Hello, good day and welcome, citizens of Big Brother world.
A tough week continues into a new Veto episode, as Memphis is in charge this week with alliance forming all over the place. So many in fact, so full of combustible egos ready to go bang at the slightest wrong move.
Christmas won herself immunity with Ian named as her +1, giving him a punishment for the week
We kick off tonight's festivities straight after nominations have been made, and in case you missed it it's Nicole A and David taking the dubious honor of being on the block.
Cracks already appearing in Memphis's alliances, with his attitude in general to being in power. Dani especially calls him out in the Diary Room for having a big head, while Tyler calls him lame. Holy understatement, Tyler.. This has been a looooooong week so far with him in power, surely the next HoH has to be better than him.
David, meanwhile, is a little tearful at being nominated. Janelle is saying how much Nicole A means to her game, and trusts her. Wish we could say it was reciprocated, but given how much Kevin has been filling Nicole's head with so much garbage in that Janelle is AGAINST her.
Nicole A not being seen as a threat by Memphis, while Janelle is pitching about a Nicole F backdoor.
Now talk has briefly turned to families, before we go back to the game talk.....Moving swiftly on
Ian's punishment for being +1, he has to audition for the part of Dirk Space Jammer. He will be dressing up in various costumes and performing various skits until the director is satisfied he is getting the part right. We then see various little clips of him performing in front of everyone.
"Boo hoo, Janelle doesn't like me", from Nicole F, let's just say Nicole F is not very popular anywhere. At least Janelle knuckles down when she's in that house, and doesn't cry at the slightest thing, Nicole. In fact for those who don't watch the feeds, you should note Janelle is mentioned so much by Nicole F. It's almost as if Nicole F absolutely dislikes most women when she's in this show.
Veto picks and competition
Joining Memphis, Nicole A and David in the comp will be Ian, Tyler and Nicole F
Enzo will be hosting.....
A slightly later Veto comp than usual, as it was really hot during the day so they did this comp when it was cooler
All Starry Night is the name for this comp, here is how it works. Quite simple this one. Participants have to balance their ball on a disc, if they drop their ball they will be eliminated. Last houseguest standing wins the Veto.
Order of elimination: Nicole A, Nicole F, Ian, David, Tyler
Memphis wins the Veto and has all the power this week, seems like it's going to be a straight forward ceremony this week.
Nicole A is crying her eyes out at not winning this comp, and wanting to go home. As much I adore her, I think she should go for her own peace of mind. She is just so fragile and definitely not recovered from her first stint in there as it's been less than a year recovery time for her. In my own opinion, she should have turned this one down and waited for the next All Stars or at the least she should have just done a guest stint to host a competition.
Just plain to see on the feeds really, she is falling apart and the BS she is getting from Kevin is only fuelling her paranoia and it is very uncomfortable to those who are still standing with her. We can only think about what if Kevin had gone instead of Keesha.....
Memphis is not one for changing his mind, as some try to convince him to backdoor Janelle but this falls on deaf ears.....
Veto ceremony
To no great shock really, Memphis decides NOT to use the Veto so it will be Nicole A or David who will go out to meet Julie in the next episode
To be continued with Episode 7, and Eviction 2......
Shout outs
BB on Blast - https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast
Big Brother Radio - https://www.spreaker.com/show/big-brother-radio
Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/big-brother-podcast-rhap/big-brother-22/
Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother
Julie Girl - https://www.juliegirlpod.com/
Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever
Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
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