Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 30 - HoH and Nominations

We have previously seen:

Holly winning HoH
She then nominated Christie and Nick
Jackson won Veto
He did not use it, and it was Nick evicted by a unanimous vote

Tonight we start on the road to the Double Eviction, can Christie avoid the block this week or if she doesn't, will she manage to escape for a fourth time if nominated?

As stated, Double eviction week is now officially underway, and when we last left them they were literally hanging as an Endurance HoH comp was underway. The only one not participating was Holly as she was outgoing HoH, so therefore not eligible to play.

Julie's gone for the night as we kick off the action, and Nicole is really determined to win this HoH. Poor girl hasn't won anything yet in this season, let's see if luck is on her side this time.

Jackson is saying he doesn't want to win this one, I personally think there has been TOO much power for the golden couple recently. Just wish someone else, preferably a certain adorable young lady, could have a go at HoH.

Continuing with Jackson, he says he would prefer Nicole or Cliff. Definitely Nicole for me, given Cliff's last go at HoH. He definitely doesn't want Tommy to win, as Jackson is fearful about Nicole or Cliff going on the block, as they have a Final 4 deal with Jackson. Obviously quite the opposite, Christie wants Tommy to win. Can't think why......

Cliff is already struggling to stay in this comp, but he is rooting for Nicole to hold on and win. Jessica is putting forward her pitch to why she wants to stay in this competition, but frankly with it being endurance she's got NO chance. 

24 minutes and 5 seconds later, Jessica is first to fall. Quite dramatically I might add, to which it is shown in slow motion many times as that is how over dramatic it was.

At 41 minutes and 56 seconds into the comp, Cliff is next to go and we are down to Nicole, Christie, Tommy and Jackson. Christie then says she is nobody's main target this week. Is she serious? The longer she stays in this comp, the harder it gets. Her words not mine. She then bizarrely decides enough is enough and seems to throw the comp hoping that Tommy wins. Down she goes after 42:26.

Nicole, Jackson and Tommy left now. Looking hopeful Nicole will actually do this. She spots Tommy shaking, and is determined to stay on as she feels if Tommy goes then Jackson will fall shortly afterwards.

Lots of encouragement from the sidelines for Nicole, the girl deserves a break and hopefully this is it. Tommy is really hurting at this point, but just won't drop. Neither will Nicole, as she keeps holding on for dear life.....But disaster strikes as Nicole does eventually fall at 49:08.

And yes she is crying, and she's got good reason to as well as she just wants to hear from her family. Holly is worried about Tommy potentially winning this, and is rooting for Jackson as she and Jackson promised to keep Cliff and Nicole safe. Christie is reasonably confident Jackson won't put her up this week if he wins.

A short while later, Tommy finally drops somewhat dubiously allowing Jackson to win the one HoH he didn't want to win. He and Holly know this will only make the target on them much bigger.

Staying with Jackson, and now he is comforting Nicole and is sticking with the deal he made with her and Cliff that they will be safe this week.

Nicole is still pretty disappointed and tells us she wants to put SOMETHING on her Big Brother resume as she hasn't contributed to anything in the house. You gave us those pie pranks, Nicole, and you didn't make a fuss or stamp your feet. That's good enough for me, and also you have integrated your social game pretty well. Surely that's got to count for something as we head towards the endgame. People have won this show without winning comps, something else in your favour.

Jackson has already made up his mind, but then again it was already obvious who he would put up with limited options left. With Nicole and Cliff in his final 4 deal, they're out....Obviously won't put Holly up, and with Tommy it's a promise he wouldn't go up. So it's down to Christie and Jessica.

Jessica? Really? The most useless player this season who is NO threat to anyone.

Jackson tells Cliff he wanted to throw that comp to Nicole, but couldn't take the risk of Tommy winning and Tommy putting up him and Holly. Cliff doesn't seem to agree with Jackson about Christie and Jessica going up, and he says to us it should be Tommy and Christie. Bear in mind the outside connection of Tommy and Christie is still unknown and is not likely to be known for a long while, if ever.

Jackson suggests to Christie about being a pawn again, and needless to say Christie does not take it well. Surprise surprise, she's crying again in the Diary Room. Jackson says Jessica is brilliant, and wants her out. I don't think brilliant is the word I would use, but then again I'm not in there 24/7 with them. He tells Christie that he doesn't want people to know they are working together, and also that their particular deal is done. He says Jessica is good at mental comps, and doesn't see Christie as the main target. He then claims Cliff will vote Jessica out, and Nicole will follow his lead. For now Christie says she trusts Jackson, and has to look like trusting him or it could turn very dangerous.

Now for a crying segment with Nicole and Christie, again Nicole got more right to cry than Christie. I suspect Nicole would take being a pawn much better than Christie has this whole game. Eventually we get a rare occurrence of BIG BROTHER coming over the loud speaker saying they love the houseguests.

Back to Jackson and Holly, and they come to the agreement that if they get rid of Jessica this week, they will slip into the shadows and let Christie/Tommy v Nicole/Cliff pick each other off. Holly also suggest it may be better to get rid of Christie. Good thinking, Holly. I can't wait for this particular showmance to be split up, hopefully Jackson out before Holly so we can see what she can offer in these closing stages, but I have a feeling the answer will be not much.

Next up, Cliff offers to be the pawn this week, which pleases Jackson as it may keep the final 4 secret just that. Cliff tells us if he can't trust them to keep him safe, then he is screwed. He is sure he's in it for the endgame. 

Christie and Tommy are licking their wounds after not winning HoH. She relays to him the conversation she had with Jackson, about Jessica being the target, to which he replies that he will not be going up anyway due to a deal with Jackson. She takes umbrage at this, what else is new. Why does she keep having a tantrum when she is close to being or actually being on the block. She then thinks Cliff and Nicole are working with Jackson and Holly, to which Tommy wonders why they are not going on the block.

Now we move into a Cliff monologue where he basically uses the camera to talk to his family, have to say he really is gunning for the consolation prize of America's Favourite Houseguest. Nicole should win that. If I had my way, it would be Nicole or Kat, as basically they have been the most entertaining this season whether it be unintentional or not.

Next, we have Jackson and Jessica. He tells her he has two seats to fill in regards to nominations and rolls off some observations in that she is a threat in terms of mental comps. He then says he won't be putting up Holly, and that Tommy, Nicole and Cliff. Jessica puts two and two together, and just repeats the word like. She then tells us it's a load of BS, and wonders if she really is a mental threat. If you told this girl the world was flat, she would probably believe it.

Christie tells Jackson that if she is to go quietly on the block, she needs some answers. First it's who will he put up if Jessica wins Veto (little chance of that I would say), he says Cliff. Does she have the votes to stay, he says yes. Will he break the tie in her favour if she is still on the block when the vote comes along, and wants some reassurances. At this point, Christie says she is biting her tongue so hard her mouth is bleeding. Jackson doesn't promise to keep her over Cliff. Jackson claims Christie would gladly take fifth, but until then she's no threat.

Seriously Jackson? You are going to get rid of Jessica, who you would probably win against, as opposed to one of the biggest threats still in there? I just can't with some of these decisions this season.

Nominations ceremony

As expected it is CHRISTIE and JESSICA on the block pre Veto. He claims they are the two that stand between him and the grand prize, and that they are the two biggest mental threats. Jessica is his main target, but wouldn't be sad to see Christie go out the door.

Jessica is determined to win the Veto, and it's a fourth week for Christie on the block with Tommy feeling sad if she goes saying he will be alone and partially responsible. I wouldn't be too disappointed, Tommy, you are probably going to win anyway. 

Christie then tears up the deal she and Jackson made as he as put her on the block again, saying no more working with Jackson and Holly.

To be continued in episode 31, when it will be Power of Veto time, and then in case you missed it in Episode 32 the double eviction arrives, with one week of Big Brother in one night

And so that is it for another episode, and if you missed BB on Blast or Julie Girl's latest pods click here and here

Don't forget Rob has a Podcast, they always have something on the go for this series so check them out via the link over there >>>>>>>>>>>>

Follow me on Twitter at richiewever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking......

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