If we must......
Dear me, what a looooong week that was in the BB universe. Always knew Nicole A was going to go, social media was a bit horrid, but relieved she is out and far away from that toxic house. Unfortunately it is still Operation Get Janelle/Kaysar Out or Janelleousy spearheaded by Dani and Nicole F, or Princess Tippy Toes as I like to call her.
Always crying when she doesn't get her way, and to say the edit is being VERY kind to her at the moment would be a huge understatement given how toxic she is being on the feeds. God help Victor when he gets married to her, hope he knows what he is getting into with her. That girl just bursts into tears every time she doesn't get her way, and she just plain hates other women.
And to put the cherry on the cake, this season is already dying on its rear end with one alliance looking like they are going to squash everyone in sight, with Tyler winning the HoH and it doesn't really take a genius to work out who he will nominate.....
Hey ho, the show must go on and all that....
Really, is there any point in plugging Tyler's nominations as they are going to be so predictable, better still can we just fast forward to Thursday and just let them vote out Janelle or Kaysar as they predictably will.... Don't think even Veto is worth it this week.
In the other news, it is the final Safety Suite comp tonight....But boy do we need something to shift the balance with whatever is going to follow the Safety Suite, as it doesn't really matter who wins immunity or indeed who is the +1 as Janelle and Kaysar have used their VIP passes already so are ineligible
And we kick off with recapping the lovely Nicole A's departure and also the depressing Tyler HoH win, and the usual steam roll which takes up most seasons these days if it's not some sort of other controversy.
Have Nots will be Cody, Janelle, Bayleigh and Enzo. Should be noted it was Nicole F who picked Janelle, go figure. Janelleousy at its finest right there.
Nicole in not so many words - "I don't want any trouble", and Janelle "Well that's a shame because I do"
You know things are bad when we get a Jaysar reminiscing segment, as it's been pretty slow with nominations and eviction all but decided already
Safety Suite
Dani, Nicole F, Memphis and Enzo the only eligible players, not that it will make much difference.... Bizarrely, Day is going round asking to be saved, as she just wants the experience of wearing a costume.
The rules are that each participant will go one at a time avoiding the lasers in the room and collect a huge ball and make their way back, if they trip a laser then they have to start over. Fastest houseguest wins immunity
To save going through each and every detail, Enzo wins immunity and chooses Christmas as his +1
As punishment for being +1, Christmas has to care for star baby twins....Is it in her contract she doesn't have to dress up?
Nominations ceremony
So predictable from Tyler, Janelle and Kaysar nominated to no great shock. The steamroll picks up momentum as we head towards this week's Veto episode. Can Janelle or Kaysar pull themselves off the block, find out in episode 9......
Shout outs
BB on Blast - https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast
Big Brother Radio - https://www.spreaker.com/show/big-brother-radio
Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/big-brother-podcast-rhap/big-brother-22/
Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother
Julie Girl - https://www.juliegirlpod.com/
Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever
Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking....
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