When we last left our All Stars, the dangers of live tv had left the Have not Room locked, and Julie teased the Safety Suite which we will see in due course.
Current HoH - Cody
And already he has all but decided on Janelle and Kaysar to go on the block, and the honour of crying first in the Diary Room goes to Anti Nicole, that is Nicole F not the ever so adorable other Nicole....Go Nicole A, by the way. There is a logical question, why is Nicole F actually in there. She's already won a series, what else does she have to prove by going in again. She's weeping away in the Diary Room thanking Da'vonne for the vote which won her the series, but a short time later Da'vonne says in the Diary Room she won't let Nicole F screw her over again. Revenge is sweet, and I hope Da'vonne follows through with that.
Back to Nicole, and she is cementing an alliance with Cody. Nicole F certainly can't be trusted, if she goes early then so much the better
Safety Suite
For the next 3 weeks, the Safety Suite will be open for a limited amount of time before nominations. Inside the Suite there will be a one at a time competition where houseguests will be able to compete to be immune for that particular week. The VIP passes can only be used once, so once a houseguest uses their pass it is invalid to use again. It is up to the houseguests if or when they want to use the Safety Suite. Current HoH is not eligible to participate in their reign. Housemates who win immunity are able to name a +1, as in someone else who will be immune but the winner and +1 will have a punishment for the week
Pay attention as there will be questions later.....
Kayser and Janelle are first into the Safety Suite this season
Memory game, Janelle and Kaysar will a hear a song, then have to push buttons in the correct order to re-create that song. If they get a segment wrong they have to start over. Fastest wins.
Kaysar won with a time of 7:55 and made Janelle his +1, so Janelle will get a punishment for the week. So really, a waste of time for Janelle to use her pass as well.
Janelle's punishment was revealed to be that she had to dress up as a star for the week
Cody's plan B as he was planning Janelle and Kaysar originally, he decided to go with KEESHA and KEVIN. He tells them not to take them personally.
Coming in Episode 3, it's the first Veto comp of the season, so who joins Keesha, Kevin and Cody in the competition. Find out in the next episode, as we take a step closer to seeing who will be the first All Star out of the door.
Shout outs
BB on Blast - https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast
Big Brother Radio - https://www.spreaker.com/show/big-brother-radio
Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/big-brother-podcast-rhap/
Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother
Julie Girl - https://www.juliegirlpod.com/
Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever
Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking....
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