison then talked him out of it allegedly.

Crocodile tears now from Tyler, and believe me looking at social media a hell of a lot of people thought he was only doing this for game reasons, and I am inclined to side with them. You see, my problem is that Allison likes to interfere when her favourites are in trouble, flashback to series 13 when Rachel and Britney were in trouble and she threw in a Pandora's Box twist which effectively saved them. I really wouldn't put it past her to talk Tyler out of wanting to go.

Veto ceremony

Shock horror, Christmas did not use the Veto, so it will be Bay or Day leaving in the next episode

Christmas was NEVER going to use that Veto in a million years, everyone knew that. This big alliance is not for moving, and their reign of terror will probably continue tomorrow when another of their number wins HoH. So close to jury now, and the thought of these sheep and nasties infesting jury and finale night is really revolting.

Whoever survives out of Bay or Day has to win HoH, or whoever survives will be saying adios to the house next week

To be continued in Episode 16, 'nuff said

Shout outs

The Secret Alliance - http://thesecretalliance.com/

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 14 - BB Basement and Nominations

Seriously, can a new twist save this season from sinking

Greetings for another week, citizens, and another dark week ahead with the majority alliance still running the house, with no sign of a power switch in sight as the non pre-gamers continue to flounder and get picked off by the teams set up by Dan and Derrick before the season started.

In brief, Kaysar was evicted by a predictable unanimous vote, while Christmas won an HoH in which she barely participated and became the first female HoH of this season. Can't the non pre gamer fans have some nice things happen in this season, rather than being bored to death by another incoming steamroll

Maybe this BB Basement will offer some small salvation if Bay, Day or Ian can get at least one of those powers......

Kaysar tried to fire a rocket under their collective rear ends by revealing some hot house info and trying to wake some people up, he had nothing to lose with what he said and Dani had the nerve to call HIM disrespectful, when she has been so much worse on the feeds. 

So anyway, onto tonight's festivities if you can call them that and another predictable week where the main alliance are in power again, and we start with the aftermath of Christmas winning HoH.

Day ponders what may have been had she not slipped on the last question of the comp, while Christmas is thinking she is a god winning that comp, when she did barely anything. Enzo confident he is not going on the block. 

Looks like Kaysar's words in his save me speech seem to have some of them rattled, let's see who can smell blood going forward. Come on Bay, Day and Ian, pick up that scent and get to work. However it does look like the Slick Six alliance, that's not the main alliance by the way, are cracking as it was noted by several in there, that they were eliminating each other in the HoH comp.

BB Basement

These 3 powers can only be used once and they have a three week time limit

This comp will be played in the dark as they search for the powers and the HoH is eligible to play in this one, and all 3 powers will be played for tonight

David gets the first power which is called Disruption, which enables him to save a nominee which can include himself at a noms ceremony. Biggest power I would say.

Dani - She has got a power which can make that week's HoH eligible for the next HoH competition, and she whines about it. Be grateful, woman, you won it in the first place.

Christmas - She can block herself from going on the block as a replacement nominee. If she wins Veto, she will have the power to block someone else. More power for her, lucky us.

2 out of 3 powers for the majority alliance, but knowing David he will screw things up as he has absolutely no idea how to play this game overall.

Nominations ceremony

So predictable yet again....With former winners and runners up still in there the big alliance plays it safe yet again, as Christmas has nominated Bay and Day. We've had over the wall yellers, people fly banners over the house and even Kaysar trying to get the info into these people's thick skulls and they STILL play it safe.

How stupid are these people not to use the info they are being given, come on we want some big moves not playing it safe. Time is running out, with people's patience wearing thin with this series.

To be continued in Episode 15, when the Veto is up for grabs. Surely the non pre-gamers will win something, especially Bay or Day

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 13 - Eviction and HoH

And we reach the end of another week in this underwhelming series, safe to say this season is not living up to expectations
Janelle gone, Kaysar probably about to go, pre game alliances ruining the game itself, one alliance steamrolling the house, members of the public constantly disrupting by yelling things over the wall or flying drones over with cryptic messages.

Now we have Enzo, the yellow coward, as outgoing HoH and may I say thank god his reign is coming to an end tonight. Complete waste of time and another safe player too scared to make a big move in the house. Are some of these people actually playing or is it about how much they can plug their wares rather than win the prestigious prize of All Stars Champion.

And what when Enzo comes out of power, is it going to be one of the usual faces that takes the reins or will the girls finally win an important comp..... Quite frankly does anyone care now, as this series is fast approaching DOA status as most of them are all talk and no action when it comes to big moves. 

What I mean in yellow coward is that Enzo could made a big move and possibly got Dani out of the door, but no he decided to take Christmas's advice after she volunteered to go on the block as a pawn against Kaysar. Reasoning being is that he said out loud that he wanted to leave the big moves to someone else, so opted for Christmas's advice. 

So on we go to tonight's proceedings, and I couldn't be less enthusiastic. Season badly needs a power shift preferably with Ian, Bay or Day winning HoH tonight or on Sunday and getting some of these pre-gamers on the block and out the door, and also we badly need a new twist to mix things up and pretty dam quick.

And just like that Julie announces in the opening segment there will be a new room opening tonight, hopefully it will mix things up and not make things more predictable than they already are.

We start from the end of the Veto ceremony, and Enzo explaining himself about choosing Christmas as the pawn. Falling on deaf ears, he's a coward, 'nuff said. Just vacate the cooking area, pal, your reign is coming to an end

Dani planting so many seeds around the house, although perhaps not in the right places. Tyler starting to notice and says once he is in power, she is on the block. She could have been on the block TONIGHT if one of your associates had a backbone and put there in Kevin's place.

Julie announces the next twist is called the BB Basement, and all details will be revealed in due course.

This edit is so making Ian look like a mastermind right now, when in fact they had a wall yeller as in someone shouting over the wall. An increasing problem as there have been some shouting over the wall since then and even a banner flying over.

The fact also that Christmas has barely been shown, makes it all but certain Kaysar is going. May as well skip forward to the vote now, save us all this futile game talk.

Eviction vote

Well what a surprise....not. Kaysar has been evicted by a unanimous vote

Let's look at our HoH contenders, and these are just my own opinions:

Bay, Day or Ian - Have to win or one of them is gone for sure next week
Tyler, Cody or Memphis - Have to be strong favourites
Kevin, Princess Tippy Toes or Dani - Outside favourites
Christmas - Slim chance
David - No chance

HoH competition

Knockout comp tonight. Everyone plays except for Enzo as he is outgoing HoH.

Filter Face Off. 2 at a time, and they will be shown pics of their fellow houseguests and then asked questions about said pics. Whoever answers correctly gets to pick the next two to try and answer the next question. If no one answers the question or both incorrect, both are out.

Final 2 are Day and Christmas, and unfortunately it's the usual alliance in control again as Christmas takes the honours and is new HoH

First female HoH at last, but why did have to be her

More news on the new twist, 3 housemates will play in the dark for three new powers. Find out in Episode 14 what these powers will be.

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.......

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 12 - Power of Veto

So here we are again, citizens, Enzo HoH and he put up Kaysar and Kevin pre-Veto

Kaysar so close to getting HoH this week, but pipped at the post BY Enzo. Either way, another male wins a comp, while the girls STILL wait to get off the mark.

Almost seem inevitable doesn't it, Janelle gone and Kaysar on his own in there against sheep and cheats, as in pre-gaming before they went in. What chance has Kaysar got, vastly outnumbered and time running out for him unless he can win this next Veto

So let's get started with this, glory or another predictability awaits, and we as always pick up after the nominations ceremony.....

Apparently Kaysar can't be trusted says Enzo, neither can most in this season if we are going there if you want to mention the cheating which just about everyone knows about by now. Kevin is assured he is safe when he storms to the HoH room. Kaysar hasn't got a chance really has he....

The most useless player, or David as he is known, continues to spout complete gibberish about this and that, moving swiftly on.....

Although Bay says David is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way, maybe he wouldn't be if he had a clue about this game. I dread to think what he's going to be like in jury if he gets there.

Mornings with Memphis segment, less said the better....Must have been a really slow day if that made the cut

Veto picks 

Joining Enzo, Kevin and Kaysar in this latest comp will be Tyler, Bayleigh and David with Memphis hosting the comp

Tyler certainly is getting the luck of these draws, rigged or not rigged.....You Decide

Bay claims her loyalty was to Janelle, okaaaaaay. The same Bay that's in a fake alliance called Slick Six.

Veto competition

Good old fashioned endurance, and it's a touch of the theatrical today as the participants will be puppets and have to hang on for dear life while they are moving. Last houseguest standing will win the Veto. Dani brags about being a puppet master, probably in her dreams as she is slowly sealing her fate.

But of course with it being Big Brother, all matter of slime and other muck will fly in their direction

Order of elimination:


Kevin wins the Veto and will no doubt use it on himself later in the episode, and hopefully put Enzo under some pressure to make a big move. Ian is fretting about being the replacement nomination if/when Kevin uses it.

And now Christmas is volunteering to go on the block as a pawn, make your own mind up, Enzo....This is not her HoH it's yours. Make a big move and shake this lousy house up.

And right away Dani majorly slips up about a secret alliance which Tyler picks up on, and immediately marks her card for a backdoor nomination.

Veto ceremony

And as expected, Kevin does indeed use the Veto on himself, but in a complete act of stupidity and blowing a perfectly good chance of getting rid of a big hitter like Dani, he indeed names Christmas as the replacement.

I just can't with some of these idiots, two winners, and a few runners up are still there and he makes a dumbass move like that, because he wants to leave a big move to someone else? Yellow coward

So it will be Kaysar v Christmas and another predictable landslide vote I would think....Enzo, you idiot

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter if you wish - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....