Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Saturday 20 January 2018

Post eviction blues

The day after the night before

Rachel and Maggie have left the house and now we move on to the fallout plus some booze and some potential kick offs

Welcome once again, citizens of BB world

So wish we had some live feed or even some small morsels of updates, which have been sadly lacking in this series as fansites have been very quiet along with forums and updaters associated with BB

And some breaking news from the Daily Star and The Sun, if they can be believed, then the show WILL be axed after Summer CBB is done

More updates on future blogs if the above is confirmed or denied

Anyway, on with tonight's show

Barnesie talking with Shane L about the sleeping arrangements if Anne goes, meanwhile Rachel is checking up on Ashley

Flashback to yesterday, with Amanda snapping at Rachel

Experimenting talk with Courtney, and he expresses some concerns to Barnesie about some of the things John said in the 'experimenting' conversation

Thankfully it is a mature conversation which is settled quite amicably, which is one of the things I find fascinating this series....Most disagreements are settled without the need for screaming and shouting, another tick in this series column

Anne calls a house meeting  and yet again states the cooks must wash up and make tea and coffee for everyone else....Anne then calls for a revolution, to which the housemates are unanimous

"Housemates are wondering if this revolution is worth the whisk" - Marcus

Dapper Bellend debates whether it will affect their fees, in a jokey way of course

Jess then pipes up saying housemates will make a stand, before Anne suggests a full scale industrial action

Debating continues.....and continues

"The original social experiment returns"....Intriguing, does that mean in the summer LIVE FEED and housemates who haven't got agents or haven't been on TV before?

Amanda is summoned to the Diary Room, and we have a secret mission to look forward to

She has to act like a showbizzy diva, if that makes sense....And of course twist within a twist, Wayne has to act a bit more diva-ish than Amanda

So off we go for Amanda v Wayne

First Amanda must name drop a few celebrity names into a showbiz story, amazing how the others are so oblivious that Amanda and Wayne are acting strangely so soon after coming out of the diary room ;)

Next up Amanda has to sing a fictitious song, to which Wayne must better....Have to say they are doing well at this and this is coming from someone who is not a fan of these tasks within twists

Finally, Amanda has to throw a diva tantrum to which Wayne must outdo her

And the results are in.....Wonder if they have passed, oh of course they have ;) Amanda and Wayne get some 'fizz' as a reward

And now onto the double eviction we go

And first out is Rachel (but we knew that already) as most saw it live last night....While not a great shock, we could have done with her still in there

Second out is Maggie, not her fault she was pushed to the sidelines to make way for the yawnmance and bigger characters, but that's the way the icecube crumbles so to speak

Anne is delighted she is saved and says she did not expect it....I'm not too bothered about Anne myself, but thankfully she did stay and to be fair NEEDS to be there to the end especially with India not there

BB has given the housemates a game to play....Some long overdue shit stirring from BB, had a feeling they would do this so not nuclear hot mad, as we have gotten quite used to it by now ;)

Single sex school debate ensues....Was in a single sex high school for 5 years, before the final year was mixed with the girls school...Nowadays that same school is for girls AND boys.

But seriously I didn't really enjoy my high school years, that is one area of my life I don't look back on too fondly. Although I did enjoy the sporting aspect of high school life...Soccer, Rugby Union, cricket, athletics, basketball just to name a few sports. Was very proud to represent my school at these sports and still have some photos to this day which I keep as memories

Anyways back to tonight's show, and the game/debate is continuing ranging from photoshoots to how good is Shane L to making sandwiches...This debate is getting seriously out of control

Jess goes into a strop saying she hates shouting, though she would be kind of used to it given she's from a RTV background

Ashley gets on Anne's case about talking over her

"You are all drunk as owls" - Anne

Post debate chaos, Ashley still rambling about Anne....Sooner Ashley goes the better, but not getting my hopes up she will go in the upcoming backdoor eviction, maybe on Tuesday would be a better bet if she is on the block

But in any case, GET ASHLEY OUT!!!!!

The lesser sighted Shane L in the diary room, Marcus remarked "At least someone's enjoying themselves"

Some final talk in the smoking area before end credits

And that's another Saturday in the bag, can I just say it's best to wait until it's officially confirmed from 5 that the show is finished

The backdoor eviction will take place tomorrow in real time, so Monday's show we will be down to 12 left and Rylan will be talking to that particular evictee on S**t on the Side on Monday

Then there's another eviction on Tuesday, and this one we will be seeing

Hope you enjoy this blog, and remember someone is always watching if we are not ;)

Until next time, citizens......

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