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Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 9 - Power of Veto

Here we are again, folks, as this predictable week continues for this toxic house

For those that are still watching, Tyler won HoH and predictably put Janelle and Kaysar on the chopping block, and in other news Enzo won the final Safety Suite comp and immunity and made Christmas his +1, earning her a punishment

Tonight sees a fresh Veto comp as Janelle and Kaysar take their places alongside 4 others, judging by talk on the feeds lately it's going to be a timed one.

We get the ball rolling tonight with the nominations aftermath.....

And already it's 'boo hoo Janelle is so nasty to me' from Princess Tippy Toes...Complete work of fiction, Nicole, as the feeds tell a different story. Try looking in the mirror sometime, and you will find the real nasty staring you in the face.

Seems obvious with the goings on that Bay and/or Day are up next if it's not going to be Kaysar. 

Next we get Janelle promoting a cream or two....Less said the better, sorry Janelle.

And a little note on the side in terms of the edit, Dani also has it in for Janelle although you wouldn't know it given this edit is making her out to be some sort of mastermind when she's really not

Veto picks and competition

Nice little line from Janelle before the picks are made, as in her saying she hopes she picks Nicole as she can easily beat Nicole. I would say physically and mentally.

As always, HoH and nominees play anyway so joining Tyler, Janelle and Kaysar will be Cody, Memphis and Bayleigh with Christmas hosting the comp

Sorry you didn't get your wish, Janelle......

The actual comp is called Cupcake Clash challenge and it is tournament style and here is how it works. Participants must unstack and rearrange pink, yellow and blue cupcakes without putting pieces on the ground. Fastest time in each heat advances to the next round.

First round draw is:

Kaysar v Tyler

Cody v Bayleigh

Memphis v Janelle

Tyler, Cody and Memphis all go through, surprise surprise.....

Next round, Cody eliminates Memphis and will face Tyler in the final......Oh yawn yet another steamroll in a comp for the majority alliance

Cody wins the Veto, so I guess nominations will stay the same. 

Majority alliance pretty pleased with themselves, while in other parts of the house there are suspicions that Memphis threw that comp. 

Janelle speaking for most saying she and Kaysar were doomed the moment they walked through the door, and she's not far wrong with these pre-game alliances running or should that be ruining everything. You decide......

Veto ceremony

Yep you've guessed it, the Veto is not used by Cody. The steamroller picks up some momentum as we head towards Episode 10

Who will be evicted, Janelle or Kaysar, doesn't really matter does it with whoever goes as the survivor probably goes the week after anyway. So the nasties have got this season wrapped up no matter what happens, hardly any of them playing and more interested in plugging their wares on Instagram, as these pre-game alliances forged by Dan and Derrick take a major stranglehold of this house.

Sure makes one feel pig sick thinking of Princess Tippy Toes's (Nicole F) smugness after tomorrow when Janelle goes, as that's been PTT's subject of conversation since the start. Just the thought SHE is probably going to make it to jury or dare I say it the finale....Doesn't bear thinking about really.

Any chance of a twist, and Janelle stays in? Secret room? Surely production must be aware how the ratings are tanking with another steamroll season looking more and more likely every day.

Shout outs

BB on Blast - https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast

Big Brother Radio - https://www.spreaker.com/show/big-brother-radio

Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/big-brother-podcast-rhap/big-brother-22/

Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother

Julie Girl - https://www.juliegirlpod.com/

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking........

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