Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 4 - Eviction and HoH

The dawn of a new episode, and it's the first eviction episode of the season even though it does seem like it's going to be a complete formality

In case you missed it:

Outgoing HoH - Cody
Veto winner - Enzo
Veto used - No

On the block - Keesha and Kevin

Back to the present, and Kevin is downbeat as he thought he would be saved when Enzo won the Veto, but as you can see the Veto was not used. Keesha, meanwhile, was not shocked and declares she is to start campaigning

Janelle says she wants Keesha to stay over Kevin, however there are conditions in that Keesha needs to get some votes in her back pocket, as Janelle cannot campaign too hard for her without compromising her own position in the house.

Meanwhile, Kevin and Nicole A(dorable) are having quite the discussion and settle on a final two agreement, should both of them be there around the endgame time

There's a new alliance in town with Memphis and Cody calling themselves 'The Commission', which shortly expands with Memphis pulling in Anti Nicole, Dani, Christmas and Tyler as back up.

Some alliances so far:

The previously mentioned Commission

Cody got his fingers in a lot of pies.....Alliances with Enzo, Bay and Day. This particular one includes a final 4 deal. Then there is his other one with Anti Nicole for a final 2.

Cody looking pretty much unstoppable right now, but I have a hunch some of these deals will come back to bite him soon. After all we are talking about Derrick's lackey here from series 16.

We are also treated to a segment where everything is weighed up as in pros and cons, although it does seem a waste of time as most of their minds are already made up on who to boot first.


As per the usual rules, the nominees are not eligible to vote and this week the HoH will not vote as there won't be a tie

What's the point of this eviction, we all know who's going and it's confirmed shortly afterwards as EVERYBODY except of course Kevin and Cody vote Keesha out 

It should be noted this is David's first ever vote as he left pretty early on last year and didn't get to vote and also #justiceforBreonnaTaylor from Day.

From general reaction, Keesha was quite popular on social media and it is genuinely disappointing she is gone, she was in one of the series I haven't seen and I was quite keen to see what she could bring to the table, but sadly it was not to be.

This does have the vibe it's going to be one of those seasons where one alliance picks everyone off before turning on each other as the weeks whittle down

As per this year there are precautions in place due to Covid, as Julie reminds Keesha to put her mask on before she leaves and there will be social distancing when she comes out for her interview. This pandemic does not stop for anyone or anything, it would be wise to remember that.

HoH comp

Last houseguest standing is the name of the game as it's True or False to decide the next HoH, as outgoing HoH Cody is ineligible to play this week.

Basically, houseguests who will be playing are shown videos of Zoom conferencing, one video per round that is. Houseguests are then asked True or False questions about that particular clip. Answer correctly, through to the next round, and incorrect answers mean elimination.

Round 1

Eliminated - Kaysar, David, Enzo, Dani, Anti Nicole and Christmas

Round 2 

Eliminated - Kevin, Ian and Janelle

Round 3

Eliminated - Day, Nicole A(dorable), Bay and Tyler

Winner and new HoH - Memphis

Meh to that, I say. But let's see what he does first, but given he's in with Cody right now I am not getting my hopes up. 

And then there is still the Safety Suite comp to come as well, which is already proving problematic to whoever is HoH as we saw last week in getting plan A targets on the block.

Plenty of time left in this season, plenty of time.Let's hope things pick up as they have had plenty of time now to find their feet.

And one last thing, GO NICOLE A(DORABLE)!!!!!

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

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