And finally the moment most have been waiting for, yes citizens it is Double Eviction time
The story so far:
Jackson won HoH, and nominated Jessica and Christie pre-Veto
Much to some viewers disappointment, Tommy then won Veto and to no surprise took his outside connection, Christie, off the chopping block
Cliff was named the replacement, but Jessica was named the main target for this week, but little do they know what is coming with the double eviction.
One pairing will be broke up for sure in this episode, and will follow hot favourite to go first, Jessica, out of the door and into jury.
Reminder, it's one week of Big Brother in one night with HoH, Nominations, Veto, and Eviction and it's all to play for
We kick off proceedings with a short batch of highlights, as in Jackson and Holly already looking ahead thinking they will finish as final 2. Jackson is still hellbent on getting Jessica out, before talking about his final 4 with him, Holly, Nicole and Cliff, but sees Christie and Tommy as an alternative option, providing neither pair find out about the other.
Holly doesn't want to finish 5th or 6th, to which Jackson tells her not to worry as long as the other pairs don't get wise to the situation. Holly warns this could be risky, to which Jackson says 'high risk, high reward'.
Christie suspects that Jackson is working with everyone, and relays her suspicions to Cliff and he agrees with her. She suggests if Jackson and Holly stay in, the less likely the rest of them will make final 2, and decides one of them has to go. Cliff tells us that he needs Jackson and Holly to stay as he needs their vote. He decides to get to Jackson and Holly before Christie does
Fast forward to said conversation, and Jackson works out that Christie may try and get close to Nicole and Cliff warns him that he is being thrown under the bus. Holly figures out that Christie may be a problem, and after this eviction will see what the situation is, as she WON'T leave before Christie.
Back to Julie, and it's now time for the first eviction of the evening and to also inform them of what is happening
Eviction #1
First of all, she tells them there is NO jury battle back, and Jackson can be heard speculating about a double eviction. Julie confirms this and Tommy goes nuts, not sure if it's in a good or bad way though but he does ham it up somewhat.
On to the first eviction, and to no great shock JESSICA is evicted first by a vote of 4-0
Thank god she's gone, and she proves to be as clueless outside of the house as she was in it in her short interview with Julie.
And on we go now to start the process of getting the second person out....
HoH comp
Thin Ice is the name of this comp. Jackson is not eligible to play as outgoing HoH. Quite simply the players have to build their respective ice rink puzzle. The first to do so AND score a goal will be the new HoH.
Is this Nicole's time at long last? You dam bet it is as she is miles ahead of everyone, but hold on she misses the first shot at goal, but no mistake for the second shot
Nicole has finally won a comp, and one of the most important ones, she is the new HoH!!!!!!
During the break, Cliff has a word in her ear about putting up Tommy and Christie, and a quick note here that Tommy hasn't been on the block yet. Christie also has a word with Nicole, but it is looking like it's going to be fruitless.
Nomination ceremony
Tommy finally on the block, as Nicole nominates him and Christie pre-Veto
All systems go as we head into the Veto comp...
Veto competition
What the Bleep? is up next, and if I didn't know better I would swear these two comps tonight have been switched around. But hey ho, on we go, a Veto Tommy or Christie must not win. Holly, Cliff and Nicole, it's down to you.
What this comp entails is that the players will hear playbacks of the jury members containing statements of their time in the house. Each statement will have a word or phrase bleeped out, and Julie will tell them what said word or phrase may be. True or False and all that. The highest scoring player will win the Veto
1. All correct
2. All correct
3. All correct
4. Everyone but Tommy and Jackson are correct
5. Cliff, Nicole and Christie correct
6. Christie and Cliff correct
7. Cliff correct
Cliff wins the Veto, but it should be noted it could have gone to a tie breaker had Christie not changed her answer at the last second.
Veto ceremony
Cliff says he will honour Nicole's nominations, and will NOT use the Veto
Tommy and Christie remain where they are, so looks like it will be fifth time lucky for Christie to go
Eviction #2
To cut a long story short, FINALLY it's Christie heading out the door as Jackson, Holly and Cliff vote to evict her
In her interview with Julie, she is somewhat disappointed saying it wasn't the best move to get her out of there. She thinks Jackson is going to win. She repeats that it should have been Tommy sitting there instead of her, but she hopes Tommy will stay and eventually win.
Then the big question about her and Tommy's connection outside of the house, and she says it was liking having a piece of home in the house and he kept her sane. She reckons it did help her, but it may have appeared suspicious as well. She finishes up saying it was her time to go and she was supposed to get a final 6, and maybe Tommy is supposed to win, and her leaving will help him get there
And that's that for the episode....
Coming up:
Episode 33: A new HoH is crowned, and Swaggy and Bayleigh will be hosting the competition....Lucky us
Episode 34: Power of Veto
Episode 35: Five become the final 4, as another houseguest goes to the jury house
One of the best episodes of the series so far, as Christie FINALLY was evicted, and Nicole finally won a major comp. God, that girl's adorable, and I'm so pleased she finally won a comp.
I think she has done her chances of winning overall the world of good, and look at that Jackson. She managed to do first time of asking what you couldn't in 4 weeks in evicting Christie. Some points in Nicole's favour, as we start on the road to finding out who the final 4 will be for this year
The usual shoutouts to BB on Blast and Julie Girl, and if you have missed their recent pods click here and here, and not forgetting Rob has a Podcast as well, link >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever
Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......
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