Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 7 - Eviction and HoH

What a long week this has been in terms of this particular season, and may I say uncomfortable as well
Many other words I could use as well, but we could be here forever. I can't wait for this week to be over with.....


Outgoing HoH and Veto Winner - Memphis

A Veto that wasn't used, so the nominees as in David and Nicole remain on the block. Sadly all the odds are pointing to Nicole going, barring a minor miracle. She has been in the wars this week, she's made mistakes in letting people twist her mind to make her think the people trying to save her. She's gone back in too soon as she was still decompressing from her first stint.....The list is endless.

So on to the show, with fingers crossed for that lovely young lady....Who goes, THEY decide

We kick off after the Veto ceremony and it's disappointment all around as Memphis has basically wasted his HoH week. Nicole A says in the Diary Room this decision has lit a fire under her, and she is determined to stay. So she makes her way to Day, but Day is having a hard time deciding as she has fondness for Nicole, but doesn't want to vote someone who looks like her.

David then makes his pitch to Day, to which she asks him if he is an alliance, while we don't see the answer she says in the Diary Room how much David is stressing her out. David then goes running to Bay, telling her Day needs to calm down which really upsets Bay.

And now back to Nicole, that is the lovely one, not the stirring F and NA is still having major doubts about her future in the house as she speaks to Jaysar. So torn about whether it is beneficial for her to stay after this episode, the girl is so adorable yet she has had her head so messed up with the Jaysar garbage from Kevin. The segment is so difficult to watch, for me at least. She is breaking up fast.


Before we get underway, Julie wishes Dani happy birthday and then there's the usual save me speeches

Tyler votes to evict Nicole
Enzo votes to evict David
Christmas votes to evict Nicole
Kevin votes to evict David
Janelle votes to evict Nicole
Day votes to evict Nicole
Kaysar votes to evict Nicole
Bay votes to evict Nicole
Cody votes to evict Nicole
Ian votes to evict Nicole
Nicole F votes to evict Nicole
Dani votes to evict Nicole

Somewhat predictably Nicole A is evicted, and Julie reads out the guidelines as per the current crisis outside

Somewhat relieved as I think she would have broken badly had she stayed in any long. The girl's lovely, and I certainly don't harbour any ill will towards her and won't call her stupid or a clown.

Julie was very direct with her questioning, and pointed out Nicole had got some things wrong which Nicole will say sorry for when the time comes. But for now she should get herself sorted out mentally.

HoH competition

Houseguests have to slide one mug of beer each down three ramps, scores of 1-5 on the ramps. Wherever the mug finishes on the ramp, that is the score on that ramp. Overall score is to be decided over the three ramps. Highest score wins.

Cody - 4
Enzo - 8
David - 6
Christmas - 8
Day - 7
Kevin - 7
Ian - 10
Tyler - 12
Nicole F - 9
Dani - 4
Janelle - 11
Kaysar - 5

Tyler wins and is new HoH....Bad vibes this is going to be a one alliance steam roll seasons

To be continued in Episode 8, when the Safety Suite closes its doors after one final competition. 

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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