Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 1 - Launch

It's a new day and an all new series as we hit the road from Australia over to USA and people from past series converge on a brand new looking USA house
Ranging from series 6 to series 21, and some familiar and some not so familiar faces depending on what series you tuned in from. I know some of these will be new to me as I was on and off with the USA version a few times. Series 9 and then off until 13 and it's been non stop since then.

And so we move onto the last English speaking Big Brother of this year after Canada was cut short due to a certain pandemic, while Australia managed to get through their series, even though there was a brief pause with a crew member coming into contact with someone with Covid but thankfully said crew member tested negative.

Let's hope the USA series remain unaffected, and without further ado it's over to Julie as we kick off All Stars....

She explains about the Covid situation and how all possible precautions will be taken as we proceed through this series. And now bring on the houseguests....

They will be introduced in groups of four, and outside of the house they will wear masks for everyone's safety, but the masks can be removed once they are in the house....Shall we finally see who they are, let's do this

Group 1

Nicole F (Series 16 and 18)
Da'vonne (Series 17 and 18)
Daniele (Series 8 and 13)
Christmas (Series 19)

After a brief chat with Julie, Julie informs them that there will be a preliminary competition to decide who plays in the main HoH competition

Rules: The preliminary comp starts as soon as they enter the house, where they will be faced with a question in the backyard and the answer will be somewhere in the house. Once they find the answer, it's back to the backyard where they will use their assigned maze to direct their ball to the answer. First 2 to get the ball in the correct location qualify for the main competition. 4 minute time limit.

This will be rinse and repeat for the other groups that will come in as well, and once one group is done they will hide away from the other groups, and once everyone is done for this first comp they will all meet.

From Group 1, Christmas was the only one to qualify as the rest timed out, so she moves forward to the main comp later.

Group 2

Ian (Series 14)
Tyler (Series 20)
Kevin (Series 11)
Enzo (Series 12)

Ian and Kevin qualified for the main comp

Group 3

Nicole A(dorable) because she is so adorable (Series 21)
Janelle (Series 6, 7 and 14)
Bayleigh (Series 20)
Keesha (Series 10)

Nicole qualified, rest timed out

Group 4

Kaysar (Series 6 and 7)
Cody (Series 16)
Memphis (Series 10)
David (Series 21)

Cody and Memphis qualified

And now for the big get together, complete with lots of hugging and shouting. Julie is ever so slightly irritated as she has to keep repeating herself to get them to listen.

When she finally gets their attention, she explains that 6 will compete in the first HoH comp after qualifying from their various heats

This main competition is called Star Stepping, or the ultimate shin shredder as I like to call it in reference to the Stepping Stones game from a show called Takeshi's Castle.

Anyways the rules are the participants have to cross a field of stars using balance as some of the stars are balanced and some of them are very unsteady. If a houseguest falls they have to start over. Fastest at the end of the comp will be the new HoH.

And as an added bonus in this competition, there are envelopes at the side of the course. Some of which contain good or not so good prizes which will be revealed after the comp. Once each competitor finishes the course, they will each pick up one envelope, which are only to be opened on Julie's say so

Order of participation:

Memphis - 1:12.22
Cody - 22.06

To cut a long story short, Nicole, Christmas, Kevin and Ian timed out

Winner and first HoH of this season goes to Cody

As for the envelopes:

Christmas - $5,000

Everyone else as in Nicole, Kevin, Memphis and Ian are Have Not's

Julie directs the Have Nots to where they will be staying, but due to the dangers of live TV the Have Not door is locked, so they will have to wait a little while. For those who haven't got the pleasure of the feeds, will see them finally go in the Have Not room on Sunday

Back to the main area, where Julie comes back and tells them about the new Safety Suite room which will be revealed in due course and will be elaborated on come the next highlights show, everyone will get VIP passes but only two will get immunity from the first eviction. Then there is a tease about other rooms which will be revealed over the course of the series

Usual plug about how the series will work as in Nominations on a Sunday, Veto on a Wednesday and Eviction on a Thursday

To be continued in Episode 2 when Cody makes his nominations and we get to see the have not room along with the Safety Suite

And there we have it for the launch, thankfully only one part this time. A few notes in that there will be no live audiences this season for obvious reasons, and also that since most of the houseguests have partners on the outside, the chances of a showmance happening are slim to none which I can totally live with

A solid start I would say, but how many times have we said that over the years and then shortly afterwards the wheels come flying off because of some controversy..... Hopefully a series which will be talked about for the right reasons this year, as 2020 has been pretty much lousy all over the board for most.

And may I just say before the shout outs, COME ON, NICOLE A!!!!!!!

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time we meet, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking......

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