The end is near as we head into a very crucial Veto, where the winner of this competition gets the sole vote to evict
On the block right now is the golden couple of Jackson and Holly, and Nicole has locked in her place at the finale by winning HoH.
As always following the nominations episode, we pick up after that very event and it's all systems go in the house as every one of them left knows the Veto is more crucial this week. Of course Nicole doesn't have to worry too much, as she is in the final 3 already as you already know. But I am sure she would like to make sure it's not with the showmance in tow, as both of those two in the finale would be too difficult to handle.
Holly still acting really entitled and sour about not winning the HoH, a theme which has basically run through this series. Remember how some of this year's intake have basically whined and cried about being nominated or not winning certain competitions? Yeah that's I'm talking about.
Jackson is fully aware of the so called plot by Cliff and Nicole to split him and Holly up, and has vowed to lie as much as they apparently have to him.
Cliff is speaking of how Holly is going to throw Veto, and how he and Nicole should go and talk to her and give her permission to play should she agree to take Cliff. Nicole thinks Holly will stick to her word. Holly is none too happy about this, as she soon tells us and it makes her more determined to win this Veto.
Cliff's apparent downfall now continues with Jackson, as they discuss the final 2 deal they made. A deal I may add that Jackson has NO intention of keeping, and Cliff is just too blind to see it. Jackson regales this conversation with Holly, and they both have a good chuckle about it.
Luxury competition
$10,000 up for grabs here as we play a jumbo sized version of spot the difference. Basically, the house will undergo a few cosmetic changes, 18 in fact. The houseguests have to go through the house and count how many differences they can find. They all have only one guess each, so they have to make it count. When they think they have their guess ready, they have to run back upstairs and ring the bell, and whoever is correct or near enough wins the money. But if there is a tie, whoever rung the bell first and is closest will take the prize.
Should be noted that during this competition, Ovi turned up in there as part of the competition
Once everything is said and done, the guesses are:
Jackson - 17
Nicole - 16
Holly - 17
Cliff - 17
But as Jackson was first to ring the bell, he wins the cash prize
Veto competition
Straight into the serious business of the episode we go, and the rules for this competition are kind of like a big board version of Guess Who, involving catapults. The houseguests will take it in turns to answer the 3 same questions, and have to knock down the cards of the houseguests they think don't belong in the question with a catapult
The questions are:
Who did not receive a punishment in Tossed in Space
Who was never HoH
Played in BB Fireworks Quiztacular
A very taxing competition, especially for Cliff as it was a very hot day when they did this competition in real time.
When all is said and done, the times were:
4th - Cliff (38:36)
3rd - Holly (17.30)
2nd - Nicole (14:17)
Winner of the Veto is JACKSON with a time of 11:29, and he is the second houseguest to qualify for the finale
Apparently, and this is only rumour of course, Jackson had divine intervention during that competition. Namely from backstage, although we only have Jackson's word on this. Cliff still has his heart set on a final 2 with Michie, but we all probably know by now his goose is effectively cooked. Not a spoiler, but as Jackson has always said Holly will remain untroubled so the eviction is only a formality I would imagine.
Naturally Jackson is so happy and brags about him and Holly are going to the finale, and we get a vomit inducing segment with these two, when it's more realistic they will be all but over 5 minutes after leaving the house.
Cliff is STILL convinced Jackson will flip and keep him, but back on planet Earth Nicole knows Cliff will be on his way.
And to close this episode, Nicole is convinced it will be her against the showmance in the finale.... If only she knew about the swell of support out here for her, it would give her so much confidence going into the finale.
To be continued in Episode 38, when it's more than likely Cliff will be on this way with Jackson using the Veto
And so we move into the last three episodes:
Season recap
Won't be covering the season recap, as that's been done to death already. I just hope once this formality of an eviction is over, Nicole can summon everything she has and has a good run in the final 3 3 part HoH
Even if she doesn't win the grand prize, I reckon she will still have the bonus prize of America's Favourite Houseguest locked in.
And so that's it for another post, and the usual shoutouts to BB on Blast, Julie Girl and of course Rob has a Podcast
Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever
And as always stay frosty and keep on rocking......
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