Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Thursday 25 January 2018

They've got the power (again)....

Good evening citizens and hopefully this laptop will hold up as I write this

When we last left our remaining housemates:

  • The battle of the sexes continued with the latest challenge, which does stretch into tonight's show
  • Housemates will be on basic rations until further notice as part of this challenge
  • Malika threatened to leave, but changed her mind later that evening
  • The girls won the right to have their letters from home after Rock Paper Scissors
  • Ginuwine was evicted, which left Ashley in tears
  • Andrew wanted to 'comfort' Ashley

And in case you missed it last night, I would seriously recommend the behind the scenes show that was on after the highlights

That crew really get it in the neck from some of us out here on occasions, but hats off to them as that was an excellent and enlightening behind the scenes show

I hope that wasn't a one off and we get more of the same in the summer when the civilians go in

And now onto tonight's show.....

Day 23 here we come, and 8 days left as of writing this and it's Nominations day and it's face to face (again)

Please can we just have normal nominations in the diary room in the summer, without all these twists....Pretty please, with a cherry on top

Ashley is talking with Anne about post war food rations, meanwhile Andrew and Courtney continue with the bromance.....Get Andrew out if he's on the block

Rarely seen Johnny is in the Diary Room talking about Ginuwine's departure, meanwhile Ashley doesn't seem to be missing the latest evictee much after she opened the flood defenses the night before when he went

Latest game they have made up, Film Title that describes your sex life.....Don't think it will catch on

Courtney wonders about his and Andrew's relationship, and ponders what his true feelings are....Yawn who gives a shit

During the break we get another push for the civilian series auditions, could it be they are finally going to put some average joes in there instead of the ones who have been on TV before especially reality shows? Only time will tell, and even Marcus is saying "....coming to get you"

Something I noticed on social media today was the official BB twitter page was following a certain Ma McCall, aka Davina to you and me.....I wonder, a true reset all across the board, wouldn't that be something. Just what the civilian series needs including and sorry to be a broken record, but LIVE FEED as well?

Back to this series and tonight's episode, sorry about that little tangent there but it sounds exciting for the summer....

The teams are summoned and next they have to start a fire in the rain

Representing the girls will be Malika, Jess and Amanda, and for the boys it will be Andrew, Courtney and Dapper

Fond memories of Michelle Bass nearly incinerating the diary room camera in the garden, and almost getting thrown out...Reference back to civilian series 5, IMO one of the best civilian series in the BBUK franchise

Under starters orders, and whoever gets the fire going long enough to toast a marshmallow will be declared the winner, and the winners are the boys taking the aggregate score to 1-1

Jess declares a medical emergency in the Diary Room, as she declares she has malnutrition and then proceeds to faux faint in the living area

Into the tiebreaker in the survival challenge we go, and it's Jess v Shane L, another rarely seen housemate and they have to forage 'stuff'

So a sort of treasure hunt, and Shane L wins the first round....Jess remarks and I quote "I'm too stupid sometimes", only sometimes Jess?

Next up it's find the fungus and Jess is off straight away and finds a mushroom, and off we go for a decider....

A colorful fruit that can be delicious, but sometimes poisonous so be suspicious

Jess is so close, yet she doesn't look up but does eventually notice and wins the badge and the girls win 2-1 on aggregate so have the power of nominations

And straight away (well after the break) we are onto said nominations, and it's face to face but you already knew that of course ;)

Anne nominates Courtney and Andrew
Amanda nominates Dapper and Courtney
Ashley nominates Courtney and Andrew
Jess nominates Johnny and Andrew
Malika nominates Johnny and Andrew

Andrew, Courtney, Johnny and Dapper on the chopping block

And it's a TRIPLE eviction, so guaranteed the bromance/showmance/yawnmance will be split up

Discussion around the house about the nominations, and Andrew not taking being on the block very well....I like to call it "How dare they nominate me"

Have to say though, think how more lively this house would be without Anne there, as she just reminds me of a certain someone from civilian series 8 who just sucked the fun out of that house, and it felt like they had to ask her permission to even go to the toilet

Anne discussion in the garden and even a certain c word gets used to describe her.....Andrew just rubber stamping his eviction tomorrow. But in some ways dam what Anne wants or thinks, just have FUN. You don't have to ask her permission, what happening with this lot, are their balls dropping off

Andrew still ranting to Courtney as the credits roll

Remember it's vote to SAVE, use your vote wisely and good luck to your favourites tomorrow

And that's another episode in the bag, and tomorrow 1 more week of this lot and then it's all over for this lot and the road starts to the civilian series

Loving this series, but please housemates just grow some balls and have some fun regardless of what SHE says

Until next time, and remember someone is always watching even if we are not

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