Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday, 30 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 11 - HoH conclusion and Nominations

So another week begins, and the Queen has fallen. Yes Janelle left the house in a 9-2 vote in the last episode, and the season drags on tonight with all the major alliances intact and ruling the roost, and believe it or not this is the first time Kaysar has outstayed Janelle, so we will have to wait and hope to see how far he gets without her there.

I have a feeling not too far, as some of these people left in there just want to prove new school is so much better than the old guard while promoting some wares on Instagram. Dani and Nicole, especially, are just so poisonous given how they talk about the now departed queen and legend, not dead I hasten to add just evicted and it seems Bay is next on the hit list. Some devenomising needed there, and hopefully those two will be brought down to earth very soon. 

But by who, that is the question.....

In other stuff, it has been all but confirmed that has been a lot of pre gaming going on, with former houseguests Dan and Derrick setting up some alliances before the season....In simple english, cheating before the season has even started. 

At the present time:

The Commission (Cody, Tyler, Christmas, Memphis, Nicole and Dani)
Four Prime (Ian, Nicole, Dani and Cody)
Core Four (Enzo, Cody, Nicole and Dani)
Slick Six (Enzo, Bay, Day, Cody, Tyler and Dani)

As for tonight.....

The HoH comp started in the last episode concludes with a new name in power, hopefully it won't be one of the usual suspects. So far the guys have reigned supreme, maybe it's time for a girl to take charge as in Bay or Day.

Nicole does not need another ego stroke, just because Janelle's gone, and besides she will be totally obnoxious. Same with Dani....

HoH comp conclusion

In case you missed it from the last episode, houseguests have 3 balls each and they have to roll the balls up a ramp and down to the holes at the end. 2 groups of six, first 3 to complete the task in each group advance to the final round, and the overall winner in the final round is the new HoH.

Tyler is ineligible to play as outgoing HoH

Group 1 - Kaysar, Nicole, Ian, Day, Enzo and David
Group 2 - Christmas, Bay, Cody, Memphis, Dani and Kevin

Final Round - Kaysar, Enzo, David, Dani, Kevin and Enzo

Winner and new HoH - Enzo

Another "whatever the alliance tells me to do" week ahead then

In the meantime, Dani is asked by Cody if it was her who placed the rogue vote in the last eviction, which she denies. But of course we all know that is BSas she wants to pin that rogue vote on Bay or Day, whether the pre game alliance works it out is another matter. Cody is suspicious already, if only he'd put the pieces together. But then again even if he does, Dani will probably get a stay of execution due to this old v new school mantra.

And on that same matter, Bay and Day are worried the rogue vote will get pinned on them

Interesting and topical subject up next as Kaysar opens up about his halal meat, theology and the BLM movement with Day

Tyler, Day and Dani picked as have-nots for this week.... Only three this week instead of the usual four, as of course Janelle has been evicted.

Oh no, not the Christmas punishment again....Please can we move this on now and get the next twist room set up. Seriously. You can really tell there is nothing to fill these shows if things like this make the edit. Hang on as I type this, the punishment is finally over.....

Nomination Ceremony

As expected, Kaysar is on the block....He is joined by Kevin.

And now we move on to the next Veto episode with Kaysar's fate seemingly sealed already no matter who the other three will be in the Veto comp, and next week it will probably be Bay and/or Day on the block.

Too many fingers in too many pies in terms of the alliances, if only there was some way to break up the pre game alliances. A lot of viewers already giving up on this season seeing how predictable it is becoming, and it's not going to be nice if the jury and finale is swallowed up by the pre-gamers/nasties

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking......

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 10 - Eviction and HoH begins

 Another week closes, and another episode where the eviction is going to be ever so predictable. 

Could be argued this week's loss could hit the show hard, as it's Janelle v Kaysar. Yep the two godsends of this particular series now that the ever so lovely Nicole A is no more in that house.

In case you missed it:

Tyler won HoH, then Cody won Veto....Look familiar? Of course it does, and to top it off Cody did not use the Veto, and we will lose one of the two remaining saviours of this season with the other most likely going next week if it's yet again the same alliance in power

Meanwhile, Dani and Nicole F aka Princess Tippy Toes continue bringing down their favourite subject, as in Janelle, while the edit right now would have us believe she is some sort of ogre who is being oh so nasty to PTT. As I said in the last post, doesn't bear thinking about how smug Nicole and Dani are going to be if Janelle goes in this episode.

But don't worry I'm sure those two will find someone else to aim their venom at once Janelle goes out the door....

Anyway, onto tonight and we kick off post Veto ceremony and looking at the way they are dressed, looks like an endurance HoH comp later on

Cody is saying he knows Janelle will have people migrate to her if she stays and wins comps, which poses a threat to his own alliance. Tyler is thinking about his next targets, saying he doesn't want to make himself too vulnerable.

Janelle is going hell for leather to stay in there, so she goes pitching for votes. But Dani, Memphis and Cody have already set their heart on getting rid of Janelle. Dani really thinks she has got this made with her little proclamation about how she is going to be the new queen when Janelle goes. Oh boy she is heading for a big fall very soon.

David is still there, and as Julie said 'loose lips sink alliances' and this guy really is the pits when it comes to playing this game. He is truly atrocious, and I thought I was bad as I have been watching for many years, and still struggling with this particular format. He has absolutely dropped Tyler and Cody in it telling Day about them telling him Day was going to flip the vote, and surely there have to be consequences down the line.

To say Tyler and Cody are fuming would be a MASSIVE understatement, but seriously the pre-game alliances have really screwed this season.


Nominees and HoH not allowed to vote tonight, and here we go...

Dani votes to evict Kaysar

Nicole votes to evict Janelle

Enzo votes to evict Kaysar

Day votes to evict Janelle

Memphis votes to evict Janelle

Bay votes to evict Janelle

Cody votes to evict Janelle

Christmas votes to evict Janelle

David votes to evict Janelle

Kevin votes to evict Janelle

Ian votes to evict Janelle

Evicted: Janelle by a vote of 9-2

Should be noted that Kaysar's two votes were only rogue ones, as Dani has this plan to frame Bay and Day. I really hope this is not going down that uncomfortable route again which has blighted so many seasons recently.

HoH comp

As outgoing HoH, Tyler is not allowed to play. For this week's comp it is what is commonly known as in these circles as a crapshoot. Rules are that houseguests will be divided into two groups of 6, and they must roll three balls up a ramp and get them into the holes at the other end. Two heats, and the first 3 from each group to complete the task will advance to the final. Winner is the new HoH

And that is where we leave things for this episode, and this comp will conclude in the next episode as in the new HoH will be crowned and they will make their nominations. 

To be continued in Episode 11.....

Shout outs

BB on Blast - https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast

Big Brother Radio - https://www.spreaker.com/show/big-brother-radio

Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/big-brother-podcast-rhap/big-brother-22/

Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother

Julie Girl - https://www.juliegirlpod.com/

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 9 - Power of Veto

Here we are again, folks, as this predictable week continues for this toxic house

For those that are still watching, Tyler won HoH and predictably put Janelle and Kaysar on the chopping block, and in other news Enzo won the final Safety Suite comp and immunity and made Christmas his +1, earning her a punishment

Tonight sees a fresh Veto comp as Janelle and Kaysar take their places alongside 4 others, judging by talk on the feeds lately it's going to be a timed one.

We get the ball rolling tonight with the nominations aftermath.....

And already it's 'boo hoo Janelle is so nasty to me' from Princess Tippy Toes...Complete work of fiction, Nicole, as the feeds tell a different story. Try looking in the mirror sometime, and you will find the real nasty staring you in the face.

Seems obvious with the goings on that Bay and/or Day are up next if it's not going to be Kaysar. 

Next we get Janelle promoting a cream or two....Less said the better, sorry Janelle.

And a little note on the side in terms of the edit, Dani also has it in for Janelle although you wouldn't know it given this edit is making her out to be some sort of mastermind when she's really not

Veto picks and competition

Nice little line from Janelle before the picks are made, as in her saying she hopes she picks Nicole as she can easily beat Nicole. I would say physically and mentally.

As always, HoH and nominees play anyway so joining Tyler, Janelle and Kaysar will be Cody, Memphis and Bayleigh with Christmas hosting the comp

Sorry you didn't get your wish, Janelle......

The actual comp is called Cupcake Clash challenge and it is tournament style and here is how it works. Participants must unstack and rearrange pink, yellow and blue cupcakes without putting pieces on the ground. Fastest time in each heat advances to the next round.

First round draw is:

Kaysar v Tyler

Cody v Bayleigh

Memphis v Janelle

Tyler, Cody and Memphis all go through, surprise surprise.....

Next round, Cody eliminates Memphis and will face Tyler in the final......Oh yawn yet another steamroll in a comp for the majority alliance

Cody wins the Veto, so I guess nominations will stay the same. 

Majority alliance pretty pleased with themselves, while in other parts of the house there are suspicions that Memphis threw that comp. 

Janelle speaking for most saying she and Kaysar were doomed the moment they walked through the door, and she's not far wrong with these pre-game alliances running or should that be ruining everything. You decide......

Veto ceremony

Yep you've guessed it, the Veto is not used by Cody. The steamroller picks up some momentum as we head towards Episode 10

Who will be evicted, Janelle or Kaysar, doesn't really matter does it with whoever goes as the survivor probably goes the week after anyway. So the nasties have got this season wrapped up no matter what happens, hardly any of them playing and more interested in plugging their wares on Instagram, as these pre-game alliances forged by Dan and Derrick take a major stranglehold of this house.

Sure makes one feel pig sick thinking of Princess Tippy Toes's (Nicole F) smugness after tomorrow when Janelle goes, as that's been PTT's subject of conversation since the start. Just the thought SHE is probably going to make it to jury or dare I say it the finale....Doesn't bear thinking about really.

Any chance of a twist, and Janelle stays in? Secret room? Surely production must be aware how the ratings are tanking with another steamroll season looking more and more likely every day.

Shout outs

BB on Blast - https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast

Big Brother Radio - https://www.spreaker.com/show/big-brother-radio

Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/big-brother-podcast-rhap/big-brother-22/

Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother

Julie Girl - https://www.juliegirlpod.com/

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay safe, stay frosty and keep on rocking........

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 8 - Safety Suite and Nominations

 If we must......

Dear me, what a looooong week that was in the BB universe. Always knew Nicole A was going to go, social media was a bit horrid, but relieved she is out and far away from that toxic house. Unfortunately it is still Operation Get Janelle/Kaysar Out or Janelleousy spearheaded by Dani and Nicole F, or Princess Tippy Toes as I like to call her. 

Always crying when she doesn't get her way, and to say the edit is being VERY kind to her at the moment would be a huge understatement given how toxic she is being on the feeds. God help Victor when he gets married to her, hope he knows what he is getting into with her. That girl just bursts into tears every time she doesn't get her way, and she just plain hates other women.

And to put the cherry on the cake, this season is already dying on its rear end with one alliance looking like they are going to squash everyone in sight, with Tyler winning the HoH and it doesn't really take a genius to work out who he will nominate.....

Hey ho, the show must go on and all that....

Really, is there any point in plugging Tyler's nominations as they are going to be so predictable, better still can we just fast forward to Thursday and just let them vote out Janelle or Kaysar as they predictably will.... Don't think even Veto is worth it this week.

In the other news, it is the final Safety Suite comp tonight....But boy do we need something to shift the balance with whatever is going to follow the Safety Suite, as it doesn't really matter who wins immunity or indeed who is the +1 as Janelle and Kaysar have used their VIP passes already so are ineligible

And we kick off with recapping the lovely Nicole A's departure and also the depressing Tyler HoH win, and the usual steam roll which takes up most seasons these days if it's not some sort of other controversy. 

Have Nots will be Cody, Janelle, Bayleigh and Enzo. Should be noted it was Nicole F who picked Janelle, go figure. Janelleousy at its finest right there.

Nicole in not so many words - "I don't want any trouble", and Janelle "Well that's a shame because I do"

You know things are bad when we get a Jaysar reminiscing segment, as it's been pretty slow with nominations and eviction all but decided already

Safety Suite

Dani, Nicole F, Memphis and Enzo the only eligible players, not that it will make much difference.... Bizarrely, Day is going round asking to be saved, as she just wants the experience of wearing a costume. 

The rules are that each participant will go one at a time avoiding the lasers in the room and collect a huge ball and make their way back, if they trip a laser then they have to start over. Fastest houseguest wins immunity

To save going through each and every detail, Enzo wins immunity and chooses Christmas as his +1

As punishment for being +1, Christmas has to care for star baby twins....Is it in her contract she doesn't have to dress up?

Nominations ceremony

So predictable from Tyler, Janelle and Kaysar nominated to no great shock. The steamroll picks up momentum as we head towards this week's Veto episode. Can Janelle or Kaysar pull themselves off the block, find out in episode 9......

Shout outs

BB on Blast - https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast

Big Brother Radio - https://www.spreaker.com/show/big-brother-radio

Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/big-brother-podcast-rhap/big-brother-22/

Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother

Julie Girl - https://www.juliegirlpod.com/

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 7 - Eviction and HoH

What a long week this has been in terms of this particular season, and may I say uncomfortable as well
Many other words I could use as well, but we could be here forever. I can't wait for this week to be over with.....


Outgoing HoH and Veto Winner - Memphis

A Veto that wasn't used, so the nominees as in David and Nicole remain on the block. Sadly all the odds are pointing to Nicole going, barring a minor miracle. She has been in the wars this week, she's made mistakes in letting people twist her mind to make her think the people trying to save her. She's gone back in too soon as she was still decompressing from her first stint.....The list is endless.

So on to the show, with fingers crossed for that lovely young lady....Who goes, THEY decide

We kick off after the Veto ceremony and it's disappointment all around as Memphis has basically wasted his HoH week. Nicole A says in the Diary Room this decision has lit a fire under her, and she is determined to stay. So she makes her way to Day, but Day is having a hard time deciding as she has fondness for Nicole, but doesn't want to vote someone who looks like her.

David then makes his pitch to Day, to which she asks him if he is an alliance, while we don't see the answer she says in the Diary Room how much David is stressing her out. David then goes running to Bay, telling her Day needs to calm down which really upsets Bay.

And now back to Nicole, that is the lovely one, not the stirring F and NA is still having major doubts about her future in the house as she speaks to Jaysar. So torn about whether it is beneficial for her to stay after this episode, the girl is so adorable yet she has had her head so messed up with the Jaysar garbage from Kevin. The segment is so difficult to watch, for me at least. She is breaking up fast.


Before we get underway, Julie wishes Dani happy birthday and then there's the usual save me speeches

Tyler votes to evict Nicole
Enzo votes to evict David
Christmas votes to evict Nicole
Kevin votes to evict David
Janelle votes to evict Nicole
Day votes to evict Nicole
Kaysar votes to evict Nicole
Bay votes to evict Nicole
Cody votes to evict Nicole
Ian votes to evict Nicole
Nicole F votes to evict Nicole
Dani votes to evict Nicole

Somewhat predictably Nicole A is evicted, and Julie reads out the guidelines as per the current crisis outside

Somewhat relieved as I think she would have broken badly had she stayed in any long. The girl's lovely, and I certainly don't harbour any ill will towards her and won't call her stupid or a clown.

Julie was very direct with her questioning, and pointed out Nicole had got some things wrong which Nicole will say sorry for when the time comes. But for now she should get herself sorted out mentally.

HoH competition

Houseguests have to slide one mug of beer each down three ramps, scores of 1-5 on the ramps. Wherever the mug finishes on the ramp, that is the score on that ramp. Overall score is to be decided over the three ramps. Highest score wins.

Cody - 4
Enzo - 8
David - 6
Christmas - 8
Day - 7
Kevin - 7
Ian - 10
Tyler - 12
Nicole F - 9
Dani - 4
Janelle - 11
Kaysar - 5

Tyler wins and is new HoH....Bad vibes this is going to be a one alliance steam roll seasons

To be continued in Episode 8, when the Safety Suite closes its doors after one final competition. 

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 6 - Power of Veto

Hello, good day and welcome, citizens of Big Brother world.
A tough week continues into a new Veto episode, as Memphis is in charge this week with alliance forming all over the place. So many in fact, so full of combustible egos ready to go bang at the slightest wrong move.

Christmas won herself immunity with Ian named as her +1, giving him a punishment for the week

We kick off tonight's festivities straight after nominations have been made, and in case you missed it it's Nicole A and David taking the dubious honor of being on the block.

Cracks already appearing in Memphis's alliances, with his attitude in general to being in power. Dani especially calls him out in the Diary Room for having a big head, while Tyler calls him lame. Holy understatement, Tyler.. This has been a looooooong week so far with him in power, surely the next HoH has to be better than him.

David, meanwhile, is a little tearful at being nominated. Janelle is saying how much Nicole A means to her game, and trusts her. Wish we could say it was reciprocated, but given how much Kevin has been filling Nicole's head with so much garbage in that Janelle is AGAINST her.

Nicole A not being seen as a threat by Memphis, while Janelle is pitching about a Nicole F backdoor. 

Now talk has briefly turned to families, before we go back to the game talk.....Moving swiftly on

Ian's punishment for being +1, he has to audition for the part of Dirk Space Jammer. He will be dressing up in various costumes and performing various skits until the director is satisfied he is getting the part right. We then see various little clips of him performing in front of everyone. 

"Boo hoo, Janelle doesn't like me", from Nicole F, let's just say Nicole F is not very popular anywhere. At least Janelle knuckles down when she's in that house, and doesn't cry at the slightest thing, Nicole. In fact for those who don't watch the feeds, you should note Janelle is mentioned so much by Nicole F. It's almost as if Nicole F absolutely dislikes most women when she's in this show.

Veto picks and competition

Joining Memphis, Nicole A and David in the comp will be Ian, Tyler and Nicole F

Enzo will be hosting.....

A slightly later Veto comp than usual, as it was really hot during the day so they did this comp when it was cooler

All Starry Night is the name for this comp, here is how it works. Quite simple this one. Participants have to balance their ball on a disc, if they drop their ball they will be eliminated. Last houseguest standing wins the Veto.

Order of elimination: Nicole A, Nicole F, Ian, David, Tyler

Memphis wins the Veto and has all the power this week, seems like it's going to be a straight forward ceremony this week.

Nicole A is crying her eyes out at not winning this comp, and wanting to go home. As much I adore her, I think she should go for her own peace of mind. She is just so fragile and definitely not recovered from her first stint in there as it's been less than a year recovery time for her. In my own opinion, she should have turned this one down and waited for the next All Stars or at the least she should have just done a guest stint to host a competition. 

Just plain to see on the feeds really, she is falling apart and the BS she is getting from Kevin is only fuelling her paranoia and it is very uncomfortable to those who are still standing with her. We can only think about what if Kevin had gone instead of Keesha.....

Memphis is not one for changing his mind, as some try to convince him to backdoor Janelle but this falls on deaf ears.....

Veto ceremony

To no great shock really, Memphis decides NOT to use the Veto so it will be Nicole A or David who will go out to meet Julie in the next episode

To be continued with Episode 7, and Eviction 2......

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 5 - Safety Suite and Nominations

Off we go for a fresh new week, citizens, and in case you missed it 15 became 16 when Keesha was voted out in a unanimous vote, and lucky us Memphis became the new HoH

Not much else to say really.....

Tonight sees a Safety Suite comp and also Memphis's nominations, so off we go

Onto tonight, and it's a new rule for this year that the previous have not's pick the new have nots

Memphis picks David, Nicole A(dorable) picks Christmas, Ian picks Anti Nicole F with Kevin rounding out things by picking Kaysar

Derrick's lackey as in Cody and Memphis discuss who will go on the chopping block, sadly it looks like Ian, Adorable, and David are in the frame

Sad segment where Day is talking about the racism she had to endure growing up, what is it with the world right now. I do agree with her when she says there is an opportunity to learn. What is it with some in the world that they have to spew their race hatred, racism is not cool in any form.

Actually pleased they showed that conversation given what happened in series 15, and 21 as well. Two of the worst offending in my book. We need awareness this sort of thing is still happening, but given who's in charge right now whether it be in the USA or UK the possibility remains so slim.

Back to the show, and Memphis is wanting everyone to use their VIP passes in regards to the safety suite, and it's a resounding HELL NO from just about everyone

In the Diary Room, he talks about Dan beating him to the series 10 crown, and then Ian beating Dan in series 14. Motivation right there why Memphis wants Ian out. Strong rumours there has been some pre-season gaming going on, and this kind of enforces it.

Safety SUITE

The countdown is on, 1 hour to be precise, for people to choose whether they want to play the Safety Suite comp or not

Memphis cannot play due to be being HoH

Participants this week will be David, Christmas, Kevin, Cody, Ian, Bay and Day

Drinks themed challenge this week, as soon as a participant hits the button on the bar the challenge will start. Each participant will, one at a time, serve different weighted drinks (obviously not real drinks) to the proper tables and both tables have to balance. The participant to do this in the fastest time will win immunity and get to choose a +1. Like last week, the +1 will have a week long punishment.

Day - 8:41

Bay - 2:48

Kevin - 2:22

Ian - 3:16

Cody - 2:44

David - 2:53

Christmas - 1:38

Christmas wins safety and chooses Ian for +1. Therefore, Ian gets a week long punishment which will be revealed in due course.

Christmas of course very happy, and Memphis couldn't look more downbeat and yet another mention of "Revenge for Dan". Change the record, YOU are playing here, NOT Dan. He and Derrick's lackey then discuss who to put on the block, and shock horror it's just basically everyone outside of their alliance

Nominations ceremony

He has nominated NICOLE A and DAVID

Nicole A - Nominated simply because she didn't win the safety comp

David - Memphis tells him its his first time on the block and will have to prove himself

To be continued in Episode 6, when the next Veto is up for grabs

Shout outs

BB on Blast - https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast

Big Brother Radio - https://www.spreaker.com/show/big-brother-radio

Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/big-brother-podcast-rhap/

Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother

Julie Girl - https://www.juliegirlpod.com/

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 4 - Eviction and HoH

The dawn of a new episode, and it's the first eviction episode of the season even though it does seem like it's going to be a complete formality

In case you missed it:

Outgoing HoH - Cody
Veto winner - Enzo
Veto used - No

On the block - Keesha and Kevin

Back to the present, and Kevin is downbeat as he thought he would be saved when Enzo won the Veto, but as you can see the Veto was not used. Keesha, meanwhile, was not shocked and declares she is to start campaigning

Janelle says she wants Keesha to stay over Kevin, however there are conditions in that Keesha needs to get some votes in her back pocket, as Janelle cannot campaign too hard for her without compromising her own position in the house.

Meanwhile, Kevin and Nicole A(dorable) are having quite the discussion and settle on a final two agreement, should both of them be there around the endgame time

There's a new alliance in town with Memphis and Cody calling themselves 'The Commission', which shortly expands with Memphis pulling in Anti Nicole, Dani, Christmas and Tyler as back up.

Some alliances so far:

The previously mentioned Commission

Cody got his fingers in a lot of pies.....Alliances with Enzo, Bay and Day. This particular one includes a final 4 deal. Then there is his other one with Anti Nicole for a final 2.

Cody looking pretty much unstoppable right now, but I have a hunch some of these deals will come back to bite him soon. After all we are talking about Derrick's lackey here from series 16.

We are also treated to a segment where everything is weighed up as in pros and cons, although it does seem a waste of time as most of their minds are already made up on who to boot first.


As per the usual rules, the nominees are not eligible to vote and this week the HoH will not vote as there won't be a tie

What's the point of this eviction, we all know who's going and it's confirmed shortly afterwards as EVERYBODY except of course Kevin and Cody vote Keesha out 

It should be noted this is David's first ever vote as he left pretty early on last year and didn't get to vote and also #justiceforBreonnaTaylor from Day.

From general reaction, Keesha was quite popular on social media and it is genuinely disappointing she is gone, she was in one of the series I haven't seen and I was quite keen to see what she could bring to the table, but sadly it was not to be.

This does have the vibe it's going to be one of those seasons where one alliance picks everyone off before turning on each other as the weeks whittle down

As per this year there are precautions in place due to Covid, as Julie reminds Keesha to put her mask on before she leaves and there will be social distancing when she comes out for her interview. This pandemic does not stop for anyone or anything, it would be wise to remember that.

HoH comp

Last houseguest standing is the name of the game as it's True or False to decide the next HoH, as outgoing HoH Cody is ineligible to play this week.

Basically, houseguests who will be playing are shown videos of Zoom conferencing, one video per round that is. Houseguests are then asked True or False questions about that particular clip. Answer correctly, through to the next round, and incorrect answers mean elimination.

Round 1

Eliminated - Kaysar, David, Enzo, Dani, Anti Nicole and Christmas

Round 2 

Eliminated - Kevin, Ian and Janelle

Round 3

Eliminated - Day, Nicole A(dorable), Bay and Tyler

Winner and new HoH - Memphis

Meh to that, I say. But let's see what he does first, but given he's in with Cody right now I am not getting my hopes up. 

And then there is still the Safety Suite comp to come as well, which is already proving problematic to whoever is HoH as we saw last week in getting plan A targets on the block.

Plenty of time left in this season, plenty of time.Let's hope things pick up as they have had plenty of time now to find their feet.

And one last thing, GO NICOLE A(DORABLE)!!!!!

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 3 - Power of Veto

When we last left the All Stars:

Cody nominated Kevin and Keesha for eviction, after his original targets of Janelle and Kaysar entered the Safety Suite and both gained immunity from the week's eviction.

More alliances formed with handshakes exchanged between Cody and Nicole F....

Tonight sees the first Veto comp of the season as Kevin and Keesha look to avoid being the first All Star out

But first....

We see Cody in the Diary Room after nominations and he tells us that he nominated Keesha and Kevin because he has hardly got to know them. Straight onto the Anti Nicole (Franzel) and she says she doesn't trust Janelle. What is this woman's problem with some other women.

Back to Cody, and he explains to Kevin that he wants to work with him in the future, but Kevin is skeptical of Cody's intentions. There's a cute four letter word and Cody is full of it.

Meanwhile with Keesha, he says he hardly knows her and tells us in the Diary Room that she is the main target and wants her out.

The elusive Tyler makes an appearance next, saying the deals they all make with him just fall right into his lap.

As for Ian and Nicole being past winners, Nicole pitches they make a pact as past winners, with Ian unaware she has already decided on a possible final 2 with Cody and that Ian is only the plan B. Oh, how I would love to see the Anti Nicole go out the door early, she says Janelle can't be trusted? Pot meet kettle.

What some of you don't know, is that Ian has confessed to some of them that he self diagnosed himself as being on the spectrum. Me? I know where he's coming from as I AM on the spectrum, officially diagnosed since September 2019 and still trying to adjust the best I can

Veto picks and competition

Cody picks Tyler, Kevin picks Enzo via Houseguests choice and Keesha picks Kevin

Comp is called It's Bananas, and here is how it will work:

30 minute time limit, participants must rock their respective banana 20 times to get 90 seconds on their clock, and then must collect and stack produce on their basket. If time is short they can go and rock their bananas again to get more time, but they must not let their time run out or they will be eliminated. Whoever has stacked most produce after 30 minutes will be declared winner

After a lot of stacking collapsing stacks, Enzo manages to emerge the winner and with it gains Power of Veto

Shortly afterwards, Kevin feels confident Enzo will use the Veto on him for picking Enzo to play in the Veto. Kevin reports back to HQ aka Cody to say that if Enzo uses the veto on him, he will use his VIP pass in the next Safety Suite comp, and make sure Cody is the +1 along with promising him not to nominate Cody should Kevin win HoH. Cody mulls this over, but he seems set on one of Keesha or Kevin going

Moving on slightly, and Ian comes onto the block radar should the Veto be used as Enzo sees Nicole F and Ian talking, and again this is reported back to Cody.

Veto ceremony

It's as you were as Enzo decides NOT to use the Power of Veto, so it is guaranteed Kevin or Keesha will be the first out this season. 

To be continued in Episode 4, and the first eviction of this season. Although it does seem a formality as Keesha has done barely any campaigning to stay in at time of writing this.....But remember the old saying in the USA version, "expect the unexpected"

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

Monday, 10 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 2 - Safety Suite and Nominations

When we last left our All Stars, the dangers of live tv had left the Have not Room locked, and Julie teased the Safety Suite which we will see in due course. 

Current HoH - Cody

And already he has all but decided on Janelle and Kaysar to go on the block, and the honour of crying first in the Diary Room goes to Anti Nicole, that is Nicole F not the ever so adorable other Nicole....Go Nicole A, by the way. There is a logical question, why is Nicole F actually in there. She's already won a series, what else does she have to prove by going in again. She's weeping away in the Diary Room thanking Da'vonne for the vote which won her the series, but a short time later Da'vonne says in the Diary Room she won't let Nicole F screw her over again. Revenge is sweet, and I hope Da'vonne follows through with that.

Back to Nicole, and she is cementing an alliance with Cody. Nicole F certainly can't be trusted, if she goes early then so much the better

Safety Suite

For the next 3 weeks, the Safety Suite will be open for a limited amount of time before nominations. Inside the Suite there will be a one at a time competition where houseguests will be able to compete to be immune for that particular week. The VIP passes can only be used once, so once a houseguest uses their pass it is invalid to use again. It is up to the houseguests if or when they want to use the Safety Suite. Current HoH is not eligible to participate in their reign. Housemates who win immunity are able to name a +1, as in someone else who will be immune but the winner and +1 will have a punishment for the week

Pay attention as there will be questions later.....

Kayser and Janelle are first into the Safety Suite this season

Memory game, Janelle and Kaysar will a hear a song, then have to push buttons in the correct order to re-create that song. If they get a segment wrong they have to start over. Fastest wins.

Kaysar won with a time of 7:55 and made Janelle his +1, so Janelle will get a punishment for the week. So really, a waste of time for Janelle to use her pass as well.

Janelle's punishment was revealed to be that she had to dress up as a star for the week


Cody's plan B as he was planning Janelle and Kaysar originally, he decided to go with KEESHA and KEVIN. He tells them not to take them personally.

Coming in Episode 3, it's the first Veto comp of the season, so who joins Keesha, Kevin and Cody in the competition. Find out in the next episode, as we take a step closer to seeing who will be the first All Star out of the door.

Shout outs

BB on Blast -  https://www.spreaker.com/show/bb-on-blast

Big Brother Radio - https://www.spreaker.com/show/big-brother-radio

Rob has a Podcast - https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/big-brother-podcast-rhap/

Sistah Speak - https://www.spreaker.com/show/sistah-speak-big-brother

Julie Girl - https://www.juliegirlpod.com/

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking....

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Big Brother USA All Stars 2020 - Episode 1 - Launch

It's a new day and an all new series as we hit the road from Australia over to USA and people from past series converge on a brand new looking USA house
Ranging from series 6 to series 21, and some familiar and some not so familiar faces depending on what series you tuned in from. I know some of these will be new to me as I was on and off with the USA version a few times. Series 9 and then off until 13 and it's been non stop since then.

And so we move onto the last English speaking Big Brother of this year after Canada was cut short due to a certain pandemic, while Australia managed to get through their series, even though there was a brief pause with a crew member coming into contact with someone with Covid but thankfully said crew member tested negative.

Let's hope the USA series remain unaffected, and without further ado it's over to Julie as we kick off All Stars....

She explains about the Covid situation and how all possible precautions will be taken as we proceed through this series. And now bring on the houseguests....

They will be introduced in groups of four, and outside of the house they will wear masks for everyone's safety, but the masks can be removed once they are in the house....Shall we finally see who they are, let's do this

Group 1

Nicole F (Series 16 and 18)
Da'vonne (Series 17 and 18)
Daniele (Series 8 and 13)
Christmas (Series 19)

After a brief chat with Julie, Julie informs them that there will be a preliminary competition to decide who plays in the main HoH competition

Rules: The preliminary comp starts as soon as they enter the house, where they will be faced with a question in the backyard and the answer will be somewhere in the house. Once they find the answer, it's back to the backyard where they will use their assigned maze to direct their ball to the answer. First 2 to get the ball in the correct location qualify for the main competition. 4 minute time limit.

This will be rinse and repeat for the other groups that will come in as well, and once one group is done they will hide away from the other groups, and once everyone is done for this first comp they will all meet.

From Group 1, Christmas was the only one to qualify as the rest timed out, so she moves forward to the main comp later.

Group 2

Ian (Series 14)
Tyler (Series 20)
Kevin (Series 11)
Enzo (Series 12)

Ian and Kevin qualified for the main comp

Group 3

Nicole A(dorable) because she is so adorable (Series 21)
Janelle (Series 6, 7 and 14)
Bayleigh (Series 20)
Keesha (Series 10)

Nicole qualified, rest timed out

Group 4

Kaysar (Series 6 and 7)
Cody (Series 16)
Memphis (Series 10)
David (Series 21)

Cody and Memphis qualified

And now for the big get together, complete with lots of hugging and shouting. Julie is ever so slightly irritated as she has to keep repeating herself to get them to listen.

When she finally gets their attention, she explains that 6 will compete in the first HoH comp after qualifying from their various heats

This main competition is called Star Stepping, or the ultimate shin shredder as I like to call it in reference to the Stepping Stones game from a show called Takeshi's Castle.

Anyways the rules are the participants have to cross a field of stars using balance as some of the stars are balanced and some of them are very unsteady. If a houseguest falls they have to start over. Fastest at the end of the comp will be the new HoH.

And as an added bonus in this competition, there are envelopes at the side of the course. Some of which contain good or not so good prizes which will be revealed after the comp. Once each competitor finishes the course, they will each pick up one envelope, which are only to be opened on Julie's say so

Order of participation:

Memphis - 1:12.22
Cody - 22.06

To cut a long story short, Nicole, Christmas, Kevin and Ian timed out

Winner and first HoH of this season goes to Cody

As for the envelopes:

Christmas - $5,000

Everyone else as in Nicole, Kevin, Memphis and Ian are Have Not's

Julie directs the Have Nots to where they will be staying, but due to the dangers of live TV the Have Not door is locked, so they will have to wait a little while. For those who haven't got the pleasure of the feeds, will see them finally go in the Have Not room on Sunday

Back to the main area, where Julie comes back and tells them about the new Safety Suite room which will be revealed in due course and will be elaborated on come the next highlights show, everyone will get VIP passes but only two will get immunity from the first eviction. Then there is a tease about other rooms which will be revealed over the course of the series

Usual plug about how the series will work as in Nominations on a Sunday, Veto on a Wednesday and Eviction on a Thursday

To be continued in Episode 2 when Cody makes his nominations and we get to see the have not room along with the Safety Suite

And there we have it for the launch, thankfully only one part this time. A few notes in that there will be no live audiences this season for obvious reasons, and also that since most of the houseguests have partners on the outside, the chances of a showmance happening are slim to none which I can totally live with

A solid start I would say, but how many times have we said that over the years and then shortly afterwards the wheels come flying off because of some controversy..... Hopefully a series which will be talked about for the right reasons this year, as 2020 has been pretty much lousy all over the board for most.

And may I just say before the shout outs, COME ON, NICOLE A!!!!!!!

Shout outs

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/richiew4ever

Until next time we meet, stay healthy, stay frosty and keep on rocking......