Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 36 - Final 4 HoH and Nominations

And so, citizens, we enter the penultimate week for this season with Jackson, Nicole, Holly and Cliff all vying for those crucial 3 spots in finale week

Well, technically Jackson's not eligible to play in this Final 4 HoH comp as he is ineligible due to being Final 5 HoH, so he'll join in the fun in the next episode.

When we last left the lot of them, Nicole, Holly and Cliff has just kicked off the Final 4 HoH competition and Tommy had just been evicted, but wait......

Before all of that, in case you missed it in the last episode we were teased with a major blue that Tommy and Jackson had after Nicole had called a house meeting...

But we kick off final 4 week with mentioned Final 4 comp, and Holly being mighty happy and relieved that she managed to survive over Tommy. Jackson is only happy because his only storyline has survived, and he admits he perhaps made some deals he shouldn't have, and makes a shout out to his mum hoping she isn't mad at him.

Nicole did not want to take a showmance to final 4, but Jackson told her Tommy was playing both sides. We see a flashback to her confronting Tommy with this information with Cliff as her witness. Tommy warns them Jackson is a bigger threat, but doesn't have proof as he is playing on his own now that Christie is gone. A few minutes into this conversation, and Nicole calls a house meeting, and to find out the truth she says she is going to scrutinise Tommy and Jackson closely to see who is telling the truth.

Bear in mind now, the HoH is being put to one side so we can all see this blowup develop and explode, and we will get back to the HoH comp as soon as this massive flashback is done....

And so previously long before eviction, Jackson tells one and all that Tommy told Cliff and Nicole that he was coming after Jackson and Holly, and he told Jackson and Holly the exact opposite. Jackson goes on to say that Tommy's plan was to throw the final 4 HoH to Nicole so she can't vote, and then he was going to vote Cliff out. Tommy, of course, denies this. Jackson says he needs some evidence to cloud Nicole and Cliff's judgement. Jackson tells Tommy that Tommy has 5 votes possibly locked in already. Tommy says he will not be taking Jackson, and if there is a chance to take him out before then he will take it.

Jackson says Tommy has been playing both sides, and that Tommy and Christie have wanted him out for five weeks. Tommy is then told he got caught playing both sides, to which Tommy denies, and accuses Jackson of being a broken record because he is lying. Tommy then turns to Holly and tells her to stand on her own, and accuses her of allowing Jackson to manipulate the situation, and to stand up for herself.

This really infuriates Jackson, and Holly says Jackson may be grasping at straws to save her, and if Cliff and Nicole had stuck to their word, none of this would have happened. Nicole now jumps in saying everyone has been playing both sides, and of playing the same game. Tommy is still yelling that he is not playing both sides, and that Jackson has been coming after Nicole and Cliff for weeks. 

He then says Jackson does not deserve the money, and at this point Jackson storms off and it's all peaceful in the house....at least for now anyway

Time before eviction: 6 hours 50 minutes

Nicole and Cliff are STILL undecided after that blowup just now. Nicole says she is really seeing through Jackson, but thinks he is smart. At the moment she is on Tommy's side, and that Jackson is indeed manipulating the situation. Cliff says he is on Jackson's side, as that is what their agreement was. Nicole reckons Jackson was making a reference to Brett from last season when Brett said "Just Own It" to Angie (Rockstar), and Nicole doesn't want to see Tommy get Rockstar'd. Cliff still wants Tommy to go, as he knows Tommy won't take him to final 2.....And Jackson or Holly will? Cliff should have been gone weeks ago to be brutally honest.

Jackson is now telling Cliff what to do is best for his game. Jackson tells us he is going to say whatever it takes to keep Holly in the game. Jackson says his best option is to take Cliff and Nicole to final 3, as people who have fought against adversity. He then says he will lie point blank to Cliff and Nicole's face and not feel bad about it. No chance in hell he will go with them over Holly.

Cliff says he wants to keep Holly, but has to think of something to keep Nicole sweet given his friendship with her. He tells Holly that Tommy is staying, prompting Holly to say she'll do anything to stay. Not sure I like the sound of that. Jackson says when he hears that, all reasoning goes out of the window. Nicole says they are all there by the grace of God, which Holly denies and says they are there by the will of Jackson and Holly. Nicole says she could have hurt them in the double but she didn't. Jackson is worried about getting screwed over by another alliance, like they nearly were before.

But the all hearing Tommy has heard everything that has been said, and off we go for Round 2.....

Tommy admits Cliff was the bigger target, to which Jackson says they have had 4 HoH's between and not once did Jackson go after them. Jackson is worried that Tommy has the jury locked in if he was taken to final 2. Nicole says she would rather finish second than finish third to the golden couple. Now Nicole's voice is going up, as she basically says she knows she would finish third to the golden couple. Where's this Nicole been all season?

Down to 38 minutes before the eviction now, and Nicole is fretting about Jackson or Holly winning the Veto in final 4 week. Cliff thinks he needs to convince Nicole to keep Holly, and continue working with Jackson. Enter Holly, saying like before she would do anything to stay. Cliff then comes straight out and says if she would consider throwing the next HoH if she stays, and Holly if it proves her loyalty then yes.

A few minutes later, Jackson says to Cliff he would take him and Nicole to final 3 with him if he won Veto. Cliff makes Jackson swear to this, but we all know that it's more than likely Cliff himself would get cut. Oh boy, what a tangled web this weaves. Cliff then tells Nicole that they have to get Holly to throw the HoH AND Veto. Holly later agrees to this on the basis that it won't jeopardize Nicole's game.

In the camper, Cliff is now very confident it will be him, Nicole and Jackson in final 3. Cliff is feeling nervous about keeping Tommy in there, especially with the vague warning that Tommy could have the jury votes on lock. Nicole is feeling emotional, but in comes superdouche Jackson to comfort her. Jackson basically says handshakes and deals don't mean anything now, and thanks for keeping Holly.

Back to the HoH comp, and reminder that Jackson is not playing in this one as he is outgoing HoH. By now we already know Holly is safe, but there is a lot of pressure from all sides on her, will she throw this comp and let someone else win or will she try and hang on so she wins it herself.....Let's find out shall we

At the moment Holly is reluctant to throw this comp, and Jackson is getting more frustrated with this. These two are definitely not going to last on the outside.

And just like that it's all over very quickly as Cliff drops, and Holly thinks screw it and jumps off herself, and Nicole is the new HoH. So pleased for Nicole, another comp to add to her resume.

Cliff is really happy that Holly has stuck to her word, but needs to get to work quickly on Nicole to make sure she doesn't turn against him and put him on the block. Jackson, though, is 50/50 as he says if Holly had won that, she would have been safe but he would have been a target. Cliff tells Jackson that if he wins Veto Jackson will be safe

Jackson then tells Holly, he couldn't risk losing her and starts crying. Crocodile tears I might add. He says he regrets hurting Tommy, but is loyal to a fault. He vows not turn his back on Holly. Holly herself then says Tommy was a lover of the game, and will understand.

Before nominations, Cliff confesses to Nicole that he has made a deal with Tommy. Understandably, Nicole is annoyed with this, as Cliff didn't run it by her first. She questions taking the biggest threat to final 3, and Cliff says he made a deal he can't break which Nicole immediately sees through, as it indicates she will be cut at final 3 should Cliff and Jackson get there.

Nominations ceremony

As expected, Nicole puts the golden couple on the block. As she rightly points out, the Veto is the stronger power this week, as whoever wins it has the sole nomination to evict. Thankfully Nicole won't be in the mix, as Little Miss Adorable has already made it to finale

Everyone, as expected, is determined to win this Veto. But Holly is still mad about having to throw the HoH for nominations to end up the way they were. Jackson then ends this episode by saying he wants to walk out with Holly with the confetti raining down on him.

So it's all up for grabs as we enter the final Veto comp of the season, and the most important.

Going to be a slobberknocker as we hurtle towards finale week, and a reminder this was the last proper Sunday episode of the season as the final Sunday episode will the usual recap of the season which I won't be covering, as everything is just about covered in previous posts. 

Two new pods from Julie Girl and BB on Blast have dropped, click right here and here and the usual shout out as well for Rob has a Podcast, covering everything about this season. Link to the right

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking.....

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