Sunday, 30 August 2020
Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 11 - HoH conclusion and Nominations
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 10 - Eviction and HoH begins
Another week closes, and another episode where the eviction is going to be ever so predictable.
Could be argued this week's loss could hit the show hard, as it's Janelle v Kaysar. Yep the two godsends of this particular series now that the ever so lovely Nicole A is no more in that house.
In case you missed it:
Tyler won HoH, then Cody won Veto....Look familiar? Of course it does, and to top it off Cody did not use the Veto, and we will lose one of the two remaining saviours of this season with the other most likely going next week if it's yet again the same alliance in power
Meanwhile, Dani and Nicole F aka Princess Tippy Toes continue bringing down their favourite subject, as in Janelle, while the edit right now would have us believe she is some sort of ogre who is being oh so nasty to PTT. As I said in the last post, doesn't bear thinking about how smug Nicole and Dani are going to be if Janelle goes in this episode.
But don't worry I'm sure those two will find someone else to aim their venom at once Janelle goes out the door....
Anyway, onto tonight and we kick off post Veto ceremony and looking at the way they are dressed, looks like an endurance HoH comp later on
Cody is saying he knows Janelle will have people migrate to her if she stays and wins comps, which poses a threat to his own alliance. Tyler is thinking about his next targets, saying he doesn't want to make himself too vulnerable.
Janelle is going hell for leather to stay in there, so she goes pitching for votes. But Dani, Memphis and Cody have already set their heart on getting rid of Janelle. Dani really thinks she has got this made with her little proclamation about how she is going to be the new queen when Janelle goes. Oh boy she is heading for a big fall very soon.
David is still there, and as Julie said 'loose lips sink alliances' and this guy really is the pits when it comes to playing this game. He is truly atrocious, and I thought I was bad as I have been watching for many years, and still struggling with this particular format. He has absolutely dropped Tyler and Cody in it telling Day about them telling him Day was going to flip the vote, and surely there have to be consequences down the line.
To say Tyler and Cody are fuming would be a MASSIVE understatement, but seriously the pre-game alliances have really screwed this season.
Nominees and HoH not allowed to vote tonight, and here we go...
Dani votes to evict Kaysar
Nicole votes to evict Janelle
Enzo votes to evict Kaysar
Day votes to evict Janelle
Memphis votes to evict Janelle
Bay votes to evict Janelle
Cody votes to evict Janelle
Christmas votes to evict Janelle
David votes to evict Janelle
Kevin votes to evict Janelle
Ian votes to evict Janelle
Evicted: Janelle by a vote of 9-2
Should be noted that Kaysar's two votes were only rogue ones, as Dani has this plan to frame Bay and Day. I really hope this is not going down that uncomfortable route again which has blighted so many seasons recently.
HoH comp
As outgoing HoH, Tyler is not allowed to play. For this week's comp it is what is commonly known as in these circles as a crapshoot. Rules are that houseguests will be divided into two groups of 6, and they must roll three balls up a ramp and get them into the holes at the other end. Two heats, and the first 3 from each group to complete the task will advance to the final. Winner is the new HoH
And that is where we leave things for this episode, and this comp will conclude in the next episode as in the new HoH will be crowned and they will make their nominations.
To be continued in Episode 11.....
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Julie Girl -
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Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 9 - Power of Veto
Here we are again, folks, as this predictable week continues for this toxic house
For those that are still watching, Tyler won HoH and predictably put Janelle and Kaysar on the chopping block, and in other news Enzo won the final Safety Suite comp and immunity and made Christmas his +1, earning her a punishment
Tonight sees a fresh Veto comp as Janelle and Kaysar take their places alongside 4 others, judging by talk on the feeds lately it's going to be a timed one.
We get the ball rolling tonight with the nominations aftermath.....
And already it's 'boo hoo Janelle is so nasty to me' from Princess Tippy Toes...Complete work of fiction, Nicole, as the feeds tell a different story. Try looking in the mirror sometime, and you will find the real nasty staring you in the face.
Seems obvious with the goings on that Bay and/or Day are up next if it's not going to be Kaysar.
Next we get Janelle promoting a cream or two....Less said the better, sorry Janelle.
And a little note on the side in terms of the edit, Dani also has it in for Janelle although you wouldn't know it given this edit is making her out to be some sort of mastermind when she's really not
Veto picks and competition
Nice little line from Janelle before the picks are made, as in her saying she hopes she picks Nicole as she can easily beat Nicole. I would say physically and mentally.
As always, HoH and nominees play anyway so joining Tyler, Janelle and Kaysar will be Cody, Memphis and Bayleigh with Christmas hosting the comp
Sorry you didn't get your wish, Janelle......
The actual comp is called Cupcake Clash challenge and it is tournament style and here is how it works. Participants must unstack and rearrange pink, yellow and blue cupcakes without putting pieces on the ground. Fastest time in each heat advances to the next round.
First round draw is:
Kaysar v Tyler
Cody v Bayleigh
Memphis v Janelle
Tyler, Cody and Memphis all go through, surprise surprise.....
Next round, Cody eliminates Memphis and will face Tyler in the final......Oh yawn yet another steamroll in a comp for the majority alliance
Cody wins the Veto, so I guess nominations will stay the same.
Majority alliance pretty pleased with themselves, while in other parts of the house there are suspicions that Memphis threw that comp.
Janelle speaking for most saying she and Kaysar were doomed the moment they walked through the door, and she's not far wrong with these pre-game alliances running or should that be ruining everything. You decide......
Veto ceremony
Yep you've guessed it, the Veto is not used by Cody. The steamroller picks up some momentum as we head towards Episode 10
Who will be evicted, Janelle or Kaysar, doesn't really matter does it with whoever goes as the survivor probably goes the week after anyway. So the nasties have got this season wrapped up no matter what happens, hardly any of them playing and more interested in plugging their wares on Instagram, as these pre-game alliances forged by Dan and Derrick take a major stranglehold of this house.
Sure makes one feel pig sick thinking of Princess Tippy Toes's (Nicole F) smugness after tomorrow when Janelle goes, as that's been PTT's subject of conversation since the start. Just the thought SHE is probably going to make it to jury or dare I say it the finale....Doesn't bear thinking about really.
Any chance of a twist, and Janelle stays in? Secret room? Surely production must be aware how the ratings are tanking with another steamroll season looking more and more likely every day.
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Sistah Speak -
Julie Girl -
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Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking........
Sunday, 23 August 2020
Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 8 - Safety Suite and Nominations
If we must......
Dear me, what a looooong week that was in the BB universe. Always knew Nicole A was going to go, social media was a bit horrid, but relieved she is out and far away from that toxic house. Unfortunately it is still Operation Get Janelle/Kaysar Out or Janelleousy spearheaded by Dani and Nicole F, or Princess Tippy Toes as I like to call her.
Always crying when she doesn't get her way, and to say the edit is being VERY kind to her at the moment would be a huge understatement given how toxic she is being on the feeds. God help Victor when he gets married to her, hope he knows what he is getting into with her. That girl just bursts into tears every time she doesn't get her way, and she just plain hates other women.
And to put the cherry on the cake, this season is already dying on its rear end with one alliance looking like they are going to squash everyone in sight, with Tyler winning the HoH and it doesn't really take a genius to work out who he will nominate.....
Hey ho, the show must go on and all that....
Really, is there any point in plugging Tyler's nominations as they are going to be so predictable, better still can we just fast forward to Thursday and just let them vote out Janelle or Kaysar as they predictably will.... Don't think even Veto is worth it this week.
In the other news, it is the final Safety Suite comp tonight....But boy do we need something to shift the balance with whatever is going to follow the Safety Suite, as it doesn't really matter who wins immunity or indeed who is the +1 as Janelle and Kaysar have used their VIP passes already so are ineligible
And we kick off with recapping the lovely Nicole A's departure and also the depressing Tyler HoH win, and the usual steam roll which takes up most seasons these days if it's not some sort of other controversy.
Have Nots will be Cody, Janelle, Bayleigh and Enzo. Should be noted it was Nicole F who picked Janelle, go figure. Janelleousy at its finest right there.
Nicole in not so many words - "I don't want any trouble", and Janelle "Well that's a shame because I do"
You know things are bad when we get a Jaysar reminiscing segment, as it's been pretty slow with nominations and eviction all but decided already
Safety Suite
Dani, Nicole F, Memphis and Enzo the only eligible players, not that it will make much difference.... Bizarrely, Day is going round asking to be saved, as she just wants the experience of wearing a costume.
The rules are that each participant will go one at a time avoiding the lasers in the room and collect a huge ball and make their way back, if they trip a laser then they have to start over. Fastest houseguest wins immunity
To save going through each and every detail, Enzo wins immunity and chooses Christmas as his +1
As punishment for being +1, Christmas has to care for star baby twins....Is it in her contract she doesn't have to dress up?
Nominations ceremony
So predictable from Tyler, Janelle and Kaysar nominated to no great shock. The steamroll picks up momentum as we head towards this week's Veto episode. Can Janelle or Kaysar pull themselves off the block, find out in episode 9......
Shout outs
BB on Blast -
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Sistah Speak -
Julie Girl -
Follow me on Twitter at
Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking....
Thursday, 20 August 2020
Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 7 - Eviction and HoH
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 6 - Power of Veto
Sunday, 16 August 2020
Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 5 - Safety Suite and Nominations
Off we go for a fresh new week, citizens, and in case you missed it 15 became 16 when Keesha was voted out in a unanimous vote, and lucky us Memphis became the new HoH
Not much else to say really.....
Tonight sees a Safety Suite comp and also Memphis's nominations, so off we go
Onto tonight, and it's a new rule for this year that the previous have not's pick the new have nots
Memphis picks David, Nicole A(dorable) picks Christmas, Ian picks Anti Nicole F with Kevin rounding out things by picking Kaysar
Derrick's lackey as in Cody and Memphis discuss who will go on the chopping block, sadly it looks like Ian, Adorable, and David are in the frame
Sad segment where Day is talking about the racism she had to endure growing up, what is it with the world right now. I do agree with her when she says there is an opportunity to learn. What is it with some in the world that they have to spew their race hatred, racism is not cool in any form.
Actually pleased they showed that conversation given what happened in series 15, and 21 as well. Two of the worst offending in my book. We need awareness this sort of thing is still happening, but given who's in charge right now whether it be in the USA or UK the possibility remains so slim.
Back to the show, and Memphis is wanting everyone to use their VIP passes in regards to the safety suite, and it's a resounding HELL NO from just about everyone
In the Diary Room, he talks about Dan beating him to the series 10 crown, and then Ian beating Dan in series 14. Motivation right there why Memphis wants Ian out. Strong rumours there has been some pre-season gaming going on, and this kind of enforces it.
Safety SUITE
The countdown is on, 1 hour to be precise, for people to choose whether they want to play the Safety Suite comp or not
Memphis cannot play due to be being HoH
Participants this week will be David, Christmas, Kevin, Cody, Ian, Bay and Day
Drinks themed challenge this week, as soon as a participant hits the button on the bar the challenge will start. Each participant will, one at a time, serve different weighted drinks (obviously not real drinks) to the proper tables and both tables have to balance. The participant to do this in the fastest time will win immunity and get to choose a +1. Like last week, the +1 will have a week long punishment.
Day - 8:41
Bay - 2:48
Kevin - 2:22
Ian - 3:16
Cody - 2:44
David - 2:53
Christmas - 1:38
Christmas wins safety and chooses Ian for +1. Therefore, Ian gets a week long punishment which will be revealed in due course.
Christmas of course very happy, and Memphis couldn't look more downbeat and yet another mention of "Revenge for Dan". Change the record, YOU are playing here, NOT Dan. He and Derrick's lackey then discuss who to put on the block, and shock horror it's just basically everyone outside of their alliance
Nominations ceremony
He has nominated NICOLE A and DAVID
Nicole A - Nominated simply because she didn't win the safety comp
David - Memphis tells him its his first time on the block and will have to prove himself
To be continued in Episode 6, when the next Veto is up for grabs
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Sistah Speak -
Julie Girl -
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Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....
Saturday, 15 August 2020
Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 4 - Eviction and HoH
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 3 - Power of Veto
Monday, 10 August 2020
Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 2 - Safety Suite and Nominations
When we last left our All Stars, the dangers of live tv had left the Have not Room locked, and Julie teased the Safety Suite which we will see in due course.
Current HoH - Cody
And already he has all but decided on Janelle and Kaysar to go on the block, and the honour of crying first in the Diary Room goes to Anti Nicole, that is Nicole F not the ever so adorable other Nicole....Go Nicole A, by the way. There is a logical question, why is Nicole F actually in there. She's already won a series, what else does she have to prove by going in again. She's weeping away in the Diary Room thanking Da'vonne for the vote which won her the series, but a short time later Da'vonne says in the Diary Room she won't let Nicole F screw her over again. Revenge is sweet, and I hope Da'vonne follows through with that.
Back to Nicole, and she is cementing an alliance with Cody. Nicole F certainly can't be trusted, if she goes early then so much the better
Safety Suite
For the next 3 weeks, the Safety Suite will be open for a limited amount of time before nominations. Inside the Suite there will be a one at a time competition where houseguests will be able to compete to be immune for that particular week. The VIP passes can only be used once, so once a houseguest uses their pass it is invalid to use again. It is up to the houseguests if or when they want to use the Safety Suite. Current HoH is not eligible to participate in their reign. Housemates who win immunity are able to name a +1, as in someone else who will be immune but the winner and +1 will have a punishment for the week
Pay attention as there will be questions later.....
Kayser and Janelle are first into the Safety Suite this season
Memory game, Janelle and Kaysar will a hear a song, then have to push buttons in the correct order to re-create that song. If they get a segment wrong they have to start over. Fastest wins.
Kaysar won with a time of 7:55 and made Janelle his +1, so Janelle will get a punishment for the week. So really, a waste of time for Janelle to use her pass as well.
Janelle's punishment was revealed to be that she had to dress up as a star for the week
Cody's plan B as he was planning Janelle and Kaysar originally, he decided to go with KEESHA and KEVIN. He tells them not to take them personally.
Coming in Episode 3, it's the first Veto comp of the season, so who joins Keesha, Kevin and Cody in the competition. Find out in the next episode, as we take a step closer to seeing who will be the first All Star out of the door.
Shout outs
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Sistah Speak -
Julie Girl -
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Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking....