Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 10 - Eviction and HoH begins

 Another week closes, and another episode where the eviction is going to be ever so predictable. 

Could be argued this week's loss could hit the show hard, as it's Janelle v Kaysar. Yep the two godsends of this particular series now that the ever so lovely Nicole A is no more in that house.

In case you missed it:

Tyler won HoH, then Cody won Veto....Look familiar? Of course it does, and to top it off Cody did not use the Veto, and we will lose one of the two remaining saviours of this season with the other most likely going next week if it's yet again the same alliance in power

Meanwhile, Dani and Nicole F aka Princess Tippy Toes continue bringing down their favourite subject, as in Janelle, while the edit right now would have us believe she is some sort of ogre who is being oh so nasty to PTT. As I said in the last post, doesn't bear thinking about how smug Nicole and Dani are going to be if Janelle goes in this episode.

But don't worry I'm sure those two will find someone else to aim their venom at once Janelle goes out the door....

Anyway, onto tonight and we kick off post Veto ceremony and looking at the way they are dressed, looks like an endurance HoH comp later on

Cody is saying he knows Janelle will have people migrate to her if she stays and wins comps, which poses a threat to his own alliance. Tyler is thinking about his next targets, saying he doesn't want to make himself too vulnerable.

Janelle is going hell for leather to stay in there, so she goes pitching for votes. But Dani, Memphis and Cody have already set their heart on getting rid of Janelle. Dani really thinks she has got this made with her little proclamation about how she is going to be the new queen when Janelle goes. Oh boy she is heading for a big fall very soon.

David is still there, and as Julie said 'loose lips sink alliances' and this guy really is the pits when it comes to playing this game. He is truly atrocious, and I thought I was bad as I have been watching for many years, and still struggling with this particular format. He has absolutely dropped Tyler and Cody in it telling Day about them telling him Day was going to flip the vote, and surely there have to be consequences down the line.

To say Tyler and Cody are fuming would be a MASSIVE understatement, but seriously the pre-game alliances have really screwed this season.


Nominees and HoH not allowed to vote tonight, and here we go...

Dani votes to evict Kaysar

Nicole votes to evict Janelle

Enzo votes to evict Kaysar

Day votes to evict Janelle

Memphis votes to evict Janelle

Bay votes to evict Janelle

Cody votes to evict Janelle

Christmas votes to evict Janelle

David votes to evict Janelle

Kevin votes to evict Janelle

Ian votes to evict Janelle

Evicted: Janelle by a vote of 9-2

Should be noted that Kaysar's two votes were only rogue ones, as Dani has this plan to frame Bay and Day. I really hope this is not going down that uncomfortable route again which has blighted so many seasons recently.

HoH comp

As outgoing HoH, Tyler is not allowed to play. For this week's comp it is what is commonly known as in these circles as a crapshoot. Rules are that houseguests will be divided into two groups of 6, and they must roll three balls up a ramp and get them into the holes at the other end. Two heats, and the first 3 from each group to complete the task will advance to the final. Winner is the new HoH

And that is where we leave things for this episode, and this comp will conclude in the next episode as in the new HoH will be crowned and they will make their nominations. 

To be continued in Episode 11.....

Shout outs

BB on Blast - https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast

Big Brother Radio - https://www.spreaker.com/show/big-brother-radio

Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/big-brother-podcast-rhap/big-brother-22/

Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother

Julie Girl - https://www.juliegirlpod.com/

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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