When we last left the All Stars:
Cody nominated Kevin and Keesha for eviction, after his original targets of Janelle and Kaysar entered the Safety Suite and both gained immunity from the week's eviction.
More alliances formed with handshakes exchanged between Cody and Nicole F....
Tonight sees the first Veto comp of the season as Kevin and Keesha look to avoid being the first All Star out
But first....
We see Cody in the Diary Room after nominations and he tells us that he nominated Keesha and Kevin because he has hardly got to know them. Straight onto the Anti Nicole (Franzel) and she says she doesn't trust Janelle. What is this woman's problem with some other women.
Back to Cody, and he explains to Kevin that he wants to work with him in the future, but Kevin is skeptical of Cody's intentions. There's a cute four letter word and Cody is full of it.
Meanwhile with Keesha, he says he hardly knows her and tells us in the Diary Room that she is the main target and wants her out.
The elusive Tyler makes an appearance next, saying the deals they all make with him just fall right into his lap.
As for Ian and Nicole being past winners, Nicole pitches they make a pact as past winners, with Ian unaware she has already decided on a possible final 2 with Cody and that Ian is only the plan B. Oh, how I would love to see the Anti Nicole go out the door early, she says Janelle can't be trusted? Pot meet kettle.
What some of you don't know, is that Ian has confessed to some of them that he self diagnosed himself as being on the spectrum. Me? I know where he's coming from as I AM on the spectrum, officially diagnosed since September 2019 and still trying to adjust the best I can
Veto picks and competition
Cody picks Tyler, Kevin picks Enzo via Houseguests choice and Keesha picks Kevin
Comp is called It's Bananas, and here is how it will work:
30 minute time limit, participants must rock their respective banana 20 times to get 90 seconds on their clock, and then must collect and stack produce on their basket. If time is short they can go and rock their bananas again to get more time, but they must not let their time run out or they will be eliminated. Whoever has stacked most produce after 30 minutes will be declared winner
After a lot of stacking collapsing stacks, Enzo manages to emerge the winner and with it gains Power of Veto
Shortly afterwards, Kevin feels confident Enzo will use the Veto on him for picking Enzo to play in the Veto. Kevin reports back to HQ aka Cody to say that if Enzo uses the veto on him, he will use his VIP pass in the next Safety Suite comp, and make sure Cody is the +1 along with promising him not to nominate Cody should Kevin win HoH. Cody mulls this over, but he seems set on one of Keesha or Kevin going
Moving on slightly, and Ian comes onto the block radar should the Veto be used as Enzo sees Nicole F and Ian talking, and again this is reported back to Cody.
Veto ceremony
It's as you were as Enzo decides NOT to use the Power of Veto, so it is guaranteed Kevin or Keesha will be the first out this season.
To be continued in Episode 4, and the first eviction of this season. Although it does seem a formality as Keesha has done barely any campaigning to stay in at time of writing this.....But remember the old saying in the USA version, "expect the unexpected"
Shout outs
BB on Blast - https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast
Big Brother Radio - https://www.spreaker.com/show/big-brother-radio
Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/big-brother-podcast-rhap/
Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother
Julie Girl - https://www.juliegirlpod.com/
Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever
Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
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