Xavier wins Big brother USA 2021. Tiffany wins AFP.

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Big Brother USA 2019 - Episode 35 - Final 5 eviction

5 become 4, as we take another huge step towards crowning this years winner

In case you missed it:

Jackson won HoH and nominated Tommy and Cliff
Nicole won Veto and used it on Cliff, and Holly was named as the replacement

Everyone has now touched the block at least once this season, and it all comes down to Nicole and Cliff to decide who from Holly or Tommy will join the jury, and miss out on the final 4

So, it's all to play for as evicting either one carries considerable risk, lots for Nicole and Cliff to think about, plus Tommy has come clean to Jackson and Holly about his biggest secret, as in knowing Christie for many years.

We pick up the action after the Veto ceremony, and Holly says she trusts Nicole and Cliff and is happy working with them. Tommy thinks he has a faint chance of staying in, and has to convince Nicole and Cliff to break up the showmance.

Nicole and Cliff are still weighing up the possibilities and pitfalls of whatever decision they make soon. The conversation is going back and forth, as Cliff assures Nicole they are a team. He suggests to Nicole that if they keep Tommy, they could talk him into getting rid of Jackson. Nicole thinks Jackson will win in any final 2 scenario, no matter who he is against. Cliff comes up with the assumption that Tommy and Jackson could be working together, and thinks Tommy will have to make some concrete promises.

Tommy tells Cliff and Nicole, if he stays then he will 100% throw the next HoH competition to them. But there is a danger of Jackson winning Veto, and Tommy would go to the final 3 in that instance.

Cliff tells Jackson is looking both ways, and talked to Tommy more than he has, but doesn't know what kind of deals Tommy has been making, making Nicole a bit concerned she could be the odd one out in a final 4. Cliff is worried about a plan he made and that Jackson may be mad at him and Nicole afterwards.

The showmance are talking Jackson's conversation with Cliff. Holly reassures him the final 4 deal is set in stone and hands have been shaken many times over. Jackson says there are many reasons to keep Holly, and he would feel safer if Holly stays and won't quit on her.

And so here we go, Tommy has now decided to tell Cliff and Nicole his biggest secret, but keeps getting interrupted by Jackson wanting to have a shower. So Tommy takes Nicole and Cliff to the Have Not room, and reveals that he told Jackson and Holly a few days ago and he wanted Nicole and Cliff to hear it from his own mouth. Nicole admires his honesty, but there is a matter of a red flag keeping that secret for so long.

Now everyone knows, they are discussing it together. Jackson says it could be a guaranteed vote from Christie if Tommy stays in and she would campaign hard to the jury so he wins. Jackson thinks Christie could easily flip a jury vote given the chance. Cliff is now becoming more certain Tommy has to go, to prevent that scenario.

Cliff and Jackson talk about a pre existing deal, and Jackson claims it would be a slap in the face if Tommy is kept over Holly, to which Cliff claims he is not playing on a personal level. Jackson says keeping Tommy does not make much sense, and is really fed up with trusting people and then getting burned. He then makes it clear he will be gunning for Nicole and Cliff should Holly go.

Jackson spots Tommy going to the Have Not room to speak to Nicole and Cliff, and goes to put his ear to the door.Tommy enquires what the plan will be if Nicole and Cliff keep him, and what is on offer. Nicole is concerned Tommy would do a 360 on her and Cliff, and go and work with Jackson. Tommy says that is not the case, and wants to prove himself to them in the event they keep him, they would owe him.

But at the same time,Jackson creeps back to the HoH room, and concocts a little plan of his own. He comes up with the plan of making Nicole and Cliff believe Tommy would stick with him from the flimsy evidence from the conversation he just heard, there is a chance they could believe it. Jackson asks straight out to Nicole if Tommy is throwing the HoH, and then says Tommy is working both sides so he can get Cliff out, and Nicole would be a better fit in final 3.

Cliff expresses some concerns about the final 3, and Jackson tells him and Nicole that Tommy thought Jackson was a threat. Nicole is sort of unhappy and says she doesn't like people thinking she is stupid. She wants to call a house meeting, and Jackson suggests the next day. Nicole has now heard two stories and has to decide which path to go down.

Julie says we will see this house meeting on the next episode, and there will be a small preview at the end of this episode including Jackson and Tommy going toe to toe.... Meanwhile it's time to get down to the more pressing business.


Usual save me speeches, and it will only be Nicole and Cliff voting as Tommy and Holly are nominees, and Jackson as HoH will only vote if the vote ends up 1-1

And Nicole and Cliff have decided to evict......TOMMY

In his interview with Julie, Tommy says he knew about Jackson's lies and respects him. Julie asks him if Nicole and Cliff did the right thing to which Tommy says he will see, and that he was more than happy to go to final 3 with them. He wants to root for them as the underdogs, and this was the best summer of his life

Tommy says he felt very much alone, and that was the main reason he revealed his outside association with Christie. His allies had gone and the walls closed in on him. In hindsight, he says maybe it was a mistake to reveal his biggest secret. He says he loves Big Brother, and grateful. If he had control he would have taken Nicole, and she makes great game moves with emotion.

HoH comp

Welcome to Big Brother Stunt Camp. What this comp entails is that the players will stand on the disc attached to the rope, and this comp is named Crash and Turn and it is endurance. Basically hold on for as long as possible while the ropes go around the backyard and there will be plenty of crashes. Whoever is left standing is the new HoH.

We are then shown an exclusive clip of Tommy and Jackson's argument, to which Holly is brought into and it does get kind of fierce. Tune in for episode 36, when we find out what happens in this argument in full, and also there will be a final 4 HoH crowned and that winner will win their place in the finale

In a slight correction, BB on Blast will be bringing out their new pod a little later than expected, and the link will be posted in the next post.

Meanwhile, don't forget Rob has a Podcast which will cover just about everything happening this week, the link is that a way >>>>>>>>>>>

Follow me on Twitter at richiew4ever

Until next time, stay frosty and keep on rocking........

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