Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Return to the Triple of Doom

Greetings citizens

On tonight's show the finalists are sorted out as we take another step on the road to the finale, and there are more tasks ahead before the ex not rights head in for the final full highlights tomorrow

According to the social media account: "Gender debates upset the house, three walk out the door and the finalists let their hair down"

Day 29, and it's another triple eviction day.....The tears are flowing, folks, from them not me ;)

The second day of the girl power task has begun, and the housemates are woken with a catchy tune befitting of the current task

BB announces the champagne breakfast, and lots of back slapping and tears ensue...Been a good atmosphere in this series to which I applaud, interference has been kept to a minimum. Just hope the ex housemates do NOT lower the tone tomorrow

Oh who are we kidding, some of them won't be able to help themselves in terms of divulging outside information, yes that old chestnut again

Boring I know, but those people were evicted for a reason

Anyways, back to the show and Wayne is talking about how he met his husband

The good old fashioned debate task is next, hosted by Anne Widdecombe

Are women stronger than men
Do RTV stars set a good example to young women
Is it unwomanly to break wind in front of people
Would you judge a woman who had sex on TV more harshly than a man

Only on BB would you get those kind of juvenile questions

Several post mortems of that part of the task continue throughout the house

Thoughts now turning to the triple eviction, and Anne says to bring on the executioner

Jess is in the Diary Room, and the sex on TV question eats away at her, while Malika makes an eviction prediction whilst applying the war paint for the eviction

Meanwhile back in the Diary Room, Jess rolls out the tears and admits she did the deed and doesn't want anyone to think less of her

Plug for the civilian series....

Back to the show, and it's almost time for a certain three to leave the premises

Lots of prep is shown and now it's time....

Eight become five

And. here. we. go.

COURTNEY and ANNE are finalists, but you knew that already ;)

First two leaving are ASHLEY and MALIKA, but you knew that already

Amanda and Shane L are left in limbo for now, only one will be a finalist but we all know who it is

And to no surprise AMANDA is evicted and SHANE L is the final finalist

Into the final part of this episode we go, and it's party time as the finalists celebrate getting to Friday and Lady Gaga plays over the loudspeaker

All squished into the Diary Room as BB congratulate them on getting to the final, Anne says they would all like to win but in reality there's only 2 who are likely to win....The real battle is for 3rd to 5th

My order of placings:

5th - Shane L
4th - Jess
3rd - Wayne
Runner up - Anne/Courtney
Winner - Anne/Courtney

Can't choose between winner and runner up, and also don't want to be called every name under the sun if I choose one for winner and another for runner up

In seriousness I don't mind who wins, it won't affect me personally but I have a feeling it will get nasty on forums and social media whoever wins, especially if the final 2 are as expected

Anyways, the show ends on Courtney talking about Anne and Anne in the diary room giving her thoughts on being a finalist

The final live feed wasn't too exciting last night, but it's the calm before the storm as you may have heard, the ex not rights will be going back in on tomorrow's show so plenty of coverage if it gets really feisty

And that wraps up another episode, hope you will enjoy this post as I have writing it

Remember someone is always watching, even if we are not ;)

Until tomorrow's chaos....

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Big Brother and the Triple of Doom

Greetings citizens on another triple eviction night

Anne, Courtney, Malika, Shane L, Ashley and Amanda face the final vote to save before vote to win kicks in

No recap tonight, as it's a LONG show and there's so much to cover

So swiftly into tonight's proceedings we go....

WHOOP WHOOP being as annoying as ever as Momma Willis welcomes us in for the final eviction, and the poor girl is suffering from a bit of a cold

Absolutely pissing down at the compound as Momma recaps the past few days events since the last triple

Day 28, several shots of the housemates as the morning after the pool party begins but Malika had an early night

Ashley recites some poetry for Malika which earns her a hug from Malika, Malika talks about friendship and some tears start flowing

Wayne and Amanda talk about Malika, whilst Malika makes her way to the Diary Room and still crying again and more or less says she wants to leave....There's the door, bye bye, or you will get your wish tonight

The rarely seen Shane L talks (yes, talks) about why he was known as the 'wild one' in Boyzone

Back to Momma, and she warns us about Anne dressing up as Scary Spice after the break

Vote now closed, and next up it's Courtney getting dressed up

Next up is BB announcing the series of tasks celebrating the year of the woman and girl power, and each housemate has to say what is means to be a woman

Another talent show is announced and the housemates will be split into two teams to impersonate Spice Girls and Destiny's Child

Destiny's Child - Malika, Shane L, Amanda
Spice Girls - Anne, Courtney, Ashley, Wayne, Jess

Fingers in your ears time, but Malika is actually reasonable and I'm no music critic, but overall it is pretty terrible

Plug for the civilian series, and then Emma announces two will be coming out at the same time....Shock eviction incoming? let's see after the break

Back from the break, and now it's the Spice Girls turn.....Dear me, what a mess but before any accusations of sense of humour bypass I meant it in a joking way

I know it's not X Factor or The Voice as well ;)

And we end the highlights with Wayne and the rest raising a glass and saying good luck all round

Back to Emma, and here we go....The results are in

Joining Wayne and Jess in the final will be COURTNEY and ANNE

First and second evicted tonight is....ASHLEY and MALIKA

Last spot in the final will go to either Amanda or Shane L, result to be revealed after Ashley and Malika's interviews

BB bosses breathing a sigh of relief to Courtney and Anne staying, now they can just tell the ex housemates to really go for it when they are chucked back in tomorrow

Ginuwine is there, watching Ashley's every word no doubt as Momma Willis talks about the yawnmance

Right, this is it.....

Third evictee for tonight - AMANDA
Finalist - SHANE L

Finalists confirmed to be ANN, COURTNEY, WAYNE, JESS and SHANE L

And so that wraps up the final vote to save for this series, and now it's VOTE TO WIN...Although it does seem the final 2 are pretty much locked in anyway

Who wins, YOU decide

Emma closes the show, and some live feed of BB congratulating the remaining housemates on being finalists

Reminder about tomorrow shenanigans with the ex housemates going back in for a task and then a party.....Outside information anyone? We know some of those not rights won't be able to keep their gobs shut about out here especially when the drink comes out

You can probably tell I am not a big fan of outside contact, a rule that has slowly eroded in the Five era and was rather hoping it would be a peaceful week

Maybe it still will be peaceful, we'll just have to wait and see....As Captain Picard said in Encounter at Farpoint, "lets see what's out there"

Just remember, someone is always watching even if we are not ;)

Until next time....

Monday, 29 January 2018

Final countdown (and nominations)

Greetings citizens, and into the last 5 days of this series we go

Tonight sees the final nominations for this series, whether it's a double or triple eviction tomorrow is up to BB

When we last left said housemates:

  • The remaining men got their letters from home, apart from Shane L who refused his letter
  • There was a meditation session for the whole house, but Anne and Shane L did not participate
  • Amanda and Courtney had an argument, where Amanda said she thought the skirt drop from Courtney was fake
Lots of discussion about Amanda and Courtney's argument on forums and social media, so at least people are talking about it

Let's hope we can all get through to Friday not at each other's throats and just be happy for whoever the winner is

Remember this is only a TV show, nobody will have been arrested or killed

Right, onto tonight's show.....

Diary room nominations, and oh dear, one of the least popular tasks in rate yourselves most to least

Day 27 in the house, but already discussion is on last night's argument

Anne claims she knew Courtney was saying his stuff, but is grateful that she has Amanda in her corner or words to that effect....Not much to add as this argument is already stirring up a hornet's nest

"Wayne is having a moment with some cling film and an avocado"

And back to Courtney, this time trying to clear the air with Anne....Without sounding premature, these two will more than likely be the final two. The two most talked about in this series, so it's makes perfect sense one will be the winner and the other will be runner up

On to the final nominations we go, so let us all find out who will be the final ones to face the chopping block before vote to win kicks in from tomorrow evening

Diary room nominations to close things out, to which NONE have been played to the house yet

Anne - Courtney and Malika
Shane L - Courtney and Ashley
Malika - Anne and Amanda
Ashley - Courtney and Shane L

To be continued....

Housemates speculate who will fall at the final hurdle before the final, and Malika is already thinking ahead so cue her going tomorrow if she's up of course ;)

Back to nominations:

Jess - Courtney and Malika
Courtney - Amanda and Anne
Amanda - Courtney and Malika
Wayne - Anne and Courtney

So it's official

On the block: Anne, Amanda, Courtney, Malika, Shane L and Ashley

Finalists so far: Wayne and Jess

Jess made it through this series with NO nominations

Who stays, the edit will decide ;)

Next part, and the next task entitled "Are you worthy"

First off housemates have to write down on a clipboard about what their most noteworthy moment in the house was

The next part of the task and it's most to least, aka BB shit stirring to try and make the final week miserable, disappointed but it seemed inevitable this task would be rolled out

Jess and Wayne must rate their fellow housemates from most to least in terms of being entertaining, and then it's loyal and then most honest and finally most popular

Not bothering with the results as we didn't have a say in it, but whether we had a say or not it's still stirring in the final week which wasn't really needed

But hey ho best foot forward onto the final segment for tonight

Courtney trying to find a 'happy' place, whatever that means, Malika and Ashley wonder if he is ok

Several shots of Courtney as Wayne and Amanda walk around the pool talking about various things

We close with several housemates getting in the pool, and what's this? Anne joins them in the pool to much rejoicing from the housemates

Back to Courtney in the Diary Room, and after a short while Courtney joins them in the jacuzzi

Triple eviction is confirmed for tomorrow, and remember it's Vote to Save so use your vote wisely as it's useless complaining that Wednesday to Friday will be boring if your favourite goes tomorrow

Don't assume your favourite will automatically be safe as you never know when a shock result will rear its head

That's about it for now I think, but remember it's only a few days to the end so let's cease hostilities, disarm, keep the peace and take care of yourselves and each other

Remember someone is always watching even if we are not ;)

Until next time....

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Tanning, shocks and dancing

Greeting citizens, the last Sunday of this particular series is upon us

When we last left the housemates there was a triple eviction with Andrew, Johnny and Dapper being shown the door, which caused Courtney to cry his little eyes out

Tonight the final weekend starts in the house and we start to see the roll out of tasks from BB's past, whether it be just Five exclusive tasks or Channel 4 tasks thrown in as well remains to be seen

Tanning, shocks and dancing on the menu tonight looking at tonight's preview

And for the final time on a Sunday in this series, let the games begin

Day 26, the morning after the night before triple eviction wise

Anne says she is disappointed about the loss of Johnny and Dapper, no mention of Andrew. Anne then says how much Courtney is missing Andrew. She says Courtney is just a gimmick, and Shane J is real

Malika talking about her favourite subject in Anne....Be quiet Malika, you are helping her over the finish line.

Courtney talks about the crowd reactions and will see what happens on 'Judgement Day'...Anne's judgement on him doesn't affect him, or so he says and thinks Anne is disrespecting his community

For today's task, housemates will be put to the test to win rewards. An alarm will sound at regular intervals and the housemates called will have to hit the flashing buzzers around the house

Ashley and Wayne are first called, and the task is to endure TEN spray tans and they are successful and the prize is Courtney and Shane L's letter from home

Strangely Shane L refuses his letter from home, that must be a first at least in BBUK

And the next alarm sounds, Jess is called for a solo task....She has to find the reward box key buried in the tub of cotton wool balls, then BB says there is more than one key buried in the tub

Of course she finds the right key, and the reward is a meditation session for the whole house

BB tells the housemates to go to the Pankhurst bedroom, where there's a load of mats laid out for the housemates....

Anne and Shane L are sitting this one out

Another alarm, and this time it is Malika and Courtney that are called

No shock suits, but this devil of a game where you have to have a steady hand to win....Hard to describe this game, let's just say move the conductor along the copper without the buzzer going off

No shock (no pun intended), they have succeeded and the reward is Wayne's letter from home

And the next alarm, Shane L and Amanda next and it's the silent disco task...

Shane L gets B*witched, Amanda gets Steps, and Anne gets rave music

Next reward is a glitter party for the whole house, to see which there is a whole lot of dancing while Anne has her fingers in her ears on the sofa

And yet again more talk about Anne, and it's Wayne, Malika and Courtney doing the talking this time

Wayne is filling Amanda in on his conversation with Courtney, Amanda getting visibly frustrated by the looks of things

Amanda going for Courtney's throat, not literally of course, about his views on Anne and she is chewing out Courtney

Amanda says she worked with many drag queens, and basically says she thinks his skirt dropping on launch night was fake

Believe me, that

And that's the final Sunday of the series over with, and think that was game and set to Amanda tonight

Whether it will be game, set AND match to Amanda remains to be seen as there is the small matter of the final eviction(s?) of the series on Tuesday, and a reminder it's nominations and they will be revealed in tomorrow's blog

It really is anyone's to win as we head into the final straight, and it is pretty hard to call the winner of this series

Anyways that's my lot for tonight as it's Royal Rumble night, so remember someone is always watching even if we are not ;)

Until next time, citizens.....

Saturday, 27 January 2018

The road to the end begins

Greetings citizens for the final weekend of this particular series of CBB

When we last visited the housemates, Andrew, Johnny and Dapper had been evicted in a rare triple eviction and tonight we see the pre, during and after of said triple eviction

Tonight, the three evictees and the other housemates will face their final task together before the said three are turfed out

Should be a fun task tonight, so stay tuned and see what happens once this soccer show decides to finish

Day 25, and it's eviction day, but what they don't know is that it's a triple eviction (until Emma tells them of course)

Courtney hopes Dapper and Johnny and Andrew stays, fat chance of that ;) The bromance/showmance/yawnmance is over, finito, no more

Malika is rinsing Ashley's hair, whilst Johnny is in the Diary Room comparing his BB stay to a holiday in Ibiza. Well he did have his last TV job abroad, so understandable where he is coming from there and he was pretty much a Marmite character in that show as well as he is in there

On to today's task

The boys and the girls will take it in turns to experience BB's 'nightmare', just put a ranting she who is banned in there, that's the ultimate nightmare

The usual twist within a twist...

Johnny, Ashley and Andrew have to judge who has screamed more out of the men and the women, if they are correct they will win a reward for the whole house.

They choose the boys will scream the most, and off we go

Girls up first, and to be honest they are hardly flinching at all so all credit to them

The boys however, what a great bunch of wimps. Think we can safely say the whole house is getting a reward.

BB reveals that the girls screamed 6 times while the boys screamed 71 times

A satisfactory task overall for me personally, but a bit marmite looking out in forum and social media land....Come on dudes chill out, it's the final week let's all let our hair down and enjoy what we have left as we may not have the show after this year

Next up, a game of Would You Rather, another one that may not catch on I think, but something I have noticed about this series is that they are making their own games and not waiting for BB to provide them with something to do

Anne talks to Shane L about Christopher Lee's Dracula, don't ever remember Mr. Lee turning into a bat when he was the Count, but he did control bats in Scars of Dracula, maybe that's what she was referring to

Now for some waxing Dapper and Andrew style for Ashley, which causes her a bit of pain....She seems to have gotten over Ginuwine very quickly

Courtney runs through the living area in his underpants before jumping into the pool, Anne of course rolls her eyes, as she does

Anne off to the Diary Room to vent....Lighten up you miserable old bat, it's the final week. Just enjoy yourself and stop pissing on everyone else's fun

Eviction prep is underway, and Anne is in the garden talking to the camera

Straight to business and first out it's Andrew (But we knew that already, along with the other two)

Second out is Johnny, won't be missed

Third and final eviction is Dapper, another Marmite character who will be missed by some and not others

They didn't cut out the two clowns who breached the garden, surely there has to be a review coming up as it has been confirmed it was the same person who got in last time

Courtney in the Diary Room speaking about Andrew, and he admits he is missing Andrew....And here come some tears.

Andrew hasn't died you know, you'll see him in about 6 days time or sooner

BB has thrown a post eviction game probably to cause some friction and potential arguments, pick a random statement from one box, and a housemates name from another and complete a statement about them....Another one that's not destined to catch on I guess

Anne rolling her eyes again, and trying and failing to do her best Undertaker impression

Lots of talking about Anne behind her back, especially from Malika....Newsflash to Malika, at least Anne is doing stuff for us to talk about. What the hell have you done recently? Nothing? Nope thought not

Wayne and some of the girls apart from obviously Anne and Amanda are in the pool letting their hair down after a long day full of evictions and tasks

Talk returns to subject Anne, Courtney and Wayne talking about the eye rolling and Wayne is a bit pissed to say the least

Courtney sits alone in the garden mourning the three evictees and starts crying amidst the slow music, and that's a wrap for Saturday

An ok episode tonight and will be sad when it's all over on Friday, seriously I will

Anyone could win this series and that's what I like as it does tend to go flat when someone is plugged in to win from the start

Anyways, that's enough from me tonight and thanks for reading if you read this post and the blog and many thanks for the retweets and likes on Twitter, they are very much appreciated :)

Remember, someone is always watching even if we are not ;)

Until tomorrow......

Friday, 26 January 2018

Torn apart in a triple

Good evening citizens from a very rocky laptop, but am determined to get through this as there is a lot to cover, as in the small matter of a triple eviction tonight and hoping and praying this laptop won't restart itself at any point

Have taken off AVG Free and Spybot Search and Destroy, have set the time to check for updates for the very early hours when there's inactivity, and relying solely on Windows Defender to keep things ticking over as I type this

Back to the show and facing the public vote tonight will be COURTNEY, DAPPER, JOHNNY and ANDREW and the bromance/showmance WILL be broken up

Personally I'm not concerned to who actually goes, but I am intrigued to see what BB will do for the final week, as in will they make it the usual miserable final week or will we get a rare happy final week

They have surprised us all series in good ways and have to say I am loving it, and here's to hoping the final week IS a happy one whoever is in there

But please, housemates, don't let Anne indirectly dictate to you what you can and can't do...It's the final week, let your hair down and have fun. You don't have to ask her permission, comprende?

To say social media and forums will be feisty tonight, whether you are enjoying this series or not, would be a massive understatement

And here. we. go.

WHOOP WHOOP is officially unbanned then

Emma recaps the events leading up to tonight's triple eviction....

Momma Willis looking as hot as ever, luckily we in the UK have The Voice to keep appreciating her once CBB is done for this series

Andrew is still fuming about being nominated, and he moves to clear the air with Anne with some of the housemates watching proceedings from the living area

After some discussion, Andrew says he has forgiven Anne....But still calls her a witch out of her earshot

Next up, prize plum Jessica compares cucumber with salmonella....Turns out she was right all along, reveals Emma after this segment has ended

Dapper and Johnny come up with a game called The Show Lounge, and most of the housemates showcase their hidden talents

Musical Interlude with Courtney singing The Locomotion, and a game called Yes or No based on the first round of the ITV gameshow Take Your Pick which was presented by Des O'Connor

All they were missing was the gong when someone said yes or no

Another plug for the civilian series and auditions are open, must say I am pleased they are actually bothering with the civilian series instead of leaving it to rot like they have in previous years

Emma reveals it is a triple to the housemates

And first out tonight is.....ANDREW

No great surprise there, now let's see what BB will rustle up in terms of storylines for the final week...Not that I'm complaining as some will be about how this will apparently be 'the worst final week ever'

Anyone who thinks that should refer themselves to that red button on the remote control with the circle with the line through it, and just let those who want to watch this show through to next Friday watch the show

Back to the show, and here we go for eviction 2 tonight

Second to leave tonight is....JOHNNY

And we are down to Dapper and Courtney for the third and final eviction tonight, which will be revealed in the 2nd show

And the wait is finally over, we are off for part 2 and the third and final eviction of this evening

Dapper or Courtney will go, who stays we have decided

Straight to the house we go amidst a small wave of WHOOP WHOOP

The third and final evictee of this evening is.....DAPPER

Courtney makes it to the final week, much to the relief of many I would imagine on forums and social media

We have another invasion, as some people have made it into the garden...Heads are going to roll for this, that's twice now someone has got through the defences

Emma acknowledges during Dapper's interview that everyone is fine and everything is under control after person or persons unknown made it into the garden

During his interview, Dapper proposed to his girlfriend and she said yes

So that's a wrap and it's not vote to win quite yet as there is one more eviction to come on Tuesday, and laptop permitting I will be here as usual

Into the final week we go, and hope it's a happy one whatever happens...

Until next time, remember someone is always watching even if we are not.... :)

Thursday, 25 January 2018

They've got the power (again)....

Good evening citizens and hopefully this laptop will hold up as I write this

When we last left our remaining housemates:

  • The battle of the sexes continued with the latest challenge, which does stretch into tonight's show
  • Housemates will be on basic rations until further notice as part of this challenge
  • Malika threatened to leave, but changed her mind later that evening
  • The girls won the right to have their letters from home after Rock Paper Scissors
  • Ginuwine was evicted, which left Ashley in tears
  • Andrew wanted to 'comfort' Ashley

And in case you missed it last night, I would seriously recommend the behind the scenes show that was on after the highlights

That crew really get it in the neck from some of us out here on occasions, but hats off to them as that was an excellent and enlightening behind the scenes show

I hope that wasn't a one off and we get more of the same in the summer when the civilians go in

And now onto tonight's show.....

Day 23 here we come, and 8 days left as of writing this and it's Nominations day and it's face to face (again)

Please can we just have normal nominations in the diary room in the summer, without all these twists....Pretty please, with a cherry on top

Ashley is talking with Anne about post war food rations, meanwhile Andrew and Courtney continue with the bromance.....Get Andrew out if he's on the block

Rarely seen Johnny is in the Diary Room talking about Ginuwine's departure, meanwhile Ashley doesn't seem to be missing the latest evictee much after she opened the flood defenses the night before when he went

Latest game they have made up, Film Title that describes your sex life.....Don't think it will catch on

Courtney wonders about his and Andrew's relationship, and ponders what his true feelings are....Yawn who gives a shit

During the break we get another push for the civilian series auditions, could it be they are finally going to put some average joes in there instead of the ones who have been on TV before especially reality shows? Only time will tell, and even Marcus is saying "....coming to get you"

Something I noticed on social media today was the official BB twitter page was following a certain Ma McCall, aka Davina to you and me.....I wonder, a true reset all across the board, wouldn't that be something. Just what the civilian series needs including and sorry to be a broken record, but LIVE FEED as well?

Back to this series and tonight's episode, sorry about that little tangent there but it sounds exciting for the summer....

The teams are summoned and next they have to start a fire in the rain

Representing the girls will be Malika, Jess and Amanda, and for the boys it will be Andrew, Courtney and Dapper

Fond memories of Michelle Bass nearly incinerating the diary room camera in the garden, and almost getting thrown out...Reference back to civilian series 5, IMO one of the best civilian series in the BBUK franchise

Under starters orders, and whoever gets the fire going long enough to toast a marshmallow will be declared the winner, and the winners are the boys taking the aggregate score to 1-1

Jess declares a medical emergency in the Diary Room, as she declares she has malnutrition and then proceeds to faux faint in the living area

Into the tiebreaker in the survival challenge we go, and it's Jess v Shane L, another rarely seen housemate and they have to forage 'stuff'

So a sort of treasure hunt, and Shane L wins the first round....Jess remarks and I quote "I'm too stupid sometimes", only sometimes Jess?

Next up it's find the fungus and Jess is off straight away and finds a mushroom, and off we go for a decider....

A colorful fruit that can be delicious, but sometimes poisonous so be suspicious

Jess is so close, yet she doesn't look up but does eventually notice and wins the badge and the girls win 2-1 on aggregate so have the power of nominations

And straight away (well after the break) we are onto said nominations, and it's face to face but you already knew that of course ;)

Anne nominates Courtney and Andrew
Amanda nominates Dapper and Courtney
Ashley nominates Courtney and Andrew
Jess nominates Johnny and Andrew
Malika nominates Johnny and Andrew

Andrew, Courtney, Johnny and Dapper on the chopping block

And it's a TRIPLE eviction, so guaranteed the bromance/showmance/yawnmance will be split up

Discussion around the house about the nominations, and Andrew not taking being on the block very well....I like to call it "How dare they nominate me"

Have to say though, think how more lively this house would be without Anne there, as she just reminds me of a certain someone from civilian series 8 who just sucked the fun out of that house, and it felt like they had to ask her permission to even go to the toilet

Anne discussion in the garden and even a certain c word gets used to describe her.....Andrew just rubber stamping his eviction tomorrow. But in some ways dam what Anne wants or thinks, just have FUN. You don't have to ask her permission, what happening with this lot, are their balls dropping off

Andrew still ranting to Courtney as the credits roll

Remember it's vote to SAVE, use your vote wisely and good luck to your favourites tomorrow

And that's another episode in the bag, and tomorrow 1 more week of this lot and then it's all over for this lot and the road starts to the civilian series

Loving this series, but please housemates just grow some balls and have some fun regardless of what SHE says

Until next time, and remember someone is always watching even if we are not

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Sadness and Celebrations

In our last BB adventure:

  • The WHOOP WHOOP returned
  • Nominations and an eviction took place
  • A yawnmance was finally broken up
  • Social media and forums celebrated, but Ashley did not as we shall see tonight
  • A TRIPLE eviction was announced for Friday

And tonight we see the fallout from Ginuwine's departure and also the start of yet another battle of the sexes for letters from home and the right to nominate, which is in effect pointless as we all know they will all get their letters, even if they don't in this task and if they are still in there close to the end

9 days to go as of writing this post, the end is nigh for this series and for the first time in years I will be genuinely sad when it's over as I have enjoyed this series, despite very little live feed and no live updates for this series

Not everything on this show has to revolve around arguments or manufactured drama, remember that peeps when we start the road to the 2 summer series in Civilian and Summer CBB :)

And now on to the main event of the evening....

Day 22, and it's a new day in the house

Bugles sounding all around the house, and I'm not talking about the axe dropping on the show ;)

The start of a new task and it's battle of the sexes yet again

The Boy Squad and The Girl Squad, power of nomination is at stake and the captains,as voted by the viewers, are Wayne for the Boy Squad and Anne for the Girl Squad

Basic rations all round, and let's hope it stays that way and no parties for anyone unless they have earned it

No further provisions will be provided for the remainder of the task, announces BB

Anne puts Ashley and Jess on provision watch for the girls, and tells them not to take too much

Porridge and condensed milk for breakfast, call me picky but no thanks

Malika's whining in the Diary Room about this task, leave then stupid....Surely you knew what you were signing up for with this show....You know where the door is, eat the food or starve. The choice is yours

Part 1 of the survival task, housemates must build a raft from what BB have given them and it must float long enough to hold their letters from home

Boy Squad up first, and they are successful in balancing out their raft 

Girls up next, the raft is still afloat as the letters are piled on, another success

But hang on, there is a tie breaker and it's rock, paper and scissors to which the girls win so it will only be the girls who will have their letters

Hankies and violins at the ready everyone, you'd think they were stuck on the moon the way the tears are flowing. They'll be seeing these same people in a few days or sooner anyway.

And now the end of the yawnmance is upon us....again

Sofa gatherage and it's bye bye Ginuwine and bye bye to one of the yawnmances in there :)

Boo hoo Ashley, he hasn't died...You're just crying because your meal ticket of a storyline has gone out the door

And now Malika says she's not leaving, oh ho you will be once you are on the block for wasting everyone's time in threatening to leave

Gossip girls and Courtney in the bedroom talking about Anne....They do know they are increasing her chances of winning don't they? 

Anne gives the girls a pep talk ready for tomorrow's conclusion of the task for power and indeed nominations power

Political talk ensues as Jess says she is not an idiot and didn't vote for Brexit....Wow, such a rebel isn't she

Amanda looking as bemused as the rest of us, I remember this part of the talk from the end of the live feed last night....Makes a change from sexual conquests in Benidorm or comparing certain parts of the body I suppose

Button it Jess, you're boring the pants of everyone

Back in the living area, Courtney is talking to Wayne about his (Courtney) friendship/bromance/yawnmance with Andrew

And back to Ashley pining over losing her storyline, and then Andrew planning Operation Ashley now Ginuwine is gone....Hopefully Andrew is gone on Friday, the odious little twerp....You are NOT God's gift so please don't treat us like fools

And that's a wrap for this episode, stay tuned for CBB Behind the scenes

Some would say mercifully a night off from S**t on the Side, so enjoy the break ;)

Anyways, thanks for reading and hope you enjoy this latest post

Another good episode in the bag as we take another step towards February 2, and may I just say thank you BB for not rolling in the F and F for letters from home....Nice to see you are sticking to some of the shows fundamental rules so far, much appreciated :)

Until next time, folks, and remember someone is always watching even if we are not :)

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Another one bites the dust....

When last we left the housemates, John had gone out in a back door eviction and tonight another housemate goes, this time out the front door

Both nominations and the eviction will take place on tonight's show, along with Emma interviewing both John and whoever leaves

Don't think there will be much in terms of highlights tonight as there is so much to get through in 1 hour

Let the party commence, and hopefully the crowd will be as well behaved as they have been so far, fingers crossed

3rd eviction show for this series, and there's the much loathed WHOOP WHOOP

Nominations to get the highlights (what there are of them) started

BB announces nominations will start shortly, really miss the days when they were gathered on the sofas for nominations and not lounging about everywhere

On the block:

Johnny (4 nominations)
Anne (3 nominations)
Dapper (3 nominations)
Ginuwine (3 nominations)
Wayne (3 nominations)

Dapper does his own eviction predictions in the form of a crappy rap

Sofa gatherage, to which BB announces who is on the block....Ginuwine out please, let's end the yawnmance, you know it makes sense

Referring back to the WHOOP WHOOP, looks like booing and baying is still banned so not all bad ;)

Anyways back to the show, and hopefully the last promotion of the yawnmance coming up if Ginuwine gets sent out tonight

Meanwhile Courtney and Andrew are in the jacuzzi, and shortly afterward Andrew moons to us in the sauna and we have the nudity we were warned about....Seriously how has Andrew escaped tonight, answers on a postcard please

Guess that's it for the highlights as Emma announces John will be interviewed after the next batch of short messages

Emma asks John about his attitude toward Andrew and Courtney's relationship, and we hear John's side of the story...Not going to talk about it too much as I don't want to stir up a potential hornet's nest, but let's just say it was clear and concise and he has somewhat set the record straight

And also one of the benefits of a back door exit, best bits where they should be in at the end of the interview :)

On to the eviction we go...Anne, Dapper, Ginuwine, Johnny or Wayne come on down, Emma is coming to get you

And finishing in 12th place is.....GINUWINE

Get in, result....No more yawnmance :) But we still have Andrew and Courtney in there, hopefully Andrew out next and THEN have some fresh storylines to see out this series

And to no great surprise, Emma almost immediately turns talk to the yawnmance....He'll be on the first plane back to America once this series is done

Hopefully Ashley won't be blubbing at losing her meal ticket to the mag deals on the Live Feed later this evening

Letters from home alert for tomorrow, and then a TRIPLE eviction on Friday

Hopefully the letters from home will be just that and not F and F going in to tell them everything going on out here

And that's a wrap and we take another step towards the February 2 finale

Remember, someone is always watching even if we are not ;)

Until next time.....

Backdoor Eviction for one.....

Fellow citizens, hello and many apologies for the lateness of this blog

Just after posting Sunday's show blog, the old hard drive basically gave out and left me up diarrhea drive without a saddle for most of Monday

To cut a long story short I only remembered I had one left yesterday evening just 30 minutes before yesterday's show, and hopefully this one in the laptop now will hold up until the fresh one arrives at some point today

Anyways back to yesterday's show

Into Day 20 we go and it's 5.30am and John and Anne are already up and about talking about the perils of being famous for whatever reason

Heavy snow in Borehamwood, as Wayne, Courtney, Andrew and Ashley do a little jig in the sauna...Meanwhile Ginuwine is talking about the time he was involved in a high speed chase

"Wayne is name dropping....again"

BB asks Malika if the girls are looking strong for the 2nd part of the challenge today, she remarks that Anne and Amanda are strong despite their age. She points out that 3 women have gone already and it's time for one of the men to go...Our sentiments out here exactly, Malika :)

Snow continues to fall in the garden, and meanwhile indoors Wayne is getting some housemates to dance with him while Shane L, Johnny and Andrew look on from the smoking area...Anne is snoozing on the sofa while all this takes place.

Andrew and Courtney are discussing the rules of engagement in the smoking area....

On to the next part of the challenge to determine who leaves out of the back door, and first a furious flashback to yesterday in which Ashley and Jessica won it for the women with an endurance time of 47 minutes

Ginuwine, John and Wayne are sitting this one out to even up the numbers between the numbers, oh dear the podiums are out....please let this be pleasant

Thankfully it is pleasant, as first up its a Krypton Factor style challenge where they have to build a cube from several different shaped building blocks

Malika and Ashley v Andrew and Shane L

And it's the girls who are victorious, making that 2-0 to the girls on aggregate

Next up, colours and the boys have it all to do to catch the girls

Basically, it's a test of sight as they have to say the colour of the font the word is in....Example: BLUE = RED...Courtney absolutely blitzes that to give the boys a strong chance of clawing back the deficit

Anne is next and she only makes one or two colors before conceding to Courtney, making it 2-1 to the girls

Next it's a game of focus and memory, and they have to count how many times the BB eye appears correctly on the plasma

Amanda and Jess v Dapper and Johnny

Amanda and Jess guess 37
Dapper and Johnny guess 38

BB reveals the answer as 33

And the girls take the win with a result of 3-1, so therefore it will be Dapper or John that will be leaving via the back door later in the day

Dapper and Johnny having a post mortem in the smoking area, hope it's Dapper but not getting my hopes up

The girls are summoned to the task room and BB reveals to them that they have to jettison John or Dapper

After much deliberation, they settle on evicting John.....Slightly disappointed with that one, as we didn't see much of John and it would have been nice to hear some stories from his soccer days, but alas it wasn't to be and it's bye bye John

Sofa gatherage and it's official, John is going out the back door and then there were 12 for now

John leaves to the tune of You'll Never Walk Alone, and he looks happy to go as he speaks to BB before exiting stage left

Dapper looking absolutely stunned that he was saved, he's Marmite as in either love him or hate him

Back in the house, debate continues about the choice to evict John

5 minutes later (house time) bedroom arrangements are fully underway as the debate begins to see who gets John's bed, and its decided Wayne will do the honours

Courtney and Andrew engage in some horseplay as they chase each other through the house

Back in the smoking area, the boys are discussing some of Anne's views whilst in the living area BB announces more refreshments are available to which there are some cheers

On to the final part of yesterday's show, and it's party time in the house as the drink is flowing and Dapper's favourite tune is being piped into the house

Meanwhile in the bedroom Anne and Amanda discuss the events of the day, Amanda simply says she doesn't want to party while Anne says she doesn't like the noise

Both of them discuss who may be playing a game in which Andrew and Ashley amongst others are mentioned

Andrew and Courtney are with Dapper in the smoking area, shortly afterwards Dapper heads back into the house and discusses with some of the others if Andrew and Courtney are in love or if it's just a bromance

Some brief conversation back with Andrew and Courtney, and that's end credits for this episode

Bit of a flat back door eviction if I'm being honest, but a good episode again none the less as it's nice to see BB can put their minds to things other than stirring when they dust off those podiums

Again, my apologies for the lateness of this blog and hopefully back to normal this evening as we have another eviction to look forward to, and hopefully we will decide who goes this time

As Rylan said on S**t on the Side, there are 5 on the block and as of writing this blog 2 have been revealed, the other 3 will be revealed on tonight's show

Won't say the names out loud in here just in case anyone is waiting for showtime to find out the 5 during the show

How the eviction will be handled tonight is anyone's guess so until then, thanks for reading and remember someone is always watching even if we are not

Until tonight....

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Axe or no axe.....

And the answer is NO AXE (at least not yet) despite what the Daily Star put on their front cover

Usual fear mongering from the toilet tabloids, as bosses have not said either way about the show's future

Ah the Daily Star who came up with the exorcist storyline when Wolfy claimed she saw a demon or claiming the house was haunted by Jade Goody and David Gest

Who says the Daily Sport is full of shit when the Daily Star is just as bad if not worse

Not that I read the Sport of course, as I'm just quoting something Ade Edmondson said on the Bottom Fluff video tape

In fact the media should be more responsible, as they were VERY irresponsible a few weeks ago when they all reported former housemate Rebekah Shelton aka Rodrigo from BB10 had died without verifying everything first

Social media and forums went absolutely bat shit crazy paying their respects until Rebekah came along basically saying her account had been hacked, causing a lot of retractions and confusion and whether it was a stunt or not we will never know

Can I just stress I am not implying in any way I think that it was, just that we don't have the full facts on this and it would be unfair to judge

Please papers and media, please be more careful who you pay attention to when reporting the kind of stories like above...Your responsibility is to the truth and facts and not cause mass panic or pain

Back to tonight's show and it's time for a good old fashioned backdoor eviction

Basically it's men against women with 2 from each being nominated, and they have to take part in some challenges with the overall winners having to nominate one of the other team to go out the back door

No we don't get a say in this one, but we do see the result in tomorrow's show and then Toofy (Rylan) interviews them on S**t on the Side

Hopefully this evening's result won't leak out and they manage to keep it on lockdown until tomorrow's show, as it adds that element of surprise

Hopefully we will get a say in the Tuesday eviction, so on with tonight's feast of fun as we head one step closer to the February 2 finale

When we last left the housemates, Rachel and Maggie had been evicted and BB attempted to stir with a debate game...Sure there was a few raised voices but wouldn't call it a kick off as such

Please don't be mean tweets and outside information tonight

Courtney tweezering something from Amanda, and then we have a recap of last night's apparent kick off

Ashley and Anne are clearing the air apparently, Ashley stating how Anne apparently picked on her (Ashley)...Anne says if things rub her the wrong way, she will lash out

Johnny says it's mad how things go from one extreme to another in the house, welcome to the show in the Five era, Johnny....

This weekend, as stated, it is men v women with one housemate ultimately going out the backdoor

A technicolor wheel is introduced with MAYBE, SAFE and NOMINATED on it, first up its the ladies deciding on the men

After much debating and voting:

Courtney - All of them agree he is in no danger so SAFE
Ginuwine - Of course Ashley wants to keep him safe, can't think why....SAFE 
Johnny - SAFE (for now)
Wayne - SAFE (for now)
Barnesie - NOMINATED
Andrew - SAFE
Shane L - SAFE

Anne controlled all that very well, then again she is used to debating given her day job

Coming up next the two women to go on block are decided, and let's hope this is as diplomatic as what we have just seen

The men's choices are very predictable

Anne and Amanda join Dapper and Barnesie on the block

Switch to BB telling them who is on the block, but not telling them someone is going out of the backdoor

Looking good so far it's NOT mean tweets or outside information, please don't let us down BB :)

First challenge is endurance, and it's holding a feather in their arms for the longest time without bending their arms or dropping the feather

Wayne, Andrew and Amanda eliminated first

Johnny out next, followed by Anne

Malika and Dapper out next

Courtney eliminated, so it's 1-0 to the women as Ashley and Jess have survived with a time of 47 minutes

Ashley feels really good as she celebrates in the Diary Room, then Anne talks to BB about girl power

Now we move onto massages and a chance for BB to showcase the yawnmance again

Movng swiftly on, lots of daddy talk in the living area, meanwhile Anne is talking about her mother to Amanda in the bedroom

Coming up, Wayne talks tough

Off we go for the final part, and Dapper is talking baby talk....Moving swiftly on

Andrew says Dapper talks this when he is on the block, meanwhile Ashley asks Dapper about certain jokes from his past and apparently sets the record straight

Back to Andrew and Wayne and talk is still about Dapper

Dapper now in the Diary Room explaining why he thinks he is nominated

And that's end of show, and thankful we have had no mean tweets or outside info as I have been worried BB would chuck that in during these challenges, but there is still tomorrow yet and of course the small matter of who goes

Anyways onto tomorrow and one from ANNE, AMANDA, DAPPER OR BARNESIE will go out the back door...Who goes, the housemates decide

Until tomorrow, citizens, and remember there is always someone watching even if we are not :)

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Post eviction blues

The day after the night before

Rachel and Maggie have left the house and now we move on to the fallout plus some booze and some potential kick offs

Welcome once again, citizens of BB world

So wish we had some live feed or even some small morsels of updates, which have been sadly lacking in this series as fansites have been very quiet along with forums and updaters associated with BB

And some breaking news from the Daily Star and The Sun, if they can be believed, then the show WILL be axed after Summer CBB is done

More updates on future blogs if the above is confirmed or denied

Anyway, on with tonight's show

Barnesie talking with Shane L about the sleeping arrangements if Anne goes, meanwhile Rachel is checking up on Ashley

Flashback to yesterday, with Amanda snapping at Rachel

Experimenting talk with Courtney, and he expresses some concerns to Barnesie about some of the things John said in the 'experimenting' conversation

Thankfully it is a mature conversation which is settled quite amicably, which is one of the things I find fascinating this series....Most disagreements are settled without the need for screaming and shouting, another tick in this series column

Anne calls a house meeting  and yet again states the cooks must wash up and make tea and coffee for everyone else....Anne then calls for a revolution, to which the housemates are unanimous

"Housemates are wondering if this revolution is worth the whisk" - Marcus

Dapper Bellend debates whether it will affect their fees, in a jokey way of course

Jess then pipes up saying housemates will make a stand, before Anne suggests a full scale industrial action

Debating continues.....and continues

"The original social experiment returns"....Intriguing, does that mean in the summer LIVE FEED and housemates who haven't got agents or haven't been on TV before?

Amanda is summoned to the Diary Room, and we have a secret mission to look forward to

She has to act like a showbizzy diva, if that makes sense....And of course twist within a twist, Wayne has to act a bit more diva-ish than Amanda

So off we go for Amanda v Wayne

First Amanda must name drop a few celebrity names into a showbiz story, amazing how the others are so oblivious that Amanda and Wayne are acting strangely so soon after coming out of the diary room ;)

Next up Amanda has to sing a fictitious song, to which Wayne must better....Have to say they are doing well at this and this is coming from someone who is not a fan of these tasks within twists

Finally, Amanda has to throw a diva tantrum to which Wayne must outdo her

And the results are in.....Wonder if they have passed, oh of course they have ;) Amanda and Wayne get some 'fizz' as a reward

And now onto the double eviction we go

And first out is Rachel (but we knew that already) as most saw it live last night....While not a great shock, we could have done with her still in there

Second out is Maggie, not her fault she was pushed to the sidelines to make way for the yawnmance and bigger characters, but that's the way the icecube crumbles so to speak

Anne is delighted she is saved and says she did not expect it....I'm not too bothered about Anne myself, but thankfully she did stay and to be fair NEEDS to be there to the end especially with India not there

BB has given the housemates a game to play....Some long overdue shit stirring from BB, had a feeling they would do this so not nuclear hot mad, as we have gotten quite used to it by now ;)

Single sex school debate ensues....Was in a single sex high school for 5 years, before the final year was mixed with the girls school...Nowadays that same school is for girls AND boys.

But seriously I didn't really enjoy my high school years, that is one area of my life I don't look back on too fondly. Although I did enjoy the sporting aspect of high school life...Soccer, Rugby Union, cricket, athletics, basketball just to name a few sports. Was very proud to represent my school at these sports and still have some photos to this day which I keep as memories

Anyways back to tonight's show, and the game/debate is continuing ranging from photoshoots to how good is Shane L to making sandwiches...This debate is getting seriously out of control

Jess goes into a strop saying she hates shouting, though she would be kind of used to it given she's from a RTV background

Ashley gets on Anne's case about talking over her

"You are all drunk as owls" - Anne

Post debate chaos, Ashley still rambling about Anne....Sooner Ashley goes the better, but not getting my hopes up she will go in the upcoming backdoor eviction, maybe on Tuesday would be a better bet if she is on the block

But in any case, GET ASHLEY OUT!!!!!

The lesser sighted Shane L in the diary room, Marcus remarked "At least someone's enjoying themselves"

Some final talk in the smoking area before end credits

And that's another Saturday in the bag, can I just say it's best to wait until it's officially confirmed from 5 that the show is finished

The backdoor eviction will take place tomorrow in real time, so Monday's show we will be down to 12 left and Rylan will be talking to that particular evictee on S**t on the Side on Monday

Then there's another eviction on Tuesday, and this one we will be seeing

Hope you enjoy this blog, and remember someone is always watching if we are not ;)

Until next time, citizens......

Friday, 19 January 2018

And then there were 13

Welcome citizens to the pre-eviction show for CBB January 2018

Anne and Dapper Bellend have got the power this week and ICYMI from yesterday, Dapper saved himself and Anne put Maggie in his place on the chopping block

Tale of the tape, who stays the editing decides and at the moment John and Maggie should be going out the door

John - Some say he has done nothing, but we don't know actually know that, as it's not his fault he's been shunted to the bench to make for the yawnmance....

Maggie - A true hero in real life, but like John has been pushed out of the edit to make way for the bigger characters in there and the yawnmance

Anne - Yesterday's show would have probably saved her and in essence the show needs her to stay in there as we have already lost India, and can't afford to lose Anne as well

Andrew - Outside bet to go, but has the Courtney storyline going for him which could work in his favour tonight...Although I wouldn't rule out a shock exit and he ends up going as the voting public are so unpredictable

Rachel - Needs to stay as this house needs a spark or two, although wouldn't rule out her going tonight

Hope - Andrew and Rachel
Think - Maggie and John

Truth be told wish we could have seen more of Barnesie, as even though he played for the red enemy and I am a Toffees supporter, he would have had a shedload of stories to tell about the various clubs he played for and also his England career

And so we move onto the main event....

Let's see if that crowd are just as well behaved as last week, and.....no whoop whoops again this week...Hallelujah :)

Emma looking as great as ever, although her hair does look a bit wind swept

The usual running through of the weeks events are run through by Mrs Willis along with the usual voting numbers

And now back to yesterday.....

We start with a recap of yesterday with Anne saying about Ashley being top of her hit list in regards to replacing, but as we know Ashley was immune so Anne went for Maggie instead

Anne explaining her rationale to Ashley, which she really doesn't have to....She doesn't have to explain to ANYBODY, least of all to the one person who is so desperate for a yawnmance and mag deals

In the Diary Room, Anne is explaining to us the simple rule of BB, everyone has to nominate.....Well, duh Anne

The lesser sighted Shane L talks to BB about the new sleeping arrangements, and nobody out here is none the wiser to who is actually where...Answers on a postcard please

And now an geological question from Jess to Johnny, tell her the earth is round and her head would probably explode from confusion

Meanwhile back to Emma and that crowd are amazingly so well behaved, guess we have seen the end of the booing for this series or have we....There's still time in this series for everything to change and it probably will

Vote close apparently, more like hardly anybody is voting

Cheers all round for everyone, I am astonished

Back to the house, and we have Anne and Rachel talking about Brother Boris, you know our moronic foreign secretary

Malika seems in a better mood than she was yesterday, she and Mr. Sleep compare their heights...Courtney and Dapper Bellend predict who will be out tonight, interesting as Courtney thinks Andrew will go and says he and Andrew are just mates

BB has summoned the power couple to tell them it should only be the two people assigned to cooking, as in Barnesie and Shane L, who should be cooking......

Jess kicking off about kitchen duties for some reason....Seriously how much longer is this thick as a brick routine going to last with her, it's getting very tiresome. Waterworks soon follow, oh yawn. WTF is she actually crying, don't think even she knows herself...

The latest plug for the civilian series, and more than likely the last ever civilian series on this channel at least...No can do sorry, as no RTV experience, haven't got a 6 pack, not a model, and haven't got an agent

Vote closed as we head into the next part of the show, so do not ring now as you are just too late and you may still be charged

Party time in the house and some Black Eyed Peas being played, but of course we get treated to the yawnmance

Rachel now treating us to an eviction rap....Crappy rapping I may add, don't give up the day job anytime soon, Rachel

Emma apologises to any rap fans watching, and it's over to the house.......

The 2 housemates safe are....ANN and ANDREW

The first evicted tonight is.....RACHEL

Maggie or Barnesie have to wait to see which of them two go

Was sort of expecting Rachel going, pity about Andrew being safe but that's the way the icecube crumbles

Best bits for Rachel, and look at that NO booing :)

Not much to report from that interview, so back in 30 minutes for Maggie or Barnesie leaving....

And we are off again, Maggie or John come on down, you will finish in 14th place

Very nervous about this one, particularly at the end....Really hoping Emma doesn't tell us their F and F will be popping in or viewers tweets will be read out in some sort of task

Anyways, here we go and the WHOOP WHOOP returns, boooooooooo

Straight down to business, and the person finishing in 14th place......MAGGIE

No great shock there, and Barnesie is safe for another few days :)

Interview wise, Emma brings up a good point about Maggie not doing anything bad it was just a case of being overwhelmed by the bigger characters and the yawnmance, to which the same could be said for Barnesie if he had come out

Seems there was an underlying issue in there, but we will probably never find out as we don't have that one thing they are not letting us watch as apparently is too expensive

Talk then turns to the yawnmance of course.....WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT!!!!!!!

Rachel then reappears to talk about the yawnmance....Is it any wonder people are switching off when that is all we are shown

And that is it for the interview, and Emma announces it's battle of the sexes over the weekend and it culminates in a back door eviction....Their own f'ing fault for jamming the house up with too many

Anyway that is it for tonight, and I hope you enjoy reading this like I have enjoyed writing it

Until tomorrow, take care and remember someone is always watching even if we are not ;)

Enjoy, critique or a bit of both the choice is yours ;)

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Twists and Turns

In other words, who will be safe and who will be replaced in tonight's very last minute nominations twist

On the block at the moment:


But BB have decided to hold a last minute save and replace twist, in the form of a two day challenge, to determine who will actually be on the block and then the lines will open probably after the highlights or during S**t on the Side

Think the only downside of this task, is BB sneakily trying to shitstir a bit, as many have stated it has gone a bit quiet after a good start, but I sort of don't agree as it has flowed nicely without the need for BB to throw hand grenades in there to get them to go at each others throats

Don't get me wrong, this task is quite fun and it's nice to see them dressed up and doing silly things, MUCH better than BB dusting off the podiums and trying to manufacture arguments

This house does not need grenades, no new housemates to stir things up...Besides think it may be a bit late to put someone new in there, and nobody in there has shown any signs of quitting or being ejected which is a miracle in itself in this era of the show

However I am a bit concerned that with this noms meddling, we may see the usual doors opened with:

F and F popping in to tell them how they are being perceived on the outside
The usual mean tweets and who said what about who in the diary room
The usual miserable final week

Just no, seriously no, just leave those things where they belong in the filing cabinet or better still put them in the nearest shredder

Can we just have one nominations session in this series before the end where they are ALL nominating and not just one half of the house

Tonight, we move into Day 16 in the house with 15 due to become 13 tomorrow evening

The driving task moves into its second day, and it's all to play for with the people on the block having an extra incentive to win this task...Who's on the block tonight, BB decides

Cold showers ahoy, and Wayne takes the plunge and heads for a cold shower

Meanwhile the yawnmance continues....This is why people are switching off and why some people are being labelled 'boring'. Fresh storylines pronto as we approach the end, please

Malika gets a lot off her chest regarding Anne, to an audience of Jess and Courtney....Bordering close on noms talk there, careful Malika

Some roleplay ensues between Jess and Shane J....Not very interesting, next

Meanwhile, Malika keeps going on and on like Ariston about Anne, and Courtney is telling Anne everything about things that have been said....Can anyone else hear those odds on Courtney and Malika winning widening

Ashley comes out into the garden looking like a Smurf with her face pack....

Rachel thinks Wayne has come across in a good light in regards to the edit....We'll see in a few days, as this edit can change like the weather and nobody is safe

2nd and final day of the driving task, and it's a time trial

The driver will be blindfolded and the person not blindfolded will have to direct them around the course

Wayne and Amanda, and less said the better about the teamwork....Something like good but in a bad way if you get my drift

Ginuwine and Courtney - Fast recap there

Rachel and Shane L - As above, but Rachel actually did a good job there

Jess and Andrew - Disaster, less said the better

John and Ashley - Passable

Malika and Johnny - Malika says she can't see a thing, that will be the blindfold Malika

Anne and Dapper - Anne barks out instructions constantly, showing it should be done. This may just save Dapper Bellend from the block

Results in straight away

Last place - Wayne and Amanda
First place - Anne and Dapper

Overall result

130 points - Ashley and John, Rachel and Shane L, Courtney and Ginuwine, Jess and Andrew

180 points and winners - Anne and Dapper

Power this week goes to...ANNE and DAPPER

BB reveals the original nominees to the house, and Anne and Dapper have the chance to save themselves and replace

Ann and Daniel have made their choice and....brace yourselves, DAPPER BELLEND is saved and in his place will be.....MAGGIE

Reason being "she laughed when others were in pain"....Right, whatever Anne, absolutely pathetic reason

So the revised list of who's on the block:


Next up, we have the next round of job assignments, Anne and Dapper Bellend have decided:

Personal butlers: Amanda for Anne, and Johnny for Dapper
Chefs: John and Shane L
Cleaners: Ashley and Jess
Bathroom cleaners: Courtney and Wayne

But wait, BB has something else to tell them, bedrooms will be reassigned....

No idea of the new bedroom lineups just yet, but hopefully will have them in due course

So back to the show, and it's party time but of course we go to the yawnmance

Of course, Malika's kicking off which she has been doing all show, and as we approach the end of this episode she is still at it

Dapper Bellend is feeling grateful....Nothing to do with the fact you are safe I would assume, DB?

And its the yawnmance again, as Ashley joins Ginuwine in his bed....Desperate much, Ashley? Don't think people can see those pound signs in your eyes, because we can

Bad show - Malika, been catty all show and doing herself no favours
Good show - Anne, saved herself with a few decisions tonight

Good episode tonight, but looks like BB have finally got what they wanted in getting some divisions in the house

Eviction prediction - Hoping it's Andrew and Rachel, think it will be John and Rachel...No matter how much the point is put across, we have no idea how John is coming across as he has basically been thrown onto the bench to make way for the yawnmance...Of course someone has to be sacrificed and unfortunately he is the unlucky person

Enjoy or critique, the choice is yours :)

Until tomorrow, BB from the Batcave will get back to you...

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Fall outs and U turns

When we last said our farewells to our housemates:

Nominations 'rocked the house'

Anne, Dapper, John, Rachel and Andrew were on the block....or were they?

Marcus announced that there will be a nominations twist which played out in real time today, but we will see tomorrow what this twist is and who is on the block

Onto tonight's show:

A new task awaits the housemates
The fall out from nominations
More noms discussion punishments incoming

But who and what is the punishment....Find out tonight as Week 3 of CBB begins in the house

Good evening, citizens, and off we go for another show

Nominated housemates will get the chance to Save and Replace in the BB Driving School, and it's that very task we start on this evening....Some Rihanna to start the day to which Anne covers her head with a towel

Into the Diary Room and BB describes the song to Anne and it's 'never heard of it'


  • BB will be pairing up the housemates and will see who the best drivers are
  • It is not a battle of the sexes, but will be a test to see who works best in couples
  • The team with the most points at the end of the task will win the power
  • The winners of the task will have the opportunity to replace one of the 5 nominees, and replace them with someone not on the block
  • They have to be on their toes as the klaxon could sound at any time
John queries whether they have the opportunity to turn the replace down....I know I would if I was there, just so not to give BB what they want in some manufactured drama

Pairs - Ashley and John, Jess and Andrew, Courtney and Genuwine, Malika and Johnny, Rachel and Shane L, Dapper and Anne and finally Wayne, Amanda and Maggie will form a black limo

"....which they are finding a bit of a stretch" remarks Mr.B

Housemates must abide by BB's highway code, failure to do so will result in points being deducted from their team's total

Looks like a fun task, as it is fun when they have to dress up and do silly things....Much better than the podiums, who said this, this tweet is referring to....etc.

Some general chit chat in the kitchen with Jess getting feisty....Rare sightings of Barnesie and Maggie, and Maggie jokes she won't muck with Jess

Meanwhile in the bedroom, Amanda and Anne discuss the task, biscuits and Friday's double eviction

Sighting of the yawnmance, to which Rachel does a very poor Mr B. impression...Less said the better, Britain's Got Talent does not await

Dapper certain he and Anne are going to win this task and he will be saved....Dear me I hope not, can he please go on Friday if he is still up after this task

And back to the yawnmance, why oh why does it have to be Ashley who is immune.....This is not going to last 5 minutes once one of Ashley or Ginuwine are evicted

Task part 2, and it's the theory test

  • Which from a puffin, pelican, toucan or giraffe is not a crossing around Europe
  • Which CELEBRITY has a plate labelled S8RRY
  • What road sign would you see if you saw a toad within a red border
  • In what segment of a popular TV show would you see celebrities in a carsinging along to their favourites
  • What utensil would you use to measure oil levels in a car
  • In what country do drivers drive on the opposite side to the UK
  • Spell manoeuvre 
  • What would you be doing if you were accused of rubber necking
  • When is it appropriate to use the car horn
  • Who won the F1 world championship in 2017
The white team, Andrew and Jess, win the theory test and must take points of another team and they choose Maggie and Amanda

Green screen has now made an appearance, and this time it's endurance

Teams have to count to 100 seconds in their heads, and must press the emergency stop when they think they have reached 100....This being BB, not everything is as seems so there will be distractions


Lollipop ladies and a crossing
Snow storms
BB throwing in various number distractions
Cold callers

Finding this quite amusing, and not just because there no podiums or mean tweets in sight....If only they had done tasks like this in the last 7 years the show would not be in the dire situation it has been in since being on this channel

Anyways back to the results:

Last place goes to Johnny and Malika
6th place to Wayne and Maggie
5th place to Ginuwine and Shane
4th place to Jess and Andrew
3rd place to Rachel and Shane L

Runner up - Anne and Daniel

Winner - Ashley and John

As with the last part it is now up to Ashley and John to decide who loses all their points in this round and they choose......AMANDA, MAGGIE AND WAYNE and give their reasons why....Disappointed in a way just so BB can get some manufactured drama out of this

Malika talks about being 'trapped'......Surely she's seen this show before in some form or another, and knew what she was letting herself in for

Some general bedroom chat as we go wishing and washing towards the end of this episode

Ginuwine, divorced dad of 9, gives Ashley and Jess some marriage advice....Please fella don't go giving your showmance partner any fresh ideas

And off we go for more punishments regarding talking about nominations, but not a punishment worth noting as it's back to the usual hot water and hair appliances off which is totally pointless....How about some more of those fun punishments you gave Wayne, not the obvious one which they are NOT going to take seriously....

It's no wonder they think they can go about breaking every rule knowing there will be no serious consequence, can we please have the BB back from the early days who took no shit from anybody...Just SOMETHING so if the show ends in the summer we can have some good memories from this era to look back on

Come on BB, two more series after this to get those punishments right and somewhat original

Back to the show and into the live feed segment we go and it's the boys talk most of us saw, Andrew digging himself somewhat of a hole here, which he may not be able to escape from if he is still on the block in tomorrow's show

That's it for tonight, who goes on the block BB decides tomorrow

Enjoy this post or critique as always...Until next time, and remember someone is ALWAYS watching even if we are not ;)

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Noms or no noms

Hello citizens and chums

Nominations day is upon us, and in case you missed it only the men are nominating

While we wait, tiny recap of yesterday:

1. Wayne was punished for discussing nominations, and was made to do lines by BB until further notice

2. Yesterday's task involved a load of kids coming in and they had to pick their favourite housemates, sadly they picked Ashley, and Ashley became immune from being nominated

3. The yawnmance between Ashley and Ginuwine took up most of the real estate of yesterday's show and didn't really go down well anywhere

On to tonight's show we go and the next round of nominations

Day 14, and it's the noms but not THE noms given today's news as it will be who is on the block BB decide

So the house is starting to crack according to Mr B., but straight to the yawnmance nobody cares about as in Ashley and Ginuwine

"Ginuwine knows a serious actor when he sees one" as Shane L regales Ginuwine about his time in pantomime

Shell in an avocado, or no shell in an avocado.....Anne or Malika decide

Dapper Bellend starts singing about Malika, "Ed Sheeran watch out" remarks Marcus

And now for the main event of the episode, as in NOMINATIONS

Andrew votes for Ann, reason being "she means well...But her opinions are outdated, we should all be equal", and then votes for Ginuwine stating "Made a few passing comments in the first few days"...Less said the better

Barnesie - Andrew "Comes in late and takes all the covers", and Dapper Bellend "Loud snorer"

Wayne - Courtney "Messed about with the shopping list", and Dapper Bellend "Found him bossy and made some sensitive jibes"

Dapper Bellend - Anne "Slightly stand offish on different subjects", and Andrew "Left a skidmark on a window pulling a moonie"

Dear god, usual piss poor reasons accepted by BB

Scores on the doors so far

Andrew - 2
Ann - 2
Daniel - 2
Ginuwine - 1
Shane J - 1

Ann and Rachel going at it again, in the best possible way of course with Amanda caught into the crossfire...Not much of a kick off if I'm being honest

Shane L - Rachel "Not quite on her level", and Andrew "Just some of his commentary on women leaves a lot to be desired

Johnny - Malika "She's a bit high and mighty", and Barnesie "He has a lot of strong opinions, and stops others having opinions as well"

Ginuwine - Anne "No one is themselves when Ann is around", and Barnesie "Cuts people off in mid sentence"

Courtney - Rachel "Pedantic about choices on the shopping list", and Ann "Conservative views, doesn't like people showing off their bodies"

Score now:

Anne - 4
Andrew - 3
Daniel - 2
John - 2
Rachel - 2
Ginuwine - 1
Malika - 1
Courtney - 1

The men now have taken their place in the sauna and have established a "pecking order", whatever that means

Serious discussion between Wayne and Amanda, when Amanda talks about Wayne's prostate problems...Prostate cancer is quite serious and has claimed the lives of many a person, if you have any doubts get checked out by your doctor.

Next up, a game not devised by BB called "How well do you know each other"....The usual classy chat from Dapper Bellend when he says "Who do you think masturbates more".....That guy has got to go on Friday, if he is even up after the latest meddling from BB which will be revealed when it airs on the highlights.

Sofa gatherage, and facing this week's public vote (at least for now)


And as Marcus just said, there WILL be a nominations twist and THEN the lines open....Obviously BB don't like who's up so they have chosen to interfere..Took until week 3, but they couldn't help themselves could they :(

Anne and Rachel wonder if there is a generation gap, while hide and seek is being played in the living area

Courtney feels the house is shook up due to the nominations, and thinks it's time to add a little sparkle so gets changed into his alter ego....Fun little segment and can see why he is the favourite to win right now

Andrew thinks Ashley and Ginuwine is a showmance....No f'ing shit Sherlock

"Ashley is looking fierce", comments Mr B. as she walks into the living area after a Courtney makeover, but it kind of fell flat IMO

Time for the final part of tonight's episode, and hopefully it won't hit more of a bum note

And we start with some washing up with Anne and Amanda....Not much to see here

Rachel trying to work out who wants to win, but the plain and honest truth is you are a LIAR if you say you are not in there to win...

Bedtime for Anne, and it's only 9.56pm or so we are led to believe

Back to some of the men in the smoking area, usual man talk ongoing so let's move on

Not much of interest in what the men are talking about in the garden

And we end with another Andrew getting his butthole waxed, much like civilian Andrew got his rear end waxed...Speaking of civilian Andrew, I would seriously recommend listening to the BB on Blast podcast when Lotan got removed from the civilian series last year, as Gaz does an absolutely hilarious impression of what Andrew sounds like as a turkey.

Passable episode tonight, just unfortunate BB don't like who is up and feel they have to interfere instead of just accepting their decision....It really should be who goes/stays/wins WE decide, not who is on the block BB decides because they don't like who is there now

On that note, hope you enjoy this post and retweet or critique...As always the choice is yours, until next time......

Monday, 15 January 2018

Playschool and Punishments

My fellow citizens of Big Brother World, good morning, afternoon or good evening wherever you are reading this blog from

On the cusp of week 3, and tonight looks promising as someone is punished for talking nominations and the house is turned into a playschool

Last time we left our housemates:

One housemate talked nominations, who shall remain nameless until they are revealed on tonight's show

There was a slight clash in regards to the shopping list regarding avocados and parmesan cheese

The showmances continued at apace, with Shane J and Andrew horseplaying in the final part of the show 

Onto tonight's show we go

Day 13 is upon us and we are off for hopefully another great episode

The kids invade the house, Ashley misses her 'man' (oh please), and Anne is not impressed (when is she ever)

The men are still in charge and there is tension between Ashley and Ginuwine (yawn who cares, surely there are other storylines we could be watching)

Prayers going on in the bedroom with Jess, Shane L, Malika, Ann and others...

Rachel unimpressed as apparently Ann is not pulling her weight....Well we wouldn't know as we don't have that one thing to watch live

"Now for a scene you'll never unsee" as in Amanda bathing Wayne, what are they trying to do to us and now she's cutting his toenails....Make it stop, make it stop!!!!!!

Prayers over in the bedroom, prayers that none of them are nominated perhaps? Answers on a postcard please

A few minutes breather, and now the task most have been waiting for in the kids going in there for another battle of the sexes task

Been personally looking forward to this as I am excited to see how some of these housemates are going to cope with these little kids, anyways off we go

But before we go into the task, Shane J is meditating and Rachel wants to ask Ann to do stuff, well....we're. waiting....."Spit it out Rachel" chimes Marcus

That guy is on point this series, with some of the stuff he is coming out with....I doth my hat to you, Mr Bentley

And here we go, bring on the kids...Although this should be a breeze for Ginuwine, given how many kids he has

The children will be voting which male and female housemate they like the most, and those 2 will be immune from nomination

Various scenes of the housemates integrating with the kids, which include some games and general interaction which actually looks quite sweet....If only we had live feed to watch this as I am quite enjoying this, dam you Frow for taking it away

After much tomfoolery, meant in the best possible way, that as they say is that and the klaxon sounds for the kids to leave....Hats off to the task team, they are earning their stripes in this series

Back from the next batch of messages, Ann is showing off her 'dance skills', hmmmm less said the better I think

"Ashley is talking about her specialist subject, Ginuwine" All too true Mr. B....It's boring the shit out of everyone, the showmance that is not you

And now it's time for someone to face. the. music., Whoever could it be....Mr Sleep how could you, and BB reels off what Mr. Sleep says back to the house....No hot water off? Wow

Mr Sleep has to write I MUST NOT TALK ABOUT NOMINATIONS until BB orders him to stop, have to say that is MUCH better than turning the hot water off for 5 seconds...Well done BB, you continue to amaze and in a good way in this series :)

And meanwhile back with the yawnmance, Ashley and Ginuwine have taken off their mics in the bathroom and as Mr B. said "We'll just have to guess what they're talking about"

Ann then with a line to us all there, "It would entertain anyone who watches Big Brother, but it wouldn't entertain anyone I have respect for"

Sofa gatherage as we return from the break, and BB gives out the results and reveals the twist within the twist, and now we find out who is immune as we return to the kids describing their time in the house....

The kids choose ASHLEY and we are stuck with the yawnmance past Friday, f'ing lucky us :(

And speaking of Ashley, here we go again for another crappy sucks segment of the yawnmance....No comment as it's boring the f'ing pants off me....Please BB some fresh storylines PRONTO AMIGO

"Ashuwine is back on", comments Rachel....Whoopee doo we don't f'ing care

And speaking of the tedious twosome, straight to the bedroom and they are under the covers which no doubt Toofy will be squealing about on S**t on the Side

Anyways that is it for another night, and another half decent episode in the bag but PLEASE SOME FRESH STORYLINES THAT ARE NOT SHOWMANCES

Enjoy this blog entry, or critique or a little bit of both...Thank you and good night :)

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Avocado Wars: The Sleep Strikes Back

When last we left our great housemates....

India was evicted in a not too surprising result, which left Maggie in sole charge of cleaning duties as assigned by the men

Tonight, the return of another old friend in the shape of the chalk board...Pity we don't have live feed as in the good ye days of olde it was fun watching the kick offs live when the chalk board was rolled out after the shopping tasks

Now let's see if it has the same result as it did back then....

And we're off and another step closer to week 3

Day 12, and Rachel is reluctant to take breakfast orders...Dapper Bellend is in the Diary Room saying how Rachel wants to rip peoples heads off....Not as much I bet as most want to rip yours off for your so called 'comedy' DB

Shane Lynch has returned from his latest shift at Tesco as he is welcomed back, meanwhile back in the Diary Room DB thinks Courtney 'fancies' Andrew from the Apprentice....Oh please, can we cut up the showmances so we don't get these monopolising the highlights

And tada, here it is....The Shopping List and luxury budget, but what did they do to earn it....There hasn't even been a recognised shopping task yet?

Putting that to one side though, looks like we have the customary shopping list arguments judging by the preview in Rachel asking if there was parmesan put on the list

And we are off again, and it's straight onto the Ashley Ginuwine showmance bollocks....So much for her saying I DON'T WANT A HOUSE ROMANCE, next breath she is all over him

DB being his usual classy self in the garden with Andrew, seriously he can do one as soon as he is up as he is bringing NOTHING to the house

And meanwhile back with the so called 'lovebirds' Ginuwine and Ashley....Let's not go there

Rachel, meanwhile, fires the first salvos of the shopping list kick off by asking if there was parmesan cheese on the list

Shane J warning BB about the incoming kick off when the shopping arrives, I personally wouldn't worry as BB are probably rubbing their hands as they would love a major kick off

Coming up.....A certain Mr. Bellend is squeezing some tears out

And Rachel is still in a moody for some reason, and off we go for Mr. Bellend squeezing out the tears

Task time.....

Team captains Andrew and Jess, namely the 'most gullible' housemates as voted for by the public...Of course there is a twist within a twist, it is up to the others to influence their respective captains to give as many wrong answers as possible. The most persuasive sex will win the task and win a reward.

Quickfire spellings....

Men - Shepherd, Confetti
Women - Caterpillar, Orangutan

What is the common name for Sodium Chloride?
Demonstrate a downward facing dog
How much is an average pint of milk
How many hours in 3 days
Demonstrate the worm

And straight to the result, and the winners are......THE WOMEN

Jess celebrates being 'an idiot', not generally a fan of celebrating idiocy but that was very lighthearted so I think we can let it go this time

And after the break, back to the Courtney/Andrew showmance

G and T party for the ladies, while talk in the garden turns to the Ashley and Ginuwine yawnmance...Get Ashley out on Friday if she is on the block, you know it makes sense so we can have some fresh storylines

Anne looking like she is loosening up, have a feeling there will be chicanery ahead to keep her in if she is in trouble as we have already lost India and it's hard to see where SOME drama is going to come from, but I like the peace and quiet myself...Calling BB a brute (Ann, that is, not me) as they will not allow the ladies to share the tea with the men

And yet again in this episode, back to yawnorama city aka Ashley and Ginuwine being discussed....

Meanwhile, back with Shane J and Andrew, some horseplay ensues which concludes with BB telling them not to put pillows on each other, and that's the end

Welcome back chalk board and while not as dramatic as billed, but I can take that and more of this harmonious house please.

No need for BB created hand grenades with this lot, as it will all come naturally soon....Just as long as BB keep away from that button labelled PANIC - DO NOT PRESS

All in all another good episode, and I hope you enjoy reading this as I have writing about it

But please can the viewers have some fresh storylines to work with soon, as some are not as patient as others and don't want the sole focus on showmances

However, as we progress through this series, it is HEAVEN not hearing constant talk about sex, sexual positions, who snogged who in Benidorm and general bed wetting

Thank you for that, BB, and please don't mess this series up as us people who love an old school series are counting on you....

Thank you for reading, and please leave comments if you like....Good night :)